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Catching a Pleco


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I have an adult bristlenoose pleco that I want to relocate. Any thoughts how to catch her?

The only method i'm aware of, is to lure her into a bottle overnight. Unfortunately, I recall people talking about the oxygen content inside said bottle becoming depleted and people loosing their fish. Does anyone have any experience using any other method? She's pretty enigmatic. 

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I just get the fish out like any other.  BNPs will usually stick to the glass as opposed to other places when a net gets involved.  Get them to one side of the tank and then use your hand to coax them into the net.  Second to that, use a pleco cave.  You move the cave itself and let the fish swim out into the new tank.  Lastly would be the "wild fish catching" method where you lift up the chunk of lid or hardscape and then catch them in the net.  Some plecos won't release from the decor when that happens.  It can be easier to move the hardscape out, then net the fish the traditional way.

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You can wait for her to go into her cave and block the end off and remove the cave with her in it or you can use a fish trap I use a hobby genius fish trap with sliding door to catch my bristlenose  Don't feed for a day or two so they are hungry bait the trap with there favorite food and wait till she goes inside then lower the door IMG_20220729_003422.jpg.2a7110649f7871d6412e671e8635beaa.jpg

Edited by Colu
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Yeah her normal hiding spot isn't going to move, so picking her up with it, is a no go. haha I think I will employ the trap idea. Never seen anything like that. I like the idea of the tunnel trap too. Will have to see if one fits in her normal area.

Originally we caught her with a net when moving houses but she's in a 180now and it would probably be a circus trying to chase her into a corner. 

Thanks all. 

Also love the Pokémon stuff!

Edited by Shmaty
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