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The time has arrived to reveal the new tank friends for the Cory tank. They have woken up from there journey and are on the hunt for food. It's time for everyone to meet Johnny and June. (see if anyone knows that reference). They are a pair of magenta mystery snails from @Guppysnail. They are already zooming. Around the tank and exploring.  As well a fun bonus was tucked in there shipping box. Some floating plants! 







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Welcome to today's addition of morning coffee with TeeJay. This morning we find lemony doing well after his first night in his forever home. Munching on some grindage I mean alge 🤣. And a super special announcement the second tank mate has finally decided to wake up and join in. I wanted to make sure he made the trip ok as well before announcing him. We have a new magenta mystery snail in the tank now as well. I'm pretty sure my daughter named him last night but I can't remember what. I'm old give me a break 😂. Have a good morning all and always rember to wheeze the juice!



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On 9/8/2022 at 7:14 AM, Guppysnail said:

I’m so glad 4/4 made it 🤗. I know they will ❤️ their new forever home. 🥰

Yes the last little guy made me a bit nervous last night. He just need extra time to get settled from the trip. But as soon as the lights kicked on and the dish was empty I immediately started scanning the tank and spotted him on the back wall.

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Morning everyone. Welcome to coffee with TeeJay. We are in the home stretch. The new killi friends are out for delivery and will be here by 8pm tonight. It's going to be a long day at work check for updates to see when they get here. And nobody ate there vegetables last night either. All of the green bean was still there. Bad snails they know to eat there vegetables.

So here's a pic of lemony saying welcome to the co op.


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So the killis arrived today!. I got 20 in total but I believe I counted 22. They all arrived alive and swimming well. I set up my breeder box on the side of the aquarium with an airstone and added in the fish in the water they were shipped in. It was green water so it will be hard to see them in the first pics. 

I slowly added tank water to get them up to the temp in the tank. After about 30 mins I poured most of the green water out and kept adding more tank water to get the temps as close as possible. After about another ten mins I poured them into a shrimp net and placed them in there new home. Everyone seems to be doing well so far. 






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Just put in a bit of easy fry food so they could have a little meal before lights out. I really couldn't see them much at first but when the food started to distribute though the water column here they come! As well the custom baffle for the tidal 55 should be here tomorrow. There is already very easy flow for them. But I figured it never hurts to have extra help.





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Getting used to there little size in my big tank is tricky lol. But I want to be able to just let them breed and go crazy. I think in this setup they well be able to do that quite nicely. Going to be alot of random photo drops over the next few days as I get pics of them




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Morning all. Shall we have some coffee?!. Checking in the new killis this morning. Gave them some fry food to see if I could get them to come out front for me. We did have some takers. They seem to be staying in small groups as they explore the new tank. Nobody seems to shy or really just hiding and not exploring. 

I did have a few concerns about that because there is one single male variatus platy who is in the smaller side for a full grown adult and one juvinile female guppy in the tank. Neith one seem to really pay attention to the killis. So far so good. I even caught a pic of the guppy with a few of the killis so 👍

The tank lights are set up to run for an hour in the morning l. Then again from 2-8pm. I do have a finnex stingray mounted on the wall a ove the tank for the emersed plants that runs from 7-7. So that does send a bit of light into the tank mainly just in the upper 3rd of the tank. That works out well because it gives me just a bit of light to be able to watch them as they are learning the tank.

So far they have really been all over the tank and and different levels in the tank. Even out in the wide open areas just slowly swimming along. 

@Guppysnail sent me some grindal and micro worm cultures I'm getting ready for them as well. So hopefully within a few days they will acclimated and start populating for live food feedings. 

Even lemony came out for a visit this morning for some camera time.



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