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Stocking 55 gallon

Prickly Magoo

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I got a 55 gallon moderately planted tank with snails that I've had running for a little over 2 months. I'm getting to the point where i wanna get some fish and i know i wanna start with a small group of longfin white clouds. The temp of the tank is 74°F. I don't mind if they breed some but i wanna try not to be overrun as i don't have any local fish stores to take them to. Whats some other fish that will get along with white clouds and like the same parameters that will help control the population some? Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

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Melini (bandit) Corydora are crazy fun as well as Aspidora spilotus. They will gladly keep the eggs cleaned up.  Both are very friendly and will not bother other fish. 
74 is what I keep both species at. 

Melini are the brown with black stripe 

Aspidora. Not the best video but shows the fun activity. 6FB4FEBA-3F8E-4E98-B3ED-E81DB9B2444F.jpeg.f4f90af1a315ef35eff9757eefb31eab.jpeg


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On 8/14/2023 at 4:45 PM, Prickly Magoo said:

Whats some other fish that will get along with white clouds and like the same parameters that will help control the population some? Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

A lot of cypranidae species of fish will do well in that tank and setup.  This includes a lot of barbs, danio, rasbora, loaches, and sharkminnows.  Also mentioned above corydoras tend to do really well at that temperature also. 

Which white clouds specifically, something like celestial pearl danios, emerald green rasbora (axelrodi), melon barbs, odessa barbs, cherry barbs, hasbrosus corydoras, clown pleco, otocinclus, and amano shrimp would be where I start.

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On 8/14/2023 at 7:45 PM, Prickly Magoo said:

I got a 55 gallon moderately planted tank with snails that I've had running for a little over 2 months. I'm getting to the point where i wanna get some fish and i know i wanna start with a small group of longfin white clouds. The temp of the tank is 74°F. I don't mind if they breed some but i wanna try not to be overrun as i don't have any local fish stores to take them to. Whats some other fish that will get along with white clouds and like the same parameters that will help control the population some? Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

You may try a group of Geophagus. I have a group of 8 Geophagus Tapajos and I think they would be fine in a 55. They also tend to hang out near the bottom and sift the sand, so it might add a different layer of action to your tank. 

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On 8/20/2023 at 8:58 AM, mynameisnobody said:

@Twood Geophagus Pyrocephalus would work but 8 is too many for a 55. Once they start breeding behaviors, it’ll get cramped really fast. I have a group of 9 in a 180 gallon and they still test each other from time to time. Great fish though 

That’s a fair point. I should have clarified, I didn’t mean to suggest 8, I just meant to suggest Geophagus haha. Apologies if I lead anyone down a bad path!

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It's okay. I'm only interested in fish that are 3 inches or smaller. I also have gravel so reluctant to get some corydoras. I'm really just looking for something that stays small, is peaceful, and will help keep the white population from going crazy. I don't mind if the white clouds breed some but i don't need hundreds lol

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On 8/20/2023 at 9:28 PM, Prickly Magoo said:

I don't mind if the white clouds breed some but i don't need hundreds lol

It is quite hard to have egg scatters breed in a community tank. And very hard to have hundreds if not to call it impossible. Even if eggs survive fry will likely gonna be eaten

that shouldnt really be a concern I believe

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