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Water temp change


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So i currently have two corys in a 75 tank, but want to move them to an 82 tank...how to i acctimate them wo fish bags and do i actually need to rly acctimate when the temp diff is only a few degrees??

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7 degrees can be a significant temperature difference. corys are tough, but I'd do a coarse drip acclimation. Put them in container of old water. Then add maybe a cupful of the hotter water a couple of 3-4 times. That should be sufficient. You do realize that, unless you have sterbai's, Corys are probably going to struggle a bit in the higher temps. They do best at normal temps around 78-79 and downward to 70, depending on species. There are a few, like the sterbai, that can handle the temps. But not a lot

Edited by Tony s
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plus or minus 2 or 3 degree's i dont worry much. after that it starts to be a concern. colder moving to slightly warmer isnt so bad, but warm moving to colder can really shock them. so more than a few degrees put them in a bucket with water from the tank they are coming from, and add a little water from the tank they are going into every few minutes . for a small difference, it likely wont take 15 minutes or so to ease them into the temp change.

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Thank u everyone, i actually am trying to drop the temp down to around 80, it was only a blue ram in the tank. I took a litlle water from their old tank an added water every little while n then put them in the tank. they seem to be doing ok

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As long as you are doing nothing to mess with the parameters of the water besides temp, I would just put the fish in some kind of container and float to temp acclimate for a few minutes and let go. When I am moving fish between tanks in my own fish room, I will put them in a specimen container and float then release. I only use heaters in a few tanks for discus, rest are room temp, most are within a few degrees of each other, and I don't buffer any tanks to different pH or anything, so I don't worry about anything more than acclimating to temp. 

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I just did this with almost 30 cories.  Going from 76 to 82.  Netted them all out into a half gallon container with a couple inches of water in it.  Moved them over to the new tank and set them on top.  Took a cup and dumped another inch of water into it from the new tank.  Let them set for 5 minutes or so and then released them.  They were eating 30 seconds after release and none appeared even remotely stressed.

Edited by jwcarlson
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On 2/4/2024 at 6:33 PM, BIRD0887 said:

Thank u everyone, i actually am trying to drop the temp down to around 80, it was only a blue ram in the tank. I took a litlle water from their old tank an added water every little while n then put them in the tank. they seem to be doing ok

That's pretty hot for corydoras. Which ones are you talking about here? Sterbai and ones like false julii/trilineatus or Julii Corydoras do better at the 78-80 range than most other types.

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