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Whitecloud09’s 5 gallon aquascape

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I have an empty tank……a 5g, but there should be no empty tanks so I am starting this to show the progress of my 5g tank, my betta died a week ago, so now it is  COMPLETELY empty with the HOB sitting there. I have no pics because it is just completely empty (no point) and I am still deciding on what to do with it and also another thing, the super long process of the fishless cycle.     I am open to suggestions like, what kind of fish to put in, how to decorate it, and helping me when I ask some Qs if you can. I might not post for a bit because I am still trying to find what I need for it and setting up and prepping for this tank, it will be planted btw and there you go, here is a pic of what it used to look like down  below. Thanks for reading this through to the end and yeah not much more to say lol. 🙂



Edited by Whitecloud09
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1. That stand looks sketchy to me. Are you sure it can handle the weight of the tank?

2. If your betta only died a week ago your tank still probably has significant colonies of beneficial bacteria. Also, since you have another tank with cycled media you can use that to pretty much instantly cycle new tanks.

3. I would strongly recommend upgrading the substrate and lighting to grow plants. I have nicrew and aquaneat leds both of which are less than $20 on Amazon and grow plants well.

I always thought a densely planted 5 gallon would look great with a some sparkling gourami.

Edited by macdaddy36
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On 4/2/2024 at 9:21 PM, macdaddy36 said:

1. That stand looks sketchy to me. Are you sure it can handle the weight of the tank?

2. If your betta only died a week ago your tank still probably has significant colonies of beneficial bacteria. Also, since you have another tank with cycled media you can use that to pretty much instantly cycle new tanks.

3. I would strongly recommend upgrading the substrate and lighting to grow plants. I have nicrew and aquaneat leds both of which are less than $20 on Amazon and grow plants well.

I always thought a densely planted 5 gallon would look great with a some sparkling gourami.

Yeah it does but I am getting a new one that is sturdy before I fill it up @macdaddy36, I will upgrade substrate and all that too, thanks for the suggestions!

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Posted (edited)
On 4/4/2024 at 5:15 AM, FLFishChik said:

I’m so sorry about your Betta! 

what about Chili Rasbora or Green Neon Tetras? A group of 5-6 in a planted tank would be so cute!


Thanks, those sound cool! Thanks for the suggestion @FLFishChik! Yep @Ladette, I love the thought of redoing everything on a tank, so the mistakes you made last time, you can fix! Yes, he was only 2, had sickness pretty much since I had him, he fought hard but now, RIP Sonic…..

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On 4/4/2024 at 3:00 PM, Whitecloud09 said:

Oh and can anybody suggest gravel ideas? Black sounds good but any thoughts? Thanks everyone. 

This isn’t gravel, but I like to use sand for my tanks. In my opinion it looks more natural and grows plants better. I’ve tried different things in the past but what I like the best is fluval stratum in a mesh ziplock bag covered in carib-sea supernaturals tan sand. They have other colors too. I would estimate that setup would only be about $30 for a 5 gallon.

Edited by macdaddy36
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On 4/4/2024 at 3:12 PM, macdaddy36 said:

This isn’t gravel, but I like to use sand for my tanks. In my opinion it looks more natural and grows plants better. I’ve tried different things in the past but what I like the best is fluval stratum in a mesh ziplock bag covered in carib-sea supernaturals tan sand. They have other colors too. I would estimate that setup would only be about $30 for a 5 gallon.

Thanks a lot, @macdaddy36, i will defintley look into that! Yes for a 5 gallon your budget can expand as it is not too expensive.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On 5/16/2024 at 7:03 AM, Whitecloud09 said:

Interesting idea, thanks @johnnyxxl!

I originally went this way because I had to use so much substrate for the tank and it is a bit of work because you have to wash it out first.  But mixed up it looks so good and with my heavy planting very much a river bed, at least like what I saw up north in the great lakes region 

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Posted (edited)

hey Whitecloud09 here are some pictures of my 5 gallon. I need to do some better algae pickup but my setup seems fine
I have 1 Dwarf aquarium lily, it sent up lily pads recently they look very pretty. I also have 1 bronze corydora (I know they are supposed to be in groups but I didn't know that when I bought it three years ago...) I am also trying to bring back a Val runner but it seems no bueno. 

I eventually want to put some shrimp or rasboras in here and move my Cory to my 20 gallon with some buddies.

I would recommend a dwarf lily to you because its beautiful red coloring and it enjoys liquid ferts and it has rooted very well in my playground sand substrate. 





Edited by CoryWithAKatana
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On 5/21/2024 at 3:39 PM, CoryWithAKatana said:

hey Whitecloud09 here are some pictures of my 5 gallon. I need to do some better algae pickup but my setup seems fine
I have 1 Dwarf aquarium lily, it sent up lily pads recently they look very pretty. I also have 1 bronze corydora (I know they are supposed to be in groups but I didn't know that when I bought it three years ago...) I am also trying to bring back a Val runner but it seems no bueno. 

I eventually want to put some shrimp or rasboras in here and move my Cory to my 20 gallon with some buddies.

I would recommend a dwarf lily to you because its beautiful red coloring and it enjoys liquid ferts and it has rooted very well in my playground sand substrate. 





Thanks a ton @CoryWithAKatana, I will look into that! Thanks for all the cool plant recommendations. Algae is so annoying, I have it everywhere in a 10g I have. Thanks for the 3rd time!!

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Could someone maybe recommend fish for this tank? But first, here is what is going through my mind, 2 options. Get a 10g and have this as a QT tank, or just make this the most beautiful tank I’ve owned, I am thinking number 2. So, could anybody recommend fish options, I know I know, not a lot of options I’ll tell you that. Maybe something different then my WCMMs? And maybe someone scape ideas possibly? I am wanting the most natural looking tank, loaded with plants and driftwood, probably sand, maybe like a mix of sand? Thanks guys

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I agree, I think it’s cool to see how much you can do with a 5g. Plant it up really nicely with some sort of scape and throw in some small schooling fish (like micro Rasboras or small tetras) or a centerpiece wet pet like another Betta or a pea puffer or a scarlet badis or something cool like that!

And it would be fun to have a little colony of shrimp on the bottom if you’ve never tried them 🙂

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On 5/24/2024 at 7:47 PM, EricksonAquatics said:

I agree, I think it’s cool to see how much you can do with a 5g. Plant it up really nicely with some sort of scape and throw in some small schooling fish (like micro Rasboras or small tetras) or a centerpiece wet pet like another Betta or a pea puffer or a scarlet badis or something cool like that!

And it would be fun to have a little colony of shrimp on the bottom if you’ve never tried them 🙂

Yes I have never tried them! Cool, thanks!

On 5/24/2024 at 5:28 PM, Tony s said:

I like #2. possibly with the same kind of fish it had before. plant it up to look amazing and they'll really appreciate it.

Yep, exactly what I was thinking, thanks! I have some insane  ideas! This vid from prime time is awesome and motivated me to doing something with driftwood and sand! These tanks 😦


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  • 4 weeks later...

 This time, I am going to setup the tank! I am going to use the stand inthe picture. I am almost certain it will hold it. It looks sketchy, but held it last year with no problem. Now I just need the money 🤣🤣🤣🤣. My bank account is broke from buying stuff for my 20g and 10g. But don’t worry, this will be my summer project! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nearing set up! Have found a spot, next is a table. Then I can easily set it up, and on a budget! I’m thinking gravel this time, or sand. Idk. I am doin sand for my 20, so we’ll see, maybe black gravel with a background. Suggestions anybody?

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Black gravel will really bring out the color in any of your fish, especially if you get a betta fish (which I would 100% recommend btw) if you aren't getting a betta I would go with regular gravel or sand. Ive never done backgrounds b4 so I can't give you any suggestions on that. 

Send pictures when you can!

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On 7/1/2024 at 2:32 AM, CoryWithAKatana said:

Black gravel will really bring out the color in any of your fish, especially if you get a betta fish (which I would 100% recommend btw) if you aren't getting a betta I would go with regular gravel or sand. Ive never done backgrounds b4 so I can't give you any suggestions on that. 

Send pictures when you can!

Thank you @CoryWithAKatana! Great suggestion, and ya i have been thinking of giving the betta thing, a 3rd shot, three times the charm lol. (both of the previous bettas died, in younger age, but i learned a ton) Again, thanks! 

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