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Purigen Regeneration


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I'm just joining the forum, so excuse me if I repeat a previous question. I'm using Purigen in my planted community tank with great results. But after I regenerate it with plain Clorox and neutralize with API Tap Water Conditioner, the pouch has an unbelievably horrible odor. I've also used Prime to neutralize with the same results. Is this normal or have I done something wrong?

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I've noticed the dry pouch smells bad, but I wouldn't say horrid. Early on I did find that I wasn't getting good regen (through to the middle of the pouch) with a single soak. If you shake the regenerated pouch up a bit (gently), and move some of the inner granules to the outside, are they still very beige inside, while the outside is new and cream colored? It might be that you're just not getting it thoroughly refreshed. 

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When you say horrible, do you mean like dead fish? That is what mine smells like after I do the regeneration process for whatever reason, doesn't matter what dechlorinator I use after. I haven't had an issue when I put them back in my filter when they smell like that. 

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MattyM, I did contact Seachem and he wasn't able to tell me much about the smell.

TOtrees, The pouch is uniformly cream colored, so that part is OK.

cmo1922, Yes, it smells like dead fish. It stinks up my entire shop area. But glad to hear that it still works OK.

Thanks, all of you!

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On 4/24/2024 at 12:46 PM, Plursa said:

Thank you johnnyxxl. But that doesn't address the horrid odor left in the pouch, even when dry. Anybody else had that happen?

Yes it is quite putrid with a fishy smell. I placed mine in a ziploc after regeneration. I also buffered the solution as per Seachem’s instruction. You get the smell no matter the treatment. 

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On 4/25/2024 at 10:14 PM, Rewcolee1 said:

I may be in the minority in my thinking, but why run the risk of regenerating Purigen? It is not horribly expensive and so many things could go wrong. I just stock up when it’s on sale at PetSmart.

This might be true if you only have 1 purigen, but I have 3 right now and that would cost $45. Also I have lots of driftwood so they get dirty quick. I do them all at once in batches and it isn’t that much effort.

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Believe me there is a distinct difference. It smells like putrid rotten fish and dog pee. The conditioner only smells slightly fishy. But on the bright side, I placed one of the rejuvenated pouches in the filter yesterday and today the tank is clear and everyone is happy! No smell in the tank!

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