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Blue tint in aquarium.

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So I have noticed for a while even when it was a 10g aquarium i had this blue tint of water. About 2 months ago i upgraded to a 20g and still have that blue tint. The 10g had crazy bad blue algae issues from what i could tell, the algae matted the substrate and other decor and covered all my hornwort. So i obvioiusly still have BGA since i used all the same filters etc into the 20g. So my question is could the blue tint be caused by that BGA or is it even a problem at all. About 2 weeks ago i had a really bad detritus worm boom and have been doing way more gravel vacs and water changes and i have gotten the population way way down and the water is much more clear but that tint still remains or could it just be looking into an aquarium long ways it will never be clear because when i look at it normally from the front there is no issue with a blue tint just from the sides. 

200 tds

0 ammonia

0 nitrites

5 nitrates

4 kh

8 gh

Stock. hillstream loaches and otto's.

bga help.jpg

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Are we sure its the water and not the light? If you have a blue heavy light, it would make the water appear bluish.  From that picture, it looks like normal water to me. Clarity is great.

Edited by NOLANANO
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You might try adding a water clarifier, or more mechanical filtration to polish your water.

When looking lengthwise through side of the aquarium you are looking through more water.  If the problem is fine particles in the water, you will see more particles.  This is the same thing you might see in a swimming pool.  The blue tint could be from room lighting, or the aquarium lights.  I never use the 'moonlight' function on my aquarium lights because the normally clear water becomes hazy. 

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Scoop some tank water into a white mug - does is still look blue? 

Algae loves blue light - so I think the points about your tank light possibly having too much blue spectrum is also worth considering. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I did change the settings and the haze is still there its not as blue without the blue and red lights on but still a hint. I have turned down the light since and its sorta better but not all gone but that can just be the light turned down. @NOLANANO

I have 2 sponge filters and a power head with a intake on it. I want to replace the sponge filter at the end with a better one though maybe that would help. @Tanked

Edited by goodjobchamp
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Get yourself a white container like a sour cream container, get a scoop of water in it. This will tell you what color the haze is. White = bacterial bloom. Brown = tannins, Green = Green Water, blue = meds. etc.

Once you're sure what color the water is, if it is a color. Then you can try and solve for it. You may just find it's physical debris particles and the blue light is reflecting off it. Could be as simple as changing food types that solves it.

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On 5/15/2024 at 2:13 PM, Cory said:

Get yourself a white container like a sour cream container, get a scoop of water in it. This will tell you what color the haze is. White = bacterial bloom. Brown = tannins, Green = Green Water, blue = meds. etc.

Once you're sure what color the water is, if it is a color. Then you can try and solve for it. You may just find it's physical debris particles and the blue light is reflecting off it. Could be as simple as changing food types that solves it.


So in a white cup the water looked tinge of brown/yellow but in the sunlight was clear so im not sure exactly. 

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On 5/16/2024 at 9:54 AM, goodjobchamp said:


So in a white cup the water looked tinge of brown/yellow but in the sunlight was clear so im not sure exactly. 

Do you have wood in your aquarium? If so I'd chalk it up to tannins is culprit. @goodjobchamp

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I do have 2 small peices of wood that have been in there for about 6 months so maybe they are still leaching tannins. The whole reason im worried about the haze in the water is because i have been dealing with hillstream loaches doing a flash every now and then. I was wondering if that could be a display thing aswell because i dont ever see them do it on their own they typically do it when each one has a rock and they are staring at eachother. They will start getting annoyed and jolting side to side on the rock to intimidate the other and every now and then one will do a swoop not all the time they rub against the rocks but sometimes they do. But as i said they never really do it in a corner by themselves. If you have any insight on that i would appreciate it. @Cory

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If they look healthy they probably are. Plenty of people do harm chasing something that might be a problem. I don't think this is a problem.

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Ya they all seem healthy eating etc. I just upped my water changes as a way to combat it and lowered feeding to every other day to see if the haze would go away on its own before I over react. Thank you for your response I appreciate it. 

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