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Cuc in 15g planted cube with Betta?


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Ornamental snails are crazy fun. There are so many types of snails to choose from. 
Mystery , nerite, Japanese trap door, rabbit and the list goes on. Just Google freshwater aquarium snails or look at online sellers for ideas. 
Each betta is different I. Temperament. Some get stressed out by groups of small fish in their area and either hide or become aggressive so adding other fish you could try but have a plan to remove them if it is trouble. 
here are some of my mystery and nerite snails. 





Edited by Guppysnail
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On 12/20/2022 at 3:50 PM, Patrick_G said:

I've had good luck keeping a single Betta in community tanks. Our last one even did well with guppies. 

Any Cuc suggestions for a 15, besides shrimp and snails?

On 12/20/2022 at 2:34 PM, EVoyager31 said:

Ive done neons and cherry barbs in with a betta before with great success. I think that a 15 gallon is more than enough room for a betta and some extras! 

Any Cuc suggestions for a 15, besides shrimp and snails?

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On 12/20/2022 at 7:31 AM, Guppysnail said:

Ornamental snails are crazy fun. There are so many types of snails to choose from. 
Mystery , nerite, Japanese trap door, rabbit and the list goes on. Just Google freshwater aquarium snails or look at online sellers for ideas. 
Each betta is different I. Temperament. Some get stressed out by groups of small fish in their area and either hide or become aggressive so adding other fish you could try but have a plan to remove them if it is trouble. 
here are some of my mystery and nerite snails.

I've kept a few, but I'm not big on FW snails because of.......the eggs 😱

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On 12/20/2022 at 8:12 PM, BlueLineAquaticsSC said:

I was also out of the loop, I thought it somehow meant cube, and I would have suggested ADFs, since that’s what I just put in with my betta. As far as clean up crews a small group of Pygmy cories or kuhli’s would probably be fine.

As much as I like spooky noodles and cory gangs, I would end up having to spot feed them daily as my betta consumes all the food before it hits the bottom, so I was looking for herbivores. I wouldn't mind just dropping in a hikari wafer every now and again to supplement.

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On 12/20/2022 at 10:53 PM, BlueLineAquaticsSC said:

Maybe one of the small pleco species like a Ranger Pleco.

Oh I didn’t see your above list with the otos, they definitely would work too, but are best in a seasoned tank, and I would do at least 3 since they like being in groups. 

I was thinking 3 at first but didn't want to over stock. I'd be more than happy to have a 3rd.

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It really depends on the betta and his individual temperament. But if you have one that I already work with shrimp, you might be in luck. I  would go with fish that didn't have the same coloring and small fins. That is if you have a backup tank in case it goes terribly wrong and he turns into Beowulf. It happened to me and that ended up being his name!

Edited by Goldfishgirl
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