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Inactive Nerite Snail (Previously Guppy Fin Clamp)


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I thought you said that, but wanted to double check. I haven't had any luck getting guppies from there to stay alive. but I was reading a reply that @Cory gave to someone, and he mentioned his guppies. How he treats his batches of guppies with ich-x and maracyn to clear any issues. Presumably on getting each new batch. I haven't tried that but it does sound promising . Maybe it would work on Petsmart guppies as well. Or maybe not, but worth the attempt

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I don't have any of those medications, but if you could provide me with the links to the discussions where people have had success or failure with it, I might be able to determine if they are worth it or not. Currently, for new fish, I just use aquarium salt, but maybe the Quarantine Medication Trio will be more effective for this kind of thing. I will have to do a little more research, though. Thank you for your help.

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On 5/9/2024 at 9:13 PM, Guupy42 said:

Quarantine Medication Trio will be more effective for this kind of thing

You can try it, but honestly I’m not a fan of using meds at less than full doses. Doing that leads to antibiotic resistance. I much prefer to use meds at full doses and that eliminates the pathogen the right way. In my industry resistance is becoming a very serious issue, and the discovery rate of new drugs is not keeping up. I believe the same thing is happening in the aquarium industry as well. I do know the erythromycin in maracyn and petsmarts brand of erythromycin is no longer as effective as it should be. 

and always use your carbon to remove meds before dumping the water.

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Your water parameters are fine possible pH higher than you would want I don't think that would be causing the issue your seeing liverbears are prone parasitic infections first thing I would do is treat with levamisole active ingredient in expel p once a week for 4 weeks and go from there 

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Posted (edited)

Unfortunately, the fish passed away overnight. He came with a group of fish that all had problems (One died of Columnaris and the other died of Fin Clamping). I would like to know more about fin clamping as a symptoms, though. I have had many fish experience it, and it's always a different cause. Is it possible to explain Fin Clamping using simpler terms, and if the fish's fin is clamped, what is it a definite sign of? Thank you for your help.

The Endlers will hopefully be fine, as they are still new to this environment and don't know the guppy that died as much yet, so they can't fall into the cycle of depression. (One fish dies, another gets stressed from the loss, he dies, the cycle repeats) They will probably be fine, it's just that they haven't adjusted to the new tank yet.

Also, for some reason, I have lost a lot of fish through the past few months, does anyone have any idea of what is happening? I feel like it is something similar to that "Always Problems" discussion you mentioned, @Tony s.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a question about my cuttlebone. With my water change this week, I took out the old one, as pieces of it were flaking off, and it looked slightly discolored, darker on some areas. Should I introduce another cuttlebone or is it okay to leave it out? Both of the Endlers Guppies are really healthy, and they can probably easily adjust to the lower GH levels, but I am still not sure what I should do. What do you think, @Tony s?

Another benefit I can think of is to provide calcium for my Nerite Snail. Will it affect my plants in any way?

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Your plants should be fine. The nerite is the one that likes a higher gh and ph. As long as you can keep the ph above 7 and the gh above 7 they should be good 


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On 5/10/2024 at 7:45 AM, Guupy42 said:

for some reason, I have lost a lot of fish through the past few months, does anyone have any idea of what is happening

Sorry, I lost this post. If the fish you lost came from petco/petsmart, probably wasn’t anything you could have done. They have basic genetic problems in their neon tetras, all their guppies, and sometimes mollies. I lose 70% of neons I buy there. And all my guppies, every time. That’s why I sourced out some higher end guppies for my daughter. So far they have been doing great. She’s going to start looking for babies anytime. Your endlers should be good. They haven’t been as popular for that long and the genetics haven’t been messed with enough to cause problems, yet.

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On 5/20/2024 at 2:02 PM, sumplkrum said:

Here's the med trio

Yeah, I'm not a fan of this at all. Meds should be done at full strength, or not at all. Doing less than full strength leads to antibiotic resistance. It's just a bad procedure. that being said most fish should be quarantined for at least a month anyways. Then when you see something you treat for it. antibiotic resistance is actually a huge thing right now. it's one of the reasons erythromycin is basically useless in treating diseases. In the animal industry in general we've lost a huge number of meds.


but it really does go deeper than that. neither the neons or the guppies would have made it through quarantine. now the neons that do actually live last a normal lifespan. the guppies never survive for long. it really is about poor genetics at this point.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, I know this thread is getting really off topic now, but I have some more questions about GH and cuttlebone.

On 5/20/2024 at 8:25 AM, Tony s said:

The nerite is the one that likes a higher gh and ph.

My Nerite Snail recently started getting less active than usual, and was growing a slime coat on his shell, so I tested the water. Both the pH and KH were high, as usual, but the GH had dropped down to 75ppm again. I introduced a new cuttlebone, and he got active again, but is back to his spot on the bottom of the wall again this morning. I know they are nocturnal, and it shouldn't be something of too much concern, but I am not sure if he will be as active tonight. Could it be an issue in the water hardness, or could it be something else stressing him out?

Also, since I have used up one cuttlebone, and the second one is already in the HOB, I might look into some crushed coral. I want to know more about it, is it sustainably harvested? How do I use it, and how long will a bag last? Thanks in advance.

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On 5/30/2024 at 9:01 AM, Guupy42 said:

is it sustainably harvested

I have no idea. But have heard that it’s actually mined from dry land deposits. Kind of the same way we would harvest limestone for calcium. Personally, when I remineralize my Ro. I use seachem equilibrium. And get my gh set before I add it to the tank. That way I can keep it stable. The only gh is what I add to the tank. 

haven’t kept a lot of nerites, but have kept a ton of mystery. Sometimes they just rest. Sometimes they are busy going everywhere. Have caught mine riding upside down on floating plants. Jumping from the top of things to float down happens often.

Have you got enough algae for food. A couple of my tanks won’t grow algae. So need wafers for food. 

the other issue you may have. All nerite snails are wild caught. So nobody really knows how old they are. You could have an old snail and have no idea. 

So for the coral. A mesh bag in back of the hob is easiest. How long it last depends on your tank. The less it has the faster it will use it. 

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On 5/30/2024 at 9:24 AM, Tony s said:

Have you got enough algae for food. A couple of my tanks won’t grow algae. So need wafers for food. 

I recently did try to give mine some Algae Wafers, but the Endler Guppies got curious, and started poking around the wafer. I think this might have stressed the snail out even more. I could try again, though, if it could help. I have also been trying to give my tank a little more light, to grow a little more algae. The Nitrates have also been higher (20 ppm on my test yesterday), which is good for plants and algae growth.

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On 5/30/2024 at 9:01 AM, Guupy42 said:

          how long will a bag last? 

This is what I read on the  aquarium coop website about it.

We find that crushed coral inside the aquarium may need to be replaced every 1-2 yearsdepending on how low the pH of the tap water is. If using crushed coral in a filter, it will dissolve faster. This means you'll usually use smaller amounts, but replace it more frequently.

On 5/30/2024 at 10:28 AM, Guupy42 said:

I recently did try to give mine some Algae Wafers, but the Endler Guppies got curious, and started poking around the wafer. I think this might have stressed the snail out even more. I could try again, though, if it could help. I have also been trying to give my tank a little more light, to grow a little more algae. The Nitrates have also been higher (20 ppm on my test yesterday), which is good for plants and algae growth.

More light can do it. My light is really bright and because of that my nerite a lot of different types of algae to work on he stays busy.

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I added an algae wafer successfully last night, and I am pretty sure my Nerite got some. I did see him going a lot faster, and the Algae Wafer was squished this morning. He is nowhere to be found right now, though. I think he is getting better.

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There are some brown particles on my Nerite Snail, is this normal? I am planning to scrub it off, because I think it's diatom algae. He has been inactive for a while, giving algae or biofilm some time to grow on his shell.

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On 6/1/2024 at 8:49 AM, Guupy42 said:

There are some brown particles on my Nerite Snail, is this normal? I am planning to scrub it off, because I think it's diatom algae. He has been inactive for a while, giving algae or biofilm some time to grow on his shell.

Yes mine has it too. All you have to do is rub it off, mine has some algae on its shell, i a, going to rub it off as soon as possible @Guupy42. Pictures? If you can? 

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Posted (edited)

Right now, the snail is constantly hiding, so it is harder to get a picture. During water change this morning, I did use my finger and toothbrush to get the algae off. Another question, @Whitecloud09, does your snail get lethargic or slow because of the algae on its shell? I am thinking that the diatoms could be the reason of his inactivity. I will see how he does tonight. Thank you for the help.

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On 6/1/2024 at 3:40 PM, Guupy42 said:

Right now, the snail is constantly hiding, so it is harder to get a picture. During water change this morning, I did use my finger and toothbrush to get the algae off. Another question, @Whitecloud09, does your snail get lethargic or slow because of the algae on its shell? I am thinking that the diatoms could be the reason of his inactivity. I will see how he does tonight. Thank you for the help.

Sorry for late reply, no he is a speedster still, but I have not seen him in a day, he hides a lot, and when he comes out, it is the middle of the night. He is still very active. He even has green algae on him too. 

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On 6/1/2024 at 8:26 PM, Whitecloud09 said:

he hides a lot, and when he comes out, it is the middle of the night.

This is the most concerning part of my snail's behavior. I know they sleep in the day, but normally, mine would come out at around 8:00 or 9:00 PM. Now his schedule has been shifted back, and I only start seeing him active at around 10:00 PM. He also hasn't been moving as fast as he used to be able to, when he is active.

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Unfortunately, I don't think he moved last night. I gave him another algae wafer, but he wouldn't eat it. This morning, he is in the same spot as he was last night. Can anyone help my Nerite snail?

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Posted (edited)
On 6/2/2024 at 8:42 AM, Guupy42 said:

Can anyone help my Nerite snail?

Sometimes they just rest. Sometimes there’s nothing we can do. If your water is perfect for the snail and you offer food, you’re doing everything right for him. The problem is since nerites are all wild caught we have no idea how old he really is. And snails have short lives anyway. I know that’s not what you want to hear. But it’s a possibility. Hopefully he’s just resting. My clutch of mystery’s I hatched out 18 months ago is also starting to pass. It’s just part of the whole aquarium deal. You have them from young. You watch them grow. And you respect them when they go. It’s honestly beautiful, but sad. Hopefully though, yours is just resting now. Enjoying his new tank.

Oh, on the algae on snail thing. Mine have algae on lots and no algae on a few. I don’t believe it’s harmful in any way. Sometimes mine ride each other, eating the other ones algae.

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On 6/2/2024 at 12:57 PM, Whitecloud09 said:

Do you have hard or soft water? I didn’t read the beginning of this topic. If soft, crushed coral works, if hard you don’t really need anything but a good calcium diet. Idk the water hardness though, I will read and see. @Guupy42.

The water is soft, but I recently introduced a cuttlebone to the HOB, hopefully that will help.

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