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Hi, my name is Dani and I'm addicted to fish.


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I realized today I just jumped onto this forum and started asking questions without ever even taking a stop in here to the introductions thread!

I'm Dani, a student and aspiring breeder with so many tanks I've quite literally lost count. I've been watching/listening to Aquarium Co-op's content for quite a while now but just now even realized they had a forum! 

I'm in the middle of a true fish room build at the moment and super excited to finally really crack my knuckles and get down to some honest to goodness breeding projects. 

My black rams are my precious babies, I am absolutely whipped by my figure eight puffer and his sweet little dumb face, and I spend way too much time just trying to get a decent picture of my fish who suddenly become the Usain Bolts of the fish world whenever I take out the camera. I also take a walk on the salty side but freshwater is my true love.

I hope to meet some fellow fish nerds and enthusiasts on this forum and fully plan on becoming far too invested in other people's fish than I should be. And I'm looking forward to every second of it!

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Hi you sound like you have exciting plans! A student and building a fish room I bet you're one of those organized people that I hope to grow up to be 😉. Glad to get to know you. Are you by any chance studying to be a writer? Your post is a good introduction!

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On 10/11/2022 at 9:27 AM, sankaz said:

Hi you sound like you have exciting plans! A student and building a fish room I bet you're one of those organized people that I hope to grow up to be 😉. Glad to get to know you. Are you by any chance studying to be a writer? Your post is a good introduction!

Exciting plans? Yes. Organized.... the piles of sponges from filters and random little cups and containers scattered around my 'soon-to-be-fish-room' say otherwise. I like to say I have mastered the art of organized chaos. Which is really just a fancy way of saying I've more just embraced the chaos.  

Thank you! I'm very much an undecided major still (too many choices) but I have a few friends who are English majors so I've done some writing for fun from time to time with them! 

On 10/11/2022 at 9:44 AM, Patrick_G said:

Wecome! Let’s see that puffer! 😁


On 10/11/2022 at 9:53 AM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

Welcome to the forum, as has been said you are in good company Dani. Pics! Pics! Pics! 🙃

Well golly, if you insist. 😋

He's a tubby boi.




Oh and of course his very important birthday pic.


Edited by itsfoxtail
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Welcome! I agree with the rest and say that you're sure to find good company here!

Your puffer demands praise. He's elegant. 😄

I hope you document your fish room build in a journal on here! It's always fun to look back on projects.

How long have you been keeping fish?

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On 10/13/2022 at 9:29 AM, Minanora said:

Welcome! I agree with the rest and say that you're sure to find good company here!

Your puffer demands praise. He's elegant. 😄

I hope you document your fish room build in a journal on here! It's always fun to look back on projects.

How long have you been keeping fish?

Elegant? Don't let him hear; it'll go to his head. 😆

I've been browsing and binge-reading other people's journals religiously since joining and they are super entertaining! Maybe I'll get up the courage (or rather gumption) to do one for my little fish room build eventually, lol!

I've been keeping fish roughly my entire life with breaks here and there, but only in the past few years have I really "gotten into" the hobby via falling in love with breeding. Oh if my tiny Danios in my little 10 gallon tank in first grade could see me and my stupid amount of fish now. 😂 

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If you are undecided on a major, I am always trying to recruit people into Biology. I'm currently in a Conservation Ecology program and it's very, very cool. I never hated college but I went through a few different major and I never felt like I was in the right place. When I switched to Biology it immediately felt right. 

At my school, most of the upper level Biology classes are in the field, so I actually spend most of my classroom time outside learning things at national/state forests, conservation sites, etc. I am learning a lot and it's just made me love plants, animals, and nature even more. 

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On 10/14/2022 at 9:09 PM, itsfoxtail said:

Elegant? Don't let him hear; it'll go to his head. 😆

I've been browsing and binge-reading other people's journals religiously since joining and they are super entertaining! Maybe I'll get up the courage (or rather gumption) to do one for my little fish room build eventually, lol!

I've been keeping fish roughly my entire life with breaks here and there, but only in the past few years have I really "gotten into" the hobby via falling in love with breeding. Oh if my tiny Danios in my little 10 gallon tank in first grade could see me and my stupid amount of fish now. 😂 

Haha! I can relate. My journals (mostly) keep me from bombarding my friends and family with fish talk. 😂 Sometimes one of them is dumb enough to ask me about my fish. 🤣 I try to just redirect and ask them questions instead but.... The passion is strong! 

Danios! What kind? My first fish were goldfish and kuli loaches when I was 4. I became obsessed from then on.

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On 10/15/2022 at 12:06 AM, Brenden Mitchell said:

If you are undecided on a major, I am always trying to recruit people into Biology. I'm currently in a Conservation Ecology program and it's very, very cool. I never hated college but I went through a few different major and I never felt like I was in the right place. When I switched to Biology it immediately felt right. 

At my school, most of the upper level Biology classes are in the field, so I actually spend most of my classroom time outside learning things at national/state forests, conservation sites, etc. I am learning a lot and it's just made me love plants, animals, and nature even more. 

Growing up I was dead set on becoming a vet but now being a little older and seeing exactly how much money for tuition and competition there is if I were to transfer to a "good" veterinary school I'm admittedly drastically broadening my horizons. 

I've been considering taking a little toe-dip into biology and honestly your description of classes sounds like absolute heaven. Kind of takes the whole Aquarium co-op "Enjoy Nature Daily" and applies it quite literally. Thank you for the recruiting effort! I may or may not be looking into what biology classes are available next semester right now...

On 10/15/2022 at 11:48 AM, Minanora said:

Haha! I can relate. My journals (mostly) keep me from bombarding my friends and family with fish talk. 😂 Sometimes one of them is dumb enough to ask me about my fish. 🤣 I try to just redirect and ask them questions instead but.... The passion is strong! 

Danios! What kind? My first fish were goldfish and kuli loaches when I was 4. I became obsessed from then on.

Lol! I always feel sorry for the poor souls who ask us about fish without knowing the can of worms they're opening. I find it hilarious that most all of us don't have anyone as obsessed with fish as we are to talk to in real life so we just resort to these online forums. It's a shame family/friends aren't more easily swayed to join the dark side. 😂

Zebra Danios! I had 7 of them I think and named them like the seven dwarfs based on personality/physical traits (tiny, speedy, scaredy, fatty, think I even named the one stripe-y because he was the brightest of the bunch). I would greet them all individually every morning. 
Goldfish! What type? My mom had a tank of goldfish when I was little that was actually the reason I begged for my own tank. And Kuhli loaches?! I bet four year old you seriously got a kick out of them! I'm two decades old and I still giggle like an idiot when I see them zoom around a tank I bet a kid would lose their ever-loving mind over them, lol! 

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On 10/16/2022 at 10:57 PM, Minanora said:

I love it! They are cool fish.

I had common goldfish. My favorite being "moppers". I loved my kuhli loaches. They were fun to watch before bed.

I'll get more at some point. Just not now. 😊

Moppers? I've never heard of those before! Unless that refers to spawning in mops? (lol) 

My favorite is turning on the light and seeing them all draped over wood and whatnot and then all skitter to quick find some shade because the human is watching. 😂

Maybe this is your sign to get some more soon. *wink wink* 😆

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On 10/19/2022 at 7:13 PM, itsfoxtail said:

Moppers? I've never heard of those before! Unless that refers to spawning in mops? (lol) 

My favorite is turning on the light and seeing them all draped over wood and whatnot and then all skitter to quick find some shade because the human is watching. 😂

Maybe this is your sign to get some more soon. *wink wink* 😆

Moppers was her name. 😜

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On 10/19/2022 at 11:05 PM, Minanora said:

Moppers was her name. 😜

Lol! That makes much more sense. 😂

On 10/19/2022 at 11:32 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Welcome to the fun!  This forum is legitimately awesome.  I HOPE you make a journal for your puffer, it's a pretty special individual!  Awesome pattern and looks like a great tank!

Thanks! This forum seems absolutely packed with great info and people so far!

Oh and thanks about the tank too! It's brackish so it's absolutely covered in algae 0.3 seconds after a cleaning, but I always try to snap a few pics in between to prove I do in fact have rocks and wood in there.

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Welcome! I've only been in this hobby for 2 years but I'm now 7 tanks deep lol. You'll have good company here among the Nerms! I've known about this forum for a while but have been mostly a lurker... I'm trying to be more active now. Thanks for the pictures, you have an adorable puffer!

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