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10g West Cameroon Loose Biotope


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Testing out some materials for wicking. I had acrylic yarn for spawning mops and a type of plastic string/twine.

I stick them through the holes like some kind of ugly cross stitch:


Then I replaced the lid and added a piece of paper to show how much water was being wicked up. This was after 15 mins:


It looks like they are both roughly evenly effective so I'm going to stick with the yarn since I'm 100% sure it's safe

Edited by Schuyler
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On 11/18/2023 at 10:12 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

This has to be one of the coolest ways to add floating plant cover. Hm. Now it's got me thinking....

I guess it's a fairly common method that people use for watering their small house plants while out of town. Hopefully it pulls enough up so that the soil doesn't burn roots.

I'm thinking I may try adding something so that the strings go all the way to the surface.

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I switched out the air driven pump for just an electric pump. It was seriously over powered at first so I had to turn it almost all the way down.


Then while putting things back together I accidentally dropped one of the riverbank pieces into the water... It was a mess...


I ended up just replacing a big chunk of sand.

I also created a lid from extra greenhouse paneling. It ended up fitting really snuggly on top with little holes cut out for the wires.

The wicking seems to work really well and the leaves look like they may be helping reduce evaporation. So maybe they actually gave a functional purpose after all.

I'm planning on adding in the anubias plants tonight so that it can be mostly set up when people come to visit on Thanksgiving.

The ferns seem very happy where they are. When I was moving things they had already started sending roots in to attach to the foam. I think I'll leave them where they are.

Now the open problems are still:

1) Backgrounds

2) Potential mold

3) The tank gets really humid and the sides fog up

4) Risk of sides falling in...

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My dad visited and I was able to show him the tank all put together. He basically said the same thing @TheSwissAquarist said: "you put all this work into making it look cool only to hide it in the garage"

He also brought a 3d printed Czech airlift collar. I was able to replace the mechanical pump and it works much better than the DIY version I made.


The water parameters look fine and there are still some micro fauna alive in the so I added the first fish. He seems to be doing well so far.


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Some of the wood above the water level is starting to seriously mold:

But the fish in there seems happy. He's acting hungry and coloring back up which tells me he's at least not stressed out.

The water parameters seem good. There's no nitrites or ammonia. I may pull the charcoal out today and monitor to make sure there isn't a crash before I add the rest of the fish.

I've also noticed that there are MTS in the sand... I'll have to keep an eye on that to make sure they don't become a problem.PXL_20231127_005054956.jpg.d2565e50e4491c87d1125ec99647ca45.jpg

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On 11/28/2023 at 2:38 PM, Biotope Biologist said:

Have you thought about adding semi-aquatic or jungle springtails? They will help keep the upper segment free of mold and clean the leaf litter. 

Looks great!

I have thought about it but that's about it. In some of the Serpadesign videos he mentions adding spring tails to prevent mold.

Where can you get them? Would any pet stores have them or is this just something you would order online?

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Well depends on your LPS situation if you have any herp specializing shop they will definitely have it. Or if any pet store sells poison dart frogs near you, jungle springtails go hand in hand.


You can order them online but it’s not worth shipping costs imo. 

Sometimes specialty plant shops will have them too, especially those who have expensive exotic plants that are rather fussy about their soil quality 

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On 12/2/2023 at 4:31 AM, Colu said:

Just pre-ordered this new book lots of information on fish from Cameroon should be a good read 1000000182.png.52d9cb3605f7b557a5fe1e31549cb6e2.png


I saw that! It was really tempting but it's so expensive and then shipping on top.

You'll have to let me know how got it is

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On 12/2/2023 at 8:45 PM, Schuyler said:

I saw that! It was really tempting but it's so expensive and then shipping on top.

You'll have to let me know how got it is

Price for some  books seem to be getting ridiculous you can't beat a good book 

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The fish all seem happy, active, and voracious eaters.

 They're also not camera shy. It's to the point that they are harder to photograph because they get too close:






It seems like the larger males have claimed the back corner and under the bank area while the smaller ones are around edge.



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On 12/2/2023 at 11:26 PM, Colu said:

Price for some  books seem be getting ridiculous you can't beat a good book 

Just arrived looks great. I had a quick look through lots of stunning pictures of killifish and cichlids characins & catfish.  when I have more time I will  give it a thorough read 

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I did my first real water change and removed the charcoal today.

It was a bit tricky to figure out the correct level to fill up to. Initially it was too high and that made the pump push more water through and create a current the fish had to swim against.


They all huddle up after the water change:


There is some visible be growth on some of the anubias.

One of the ferns broke of but it's still completely green. My guess is that it was rubbing against the lid when I open and close for feeding. Hopefully the other does fine. If not I may pick up some bolbitus.

The palm is breaking down much faster than I expected.

The tank used to have a really nice botanical smell. Like some kind of herbal tea. Now it didn't smell bad but it has the oddly distinct earthy smell of raw potatoes.

Still no tropical spring tails at the LFS, hopefully soon...

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  • 3 weeks later...

The LFS finally had springtails.


Although at this point I'm not totally sure how helpful they are. We'll see if the mold on the roots goes down.

There is a decent amount of new growth on the plants:


The males seem to be fully colored up. The is one that's easily distinguishable from the others because of a large black spot on his dorsal fin.


There's another that is larger than all the others. Then the last two are basically indistinguishable.

The palm is completely decomposed at this point. That's surprising that it went so fast.

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