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So I am in the process of getting more fish for my 60 gallon community tank I have 10 skirted tetra, 4 neon tetras(store ran out), 5 silver tip tetra 4 Buenos Aires tertra, 5 Cory cats and 2 bristle nose.... Looking to know how many of each I could have in this thank and possibly tank mates

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I agree with the centerpiece idea. I would like to throw thick-lipped gourami in as an option. I love them. They are commonly labeled as "red honey gourami" but actually are not a honey gourami. You could do a similar number as @JettsPapa suggested for them too. 

I can tell you already know you need more neons but same is true for the cories and other tetras. Cories prefer a school of 6+.  Same is true of tetra species. In a 60 you could easily fill out these schools. Keep in mind that this means the same type of cories. It does not mean 2 panda, 2 Albino, 2 peppered or whatever. More is always better and you will see behaviors in a large group you won't see in a smaller group. 

Overall it's an amazing start. I just want to leave you with the idea to keep a little room available for things that may come up. For example, you may start to have an algae problem and want to add something to help. You may fall in love with a new species you don't currently know about. Your fish may start having babies. You may find someone with a fish that needs rescuing. There are lots of possibilities. 

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On 8/22/2022 at 1:00 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

Because you have a good amount of floor space, I would double the amount of corydoras.  It will change their behavior pretty significantly.

I agree!  This is also a reason the German blue ram is an excellent choice for centerpiece. 


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On 8/21/2022 at 8:37 PM, anitstuk said:

I would say try get more neon tetras first. You could try some sort of shrimp like cherry shrimp, amano shrimp or ghost shrimp. 

I would get double the number of neons that you expect to have because it seems that about half are not making it with the neon disease going on.

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On 8/21/2022 at 7:31 PM, Dxjxrose said:

So I am in the process of getting more fish for my 60 gallon community tank I have 10 skirted tetra, 4 neon tetras(store ran out), 5 silver tip tetra 4 Buenos Aires tertra, 5 Cory cats and 2 bristle nose.... Looking to know how many of each I could have in this thank and possibly tank mates

You really do have lots of room left, I think you should add more of each type of tetras to get closer to 8-14 for each type. I like to keep at least a dozen in a 20 gallon, in a 60 you can easily have 24 and you will see that natural schooling behaviors.  As for the corys I have found the that like others have said the do best in bigger groups but also the same type of corys. Just as an example if you have bronze corys try to just keep bronze corys in a bigger group and you will see more natural and exciting behavior. You could have even have a couple more plecos but you would have to think about the extra nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P).

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On 8/21/2022 at 9:58 PM, Dxjxrose said:

I was thinking a few German ram for the center piece... Any thoughts 

I wouldn't.  Everything I've seen from experienced GBR breeders indicates they struggle to thrive unless the water temperature is in the low to mid 80's, and that's too warm for the rest of your fish.

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