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Are my nano tanks overloaded with plants?


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Hi, I was looking for opinions on my tanks... Is there such a thing as too many plants? Should I let it go wild or make any changes?

My floaters have covered to top of each tank. Should I remove a good portion to let the light through?

I was thinking of a Betta in each and a few shrimps but I'm not sure a Betta would be able to swim around in the two smaller tanks.. I think they look like they would be great for a shrimp playground though. 

They've only been set up for two and a half weeks but they've changed so much.

The left tank has a lot of algae now.. but I finally found my snail babies and put at least 5 in there. 5 babies in the middle tank too.

The right tank is by far the clearest and that had just two hitchhiker bladder snails for the whole time, but the majority of the babies will appear in here I'm sure.

I have no filters

My water seems good now. I'm getting all tanks the same

No3. Between 10-25

No2. 0


KH. 8

pH. 7.6

Cl2. 0

Many thanks for your input.. still in no rush for shrimp/fish. I'm loving my plants and snails 😁





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Despite what I said earlier, you can have too many plants when you have so many floating plants that the floating plants block light from reaching the lower down plants. Your tanks are shallow so the light doesn't have far to penetrate so you will always be walking a fine line between too much and too little light.

It is probably time to add fish if you are ready, but be ready for increased nutrients and therefore possibly some increase in algae.

Bettas would not only not have a hard time swimming around in your plant filled nano tanks, they would positively love it. Bettas are native to plant choked ditches and sloughs in the southeastern most part of Asia so your aquariums are perfect.

I am starting to get some brown diatom algae in the 3 aquariums I just setup. I think I am going to dial back the light a little bit and see what happens.

You tanks look great!

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I love it, id try to clean up the algae best you can. I find it amazing your not using a filter, will u continue not using one? Other then that in my opinion i dont think you have to many. Just maybe do a trim

Edited by be28ans
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I just did a quick reduction on the floaters, and the tanks are much brighter now. It won't be long before they're covered again.

@be28ans yes, I'm not going have filters... That's why I'm going slow and letting my plants take care of it for me 😁 and also encouraging those snail babies.  I figured the algae will fatten them up nicely. 🤷🏻‍♀️  





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3 minutes ago, Penny said:

I just did a quick reduction on the floaters, and the tanks are much brighter now. It won't be long before they're covered again.

@be28ans yes, I'm not going have filters... That's why I'm going slow and letting my plants take care of it for me 😁 and also encouraging those snail babies.  I figured the algae will fatten them up nicely. 🤷🏻‍♀️  





Love it 🙌🏾 Great job. Now u have me wanting to get another plant for my 10g lol which ill probably do

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4 hours ago, Penny said:

I just did a quick reduction on the floaters, and the tanks are much brighter now. It won't be long before they're covered again.

@be28ans yes, I'm not going have filters... That's why I'm going slow and letting my plants take care of it for me 😁 and also encouraging those snail babies.  I figured the algae will fatten them up nicely. 🤷🏻‍♀️  





I really like that setup!

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