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Mixing Hillstream Loache Varities


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Hi, im new to the hobby and the first fish I put in my tank are Hillstream Loaches. As of yesterday (when I purchased the fish) I didn't realize there were different species of hillstream loach. I wanted the reticulated pattern and my LFS had only one left, but they were in a tank with spotted hillstream loaches as well. I read that these fish like groups of at least 3, so I got one reticulated, 2 spotted. Unfortunately one died, but now i'm reading these are different species. The reticulated hillstream loach is very active and friendly while the spotted hillstream loach is very shy and only hid so far. Whenever the reticulated one approaches the spotteds hidding spot the spotted chases it away. If I get another of either type will they both be happier, or do I need 3 of the same variety. 

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I am not sure how much social they actually are, they spar for territories quite a lot and oftentime people have them solitary, or on the other hand have massive groups

I do know however one guy here keeps sewellia lineolata (aka striped or reticulated) and Gastromyzon punculatus which could be one of the spotted or "Spinyhead hillstream loach" and he had to separate them, because the sewellia are much more boisterous and more competitive, and the spotted or borneo suckers are way more shy and wont compete for food well.


They are always a hassle, taking them home means they can lack oxygen, they need specific food sources. I lost three batches and I was under the impression I was doing everything right for them. They are cute, but....

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I have a solitairy hillstream, i believe hes a reticulated...but nehow he cruises around the whole tank. I plan on getting more of them, they r rly cool fish! I dont feed mine nething special, ive had him for a month and hes lived on the algae in the tank.

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