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I Got Babies!


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Okay, I know this is a bit silly....it's "just guppies".  But I Got Babies!  First time fish momma and I'm so psyched about it.  Tiny little specs of fish swimming about.  Doing a water change yesterday was nerve wracking as it seems the wee critters were determined to get swept into fish oblivion and I had to stare fixedly at the tube to prevent that.  Geesh that was a long sentence.  Anyway, I'm happy.

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Congratulations. I’m moving away from guppies I love them but rehoming is a task after a few years (I have saturated everyone with guppies so running out of homes🤣) but had 1 girl I did not see to rehome. She had surprise fry Christmas Day and I was like NOOOO Then seen the eyes and melted. Guppy babies are incredibly adorable. 
No such thing as “just guppies”. They are incredibly wonderful water puppy companions. 

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On 12/29/2022 at 5:53 AM, reefhugger said:

Okay, I know this is a bit silly....it's "just guppies".  But I Got Babies!  First time fish momma and I'm so psyched about it.  Tiny little specs of fish swimming about.  Doing a water change yesterday was nerve wracking as it seems the wee critters were determined to get swept into fish oblivion and I had to stare fixedly at the tube to prevent that.  Geesh that was a long sentence.  Anyway, I'm happy.

I remember the first day I got fry, it was a half day at school came home I just got endlers one or two days ago, I looked near a piece of wood and I physically shouted “BABIES!” It was an amazing experience 

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On 12/29/2022 at 8:06 AM, Guppysnail said:

I’m moving away from guppies

We need to stop having stuff in common. I am too lol. Mostly because I'm finding other species pulling at me and finding my niche kinda in cories. If my last pregnant female drops I'll care for them then I'm done. I also have committed to rescuing fry from people over run but that's not too often. 

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My 'succes' with Endler Guppies a few months ago actually got me excited about breeding more fish.
Didn't set up anything special, but decided to try to safe some cory eggs from being eaten.

Only had 1 egg that was actually fertilized and hatched, but super excited about it.
Fish is 2 weeks old now and still going strong.

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