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How to kill brown algae?

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I thought about that. How do I put him in with betta? I don’t want to take my betta out because he might have a issue and I do not want to stress him.

On 1/21/2024 at 1:49 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

Those are diatoms. Get yourself 1 Nerite. They will take care of that.


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Nerites are almost just like moving rocks. Betta are typically fine with them and their antennae are shorter so they don't often pick on them. If you're concerned you can just wipe off the glass however that sometimes comes with a bit of an explosion. This happens with newer tanks. As the tank matures this usually stops (not always). My Betta likes to flare at the ramshorn snails in his tank. He used to have a Nerite and left that snail totally alone, unfortunately she passed away. 

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On 1/21/2024 at 1:55 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

Nerites are almost just like moving rocks. Betta are typically fine with them and their antennae are shorter so they don't often pick on them. If you're concerned you can just wipe off the glass however that sometimes comes with a bit of an explosion. This happens with newer tanks. As the tank matures this usually stops (not always). My Betta likes to flare at the ramshorn snails in his tank. He used to have a Nerite and left that snail totally alone, unfortunately she passed away. 


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Also, since it seems you don't have any real plants for now, algae isn't a bad thing. They are a form of plant life that really only helps the tank more than hurts it. Most people just don't like the looks of it. If you start getting green algaes on your rocks and decor, embrace it!  

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Nerite or mystery snails. Otocinclus. Bettas won’t bother any of those. Unless , certain bettas may nip at antenna of snails. Bettas will usually leave non bettas alone 

Diatoms will disappear as the tank ages. Every tank I’ve ever started has had them. Feed the snails or otos. Then it’s gone. Can be quite a pain in a heavily decorated tank

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In all honesty as the aquarium age it will vanish; though having a nerite snail is ok but if you get a female it will leave little white dots everywhere. diatom usually occur due to silica in new substrate and as it is consumed the diatom will die out.


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On 1/21/2024 at 5:51 PM, Miranda Marie said:

Both of my bettas have been completely indifferent to nerite snails, if that helps! But generally diatoms clear themselves up in a few months.


On 1/21/2024 at 6:30 PM, Tony s said:

Nerite or mystery snails. Otocinclus. Bettas won’t bother any of those. Unless , certain bettas may nip at antenna of snails. Bettas will usually leave non bettas alone 

Diatoms will disappear as the tank ages. Every tank I’ve ever started has had them. Feed the snails or otos. Then it’s gone. Can be quite a pain in a heavily decorated tank


On 1/21/2024 at 7:11 PM, anewbie said:

In all honesty as the aquarium age it will vanish; though having a nerite snail is ok but if you get a female it will leave little white dots everywhere. diatom usually occur due to silica in new substrate and as it is consumed the diatom will die out.


Thanks everyone but I have bad news about my betta…he is dying…🥺he is not going to make it….I don’t think. He is going down quick..

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Yes, unfortunately they can be that way. Bettas live usually only 2+ years and there’s no way of knowing how old they are at purchase.. and poor care from some places shortens their lifespan even more.  Genetics can be poor. And, unfortunately, we also make mistakes. I keep rescuing some poor quality animals from big stores. Some don’t make it long at all. But some do. 

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