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Asolene spixii snail adventure


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I have come to the conclusion these are AWESOME!

 Not only do they eat hydra, small bladder snails and eggs…THEY EAT BLACK BEARD ALGAE! I only had a bit of BBA left I found on a Java fern. I tossed it in with them to see.  The first one to it had that little dime size BBA gone in 15 minutes 🤩🥳

So far things I have actually seen them eat

Hydra, small bladder snails, bladder snail eggs, BBA, detritus worms (I swear they hunt these), white worms, grindal worms, frozen/dead baby brine shrimp, veggies and all fish food.

Things they are not great at eating

Brown diatom and hair algae  

So I’m thinking this is an awesome snail for many things aquarists often wish to be rid of  🤗




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On 11/18/2022 at 12:54 PM, Guppysnail said:

I have come to the conclusion these are AWESOME!

 Not only do they eat hydra, small bladder snails and eggs…THEY EAT BLACK BEARD ALGAE! I only had a bit of BBA left I found on a Java fern. I tossed it in with them to see.  The first one to it had that little dime size BBA gone in 15 minutes 🤩🥳

So far things I have actually seen them eat

Hydra, small bladder snails, bladder snail eggs, BBA, detritus worms (I swear they hunt these), white worms, grindal worms, frozen/dead baby brine shrimp, veggies and all fish food.

Things they are not great at eating

Brown diatom and hair algae  

So I’m thinking this is an awesome snail for many things aquarists often wish to be rid of  🤗




Something for you to try in your algae experiment thing @nabokovfan87!

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On 11/18/2022 at 12:57 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

@nabokovfan87 is anti-snail, @TheSwissAquarist. (For some reason..?) 🤣

eh.  to a degree.  I am all for controlling where snails are.  Shrimp enthusiast though.  I don't mind nerites, I just don't want them in the tank to put spots all over the wood.  (50-50 shot there).  Bigger the tank, less annoying snails can get for me. 

I did have puffers for a little bit.  So... that's when snail town happened.

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On 11/18/2022 at 4:02 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

eh.  to a degree.  I am all for controlling where snails are.  Shrimp enthusiast though.  I don't mind nerites, I just don't want them in the tank to put spots all over the wood.  (50-50 shot there).  Bigger the tank, less annoying snails can get for me. 

I did have puffers for a little bit.  So... that's when snail town happened.

Who lived in snail town? Bladder snails?

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On 11/22/2022 at 1:51 PM, Guppysnail said:

I was under the impression they do not reproduce fast because of internet info. WRONG 🤣

I think they’re illegal in Texas because they’re invasive, I’d have to check on that.  I really love how they look, but not worth risking into the environment here.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

oh these are beautiful snails i would love to have a few  but if they  multiple fast and can not control population  it would be a no snail for me   for sure ,,  i would not mind them eating the pest snails though but would be afraid for my mystery snails  babies ,,,  but they are beautiful  snails 

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  • 10 months later...

Due to my venturing into dwarf cichlids mist of my tanks need softer water than my typical liquid rock tap. 
I do not feel it is best for breeding snails especially livebearers any more.  I’m keeping a few piano snails but the bulk and breeding projects of the piano snails, white wizard snails and Asolene Spixii snails has been given to @Elodie Rose

So I’m turning these journals over to her so she will update them 🤗

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@Guppysnail Do you experience your spixii dying after they laid their clutches?  Mine laid a couple of clutches and then died.  I still have about 8 of the babies who have grown up quite well even in my apisto tank.  The other set also died at the same time.  When the clutches hatched I moved about six of the babies to a new tank and they too all died.  I have no idea what in the world it would have been that took them out.  Didn't have anything else going on.  I would like to move some of the survivors, but I'm scared they'll die.

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