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Considering A 75g Angelfish Aquarium - Need Advice


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On 8/31/2023 at 8:25 AM, JChristophersAdventures said:

btw, is it correct that there are 2 different ones... blue and purple, or is that just variations with the same fish? Thanks.

There's a few different colors yes. I believe there is the normal Kerri tetra which can have some purple. A blue morph and a purple morph.

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On 8/30/2023 at 10:36 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

for sure.  I had to go through with a fine tooth comb.  No snails yet. 🤞

Oh... I have it.  @Shadow helped me remember one.

These guys would go very nicely with the orange (in addition to the aforementioned cardinals, glowlight tetras.


complimentary colors for the orange would be anything that is blue, blue tetra (it's a thing) as well as the blue version of the emperor tetra.  I would also think the purple, standard ones look nicely with them.


Ember Tetras and Kerri Blues it looks

I love the Kerri Blues, but I think they get kinda larger. Not large like Congos, but in between Cardinals and Congos. 

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On 8/31/2023 at 12:37 PM, Odd Duck said:

Bristlenose plecos in the tank will eat the eggs.  Ask me how I know.  Although getting all that fresh protein did trigger the plecos to spawn.  🤷🏻‍♀️ 


I have 4 bn in my 120 and they never touched the angel eggs; mostly because angel lay their eggs high.

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On 9/1/2023 at 9:40 AM, FLFishChik said:

I may have to rethink putting Angels or Discus in this tank. We’ve discovered our water is Super hard- 300+ppm. Rather than chase parameters, I think it’s probably best to stock it with fish that can live with those conditions 😢

I have similar water.  I've tried angelfish twice, but they've never lasted more than about a year.  I haven't followed this whole thread, but I wanted to mention that I have a group of turquoise rainbowfish in my 65 gallon tank and really like them.  As far as I can remember I started with twelve in early 2020, and still have ten (I lost one to ich, but I don't remember what happened to the other one).  If you're looking for suggestions you might give them a try.

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On 9/1/2023 at 2:02 PM, JettsPapa said:

I have similar water.  I've tried angelfish twice, but they've never lasted more than about a year.  I haven't followed this whole thread, but I wanted to mention that I have a group of turquoise rainbowfish in my 65 gallon tank and really like them.  As far as I can remember I started with twelve in early 2020, and still have ten (I lost one to ich, but I don't remember what happened to the other one).  If you're looking for suggestions you might give them a try.

Literally was just thinking either turquoise rainbows or Boesemani!😂

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On 9/1/2023 at 3:39 PM, JettsPapa said:

I have lemon tetras with mine.  They're also been just about bullet proof, and I think their colors complement the turquoise rainbows.

Get outta my head! I was telling my husband “I think a school of Lemon Tetras would look really cool with them “! 😂

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