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FLFishChik’s 75g Journey

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For the last 2 years, I’ve had several tanks -  a 3g Ramshorn farm, 5g Bladder snail farm ( both to grow food for Pea Puffers that sadly did not survive), a 5g Betta tank, a 10g glofish tank in my husbands Man Cave (if it gets him interested in my hobby, I’m down for it) and the biggest being my 29g. I’ve enjoyed all of them, so naturally, I wanted to go bigger.

 I decided last year that maybe it was time to move up to a “Big Girl” tank and decided I would wait until Petco had their major tank sale and I’d buy a 55g tank. Well, the sale happened and imagine my husband’s surprise when instead of the 55g, I brought home a 75g tank. Just so happened that Petsmart was having a sale on stands, so grabbed one of those too. 

 He just rolled his eyes. “How am I not surprised?” Was his only comment. Anyway, I was saving up for equipment and hardscape… but life happens. Husband spent time in the hospital… then was on life support… then recovering… then back in hospital and so forth and so on. The tank sat empty on its stand in the living room for 8 months, housing some artwork my mother had painted. Suddenly, a new aquarium was not a priority nor nearly as important as making sure the very person who has been supportive of my hobby’s health and life quality was. 

 After awhile, life became settled (or as much as can be expected) again..  new routines are established and though life is a permanently different for us, Husband has encouraged me to once again work on the 75g. 

so, here I am. Equipment purchased, substrate, hardscape and plants in, tank filled and now begins the cycling journey. In the meantime, I can get my final stocking list set and look forward to evenings relaxing on the sofa and watching the fish swim.







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Well..  24 hours in and we’re in our “Bacterial Bloom” phase. Woot (trying to find joy in all phases of the process 😁


giving the temperature in the tank time to stabilize before moving filter media over from the 29g.



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Well, transferred some bio rings from the 29g into the new filter and also added a good dose of Stability. Initial bacterial bloom is fading but we’ve now entered “Wood Fungus” phase. Exciting stuff. 

  Noticed a little bit of Crypt melt happening, but hopefully won’t be too bad having given each planted Crypt it’s very own ACO root tab and dosed the tank with Easy Green liquid and Iron. The Corkscrew Val came in looking really rough, hoping it will make it. 

 Got an ammonia spike going so now it’s just a waiting game of “when will nitrites rise”. 






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Got Peppered Corydoras on order. They’ll hang out in another tank for a bit until this tank it finished cycling. Could add a bottle of AquaSafe Plus and add them to the 75g - have had a lot of success with that approach so we will decide later.

  Corkscrew Val seems to be hanging in. Upped my lighting and added EG ti the tank hoping overall melt won’t be too bad. Crypts have a little melt.. couple of Buce have completely melted- hoping they will bounce back. Moved a reg Bal from the 29g into the tank that hadn’t grown very much because it was being overshadowed by the Aponogeton. Maybe it will take off now that it has access to lots of light.





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And we have our first fish in the tank!

After adding filter media from another tank, some pre-cycled sand, some rocks from another tank and a healthy dose of bottled bacteria… we are cycled! Will continue to monitor water daily for the next couple of weeks just to make sure all is well before adding the next group of fish. 

 Order 12 Peppered Cory from Aqua Huna and all arrived alive and in good condition. The 12 of them look so lost in this 75g tank, but they’ll get bigger and eventually have some roommates. Took my time to acclimate them since they’re coming from soft water in Seattle to basically liquid rock here in Florida. They settled in rather quickly once in the tank. I’ve never owned this big of a Cory group and it’s amazing how different they are when in a larger group. 

Plant melt seems to have stopped and new little leaves are forming on the Corkscrew Val and a few of the Crypts. . Buce is hanging on. 




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On 3/28/2024 at 8:31 PM, FLFishChik said:

I’ve never owned this big of a Cory group and it’s amazing how different they are when in a larger group. 

I agree, my skunks hid with 6, doubled it to 12 and they’re all over the place. Wonder what 18 would do. You’ll like the paleatus, I have them in another tank 

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Posted (edited)
On 3/28/2024 at 11:43 PM, Tony s said:

I agree, my skunks hid with 6, doubled it to 12 and they’re all over the place. Wonder what 18 would do. You’ll like the paleatus, I have them in another tank 

They are super busy all of the time! Even gliding across the front of the tank as a group. It’s an amazing thing to see when they do it. 

 Gave them some Repashy this evening… they seem to like it! 

I e given this group their name… since they are Peppered Cory, I’m calling them the “Spicy Guys”


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My new Long Fin Blue Eyed Lemon Bristle Nose Pleco that I got from @Guppysnail is doing so well. He’s currently in the 29g living his best life until he grows a bit more and the wood in the 75g is a bit more “seasoned” (I don’t know why feel this is a thing, but I do 🤷🏻‍♀️).  He (or she… to young yet to tell) is so pretty and so busy all of the time. This is my first Pleco so I’m constantly bombarding Guppysnail with questions (new mom nerves). But… he/she officially has a name!

it’s MANGO!!!!




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On 3/31/2024 at 4:34 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

I need to catch up, but I see the photos and all I can think is...

"I'm so excited because I know how much you're going to love this tank."

Awesome work!

I am obsessed with this tank! I just put my order in for Lemon Tetra and Kuhli loaches.  To say I’m thrilled with this tank would be an understatement! 

and where have you been lately??? 😁

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Today, I ordered my Lemon Tetra (20) and Kuhli Loaches (6) ordered. Also ordered an Ivory Mystery Snail and an Aponogeton Ulvaceus (needed a taller plant for the tank). 

 Corys are doing really well and tank is stable. So dang happy just looking at this tank… it can only be more fabulous with fishy activity.

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@FLFishChik#1 love the island composition. #2 palleatus corys are a great choice and they’ll do great in that setup. Really like the choices on stocking. #3 it will be interesting to see how often you’ll see the 6 kuhlis in a 75. Id do some blue light nightly to see if you can catch sight of them. I’d consider doing 4x that number and let the kuhli loach action commence! Have fun this is a great project. 

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On 3/31/2024 at 6:03 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

@FLFishChik#1 love the island composition. #2 palleatus corys are a great choice and they’ll do great in that setup. Really like the choices on stocking. #3 it will be interesting to see how often you’ll see the 6 kuhlis in a 75. Id do some blue light nightly to see if you can catch sight of them. I’d consider doing 4x that number and let the kuhli loach action commence! Have fun this is a great project. 

I honestly thought about getting more, but with the Congo tetra’s eventually going in, I was afraid it might be overstocked. Aqadvisor has me at 97% stocked with my planned fish. I know they don’t account for plants. I also have been told Kuhli loaches don’t produce much of a bioload… so may eventually add 6 more in the future. The final stocking plan is 

12 Congo Tetra

20 Lemon Tetra

12 corydoras Paleatus

6 Kuhli Loaches

6 Otocinclus 

1 Ling Fin Blue Eye Lemon BN Pleco

1 Ivory Mystery Snail

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On 3/31/2024 at 2:23 PM, FLFishChik said:

and where have you been lately??? 😁

Basically babysitting puppies all day. Getting bit and scratched and barked at a lot. 😂

The other dogs got parvo, so I've been by their side almost all of last month. Life stuff, just busy.

On 3/31/2024 at 2:38 PM, FLFishChik said:

Corys are doing really well and tank is stable. So dang happy just looking at this tank… it can only be more fabulous with fishy activity.

That's my absolute favorite feeling. Seeing them zoom around and just like little hunters burrowing all around.

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On 3/31/2024 at 8:25 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Basically babysitting puppies all day. Getting bit and scratched and barked at a lot. 😂

The other dogs got parvo, so I've been by their side almost all of last month. Life stuff, just busy.

That's my absolute favorite feeling. Seeing them zoom around and just like little hunters burrowing all around.

Parvo is the absolute worst thing! I had a dog that had it several years ago, and many nights in the animal hospital and several thousand dollars later, he pulled through. It’s a nightmare for sure!


and watching Peppered Cory do their thing is one of my favoriting yo watch in the evenings now!

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On 4/3/2024 at 5:17 PM, FLFishChik said:


Those tetras..... such vibrancy.  I just did "some work" on my 75 and it feels like i can "see" so much better when sitting and watching the tank.  De-jungled it?  😂

I love seeing the color on the cherry barbs and the ones that are bright sunburnt orange in contrast with the cherry tomato red ones that are also there.  It's so fun to see the pops of deep color on the black background.  The fish are loving that tank!

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On 4/6/2024 at 3:15 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Those tetras..... such vibrancy.  I just did "some work" on my 75 and it feels like i can "see" so much better when sitting and watching the tank.  De-jungled it?  😂

I love seeing the color on the cherry barbs and the ones that are bright sunburnt orange in contrast with the cherry tomato red ones that are also there.  It's so fun to see the pops of deep color on the black background.  The fish are loving that tank!

The Cardinals are definitely vibrant! They are show stoppers for sure. 

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On 4/3/2024 at 11:00 AM, FLFishChik said:


Literally made me go "uh oh" 😂

Let's just hope that fish doesn't think it can "tunnel" in that sponge!

The new additions are great though, I love the way the lemon tetras colored up.


On 3/29/2024 at 3:46 PM, FLFishChik said:

it’s MANGO!!!!


This is so perfect.  😂 😂 😂

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On 4/7/2024 at 2:55 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Literally made me go "uh oh" 😂

Let's just hope that fish doesn't think it can "tunnel" in that sponge!

The new additions are great though, I love the way the lemon tetras colored up.


This is so perfect.  😂 😂 😂

That pic was literally seconds after I added them to the tank. They’ve since claimed their real estate among the rocks and venture out at feeding time… and midday Zoomies (funny stuff, that)

I also added Mango, The Long Fin Blue Eyed Lemon BN Pleco to the tank today… he has sooo much room and looks fantastic in this tank. He’s such a beautiful little Pleco. 







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It’s a busy tank so far, especially at dinner time. Everyone seems to get along and play well together. Congos should be here in Thursday (yay!!)

Ant melt has stopped. Oddly enough, I had the least amount of melt from the Crypts. The Buce was the worst. List one Buce completely, hoping maybe it will come back one day. Corkscrew Val and Regular Bal seem to be doing well. Java fern seems to finally be adjusting and has stopped making planlets. The Aponogeton Ulvaceus was very sad when it arrived. All the leaves melted but there’s a new leaf growing in, so there’s hope! 

Mango the Longfin Blue Eyed Lemon BN Pleco seems to have settled in. The lone Mystery Snail is also doing well. Has no problem mowing over a Cory to get to the Repashy. No one seems to have issues with sharing the Repashy. Lemon Tetras get fed separately, but will hang at the bottom of the tank to catch scraps wafted up by the bottom feeders.  

I'm so fascinated with this tank. It’s so entertaining to watch at different times of the day, but evening is when it seems the mist active- an hour or so before the lights  go out. 








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On 4/9/2024 at 5:46 PM, FLFishChik said:

The Aponogeton Ulvaceus was very sad when it arrived. All the leaves melted but there’s a new leaf growing in, so there’s hope! 

Yay! That's awesome.

I didn't realize it at first but that plant can handle a lot more light than I had originally thought.

On 4/9/2024 at 5:46 PM, FLFishChik said:

I'm so fascinated with this tank. It’s so entertaining to watch at different times of the day, but evening is when it seems the mist active- an hour or so before the lights  go out. 

100%. I love watching the lights come on or go out and sneaking the night lights on to watch the bottom of the tank sneak around.

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