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There are sponges made for filters as well that are reusable. I always get the bigger sponge and cut it to size. I feel like it’s cheaper that way.


You can also use plastic pot scrubbies if you really wanna save on 💰

I’ve used pot scrubbies in a sump and in a canister. Both worked without any issues. 

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You can also use what’s called filter floss. Which looks like the stuffing inside of most pillows. Available at the home crafting stores like a Hobby Lobby or Joann’s. Gives a tight weave like filter pads. Just stuff it in a hang on back or canister tray. And chuck it when it’s full. You do loose the bacteria on it. but if you’re changing cartridges, you would anyway. It does a really good job of polishing the water without the additional carbon. It’s also really cheap. Just a few bucks for a bag can last a year or more. 

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Every filter I have (at least the ones that hold media) has a combo of sponge and filter floss. I buy the filter floss in bigger bags from the fish store, and the per use cost is very very low. The dirty filter floss gets discarded every time I clean out the filter media, the sponge just gets rinsed and replaced. That way much of the bacteria is preserved/retained. Given how long the sponges last, I don't mind buying the packs from the filter mfr. 

Regardless, I do recommend you move away from the "disposable" filter cartridges. That really is a money sink. 

As you "customize" your filter in any of the many many ways that are demonstrated on the interwebs, do make sure you understand how the water flows through your particular filter box, eg back to front, bottom to top, side to side, whatever. This varies greatly between filters from different manufacturers. I see a lot of "customizations"/"improvements" where folks put the media into the filter in a manner that doesn't intercept water flowing through. Having the dirty water flow past or around the media isn't nearly as effective as having it flow through. Remember, water will always take the easiest path. If you have sponge or ceramic on one side of a filter basket, and floss on the other side, but water is flowing from bottom to top, most of the water will flow through the more porous sponge, and little to none will pass through the floss (until the sponge gets fully clogged, which you don't want). That's why the AquaClears (to name one example) have media stacked from bottom to top; the filter and basket design directs water to the bottom of the stack, and it can only come up through the layers, then exits the spillway to the tank. 

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On 1/8/2024 at 11:40 PM, BIRD0887 said:

So i just came across a post on facebook about using sponges in ur filter instead of actual fiter packs?? what kind of sponge, like a regular kitchen sponge? 

Any sponge will work as long as 1) it doesn't have any soaps or cleaning agents already in the sponge and 2) its not too fine. The first sponge I used in my HOB filter for my 29G was the algae scrubber from ACO and it would clog fairly frequently. Once I got a coarser sponge, I had much better results.

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On 1/9/2024 at 11:51 AM, NOLANANO said:

Any sponge will work as long as 1) it doesn't have any soaps or cleaning agents already in the sponge and 2) its not too fine. The first sponge I used in my HOB filter for my 29G was the algae scrubber from ACO and it would clog fairly frequently. Once I got a coarser sponge, I had much better results.

I'm surprised you could get flow through that melamine at all!

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On 1/8/2024 at 9:40 PM, BIRD0887 said:

So i just came across a post on facebook about using sponges in ur filter instead of actual fiter packs?? what kind of sponge, like a regular kitchen sponge? 

What filter do you have?


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Disposable bags and cartridges can be reused until they physically wear out.  A strong stream from a garden hose will remove most debris.  That also means that some of the BB is still present.  When possible I remove the charcoal from the cartridges.   A quick rinse in the  water change , and you are good to go.

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