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Have you ever had dreams or nightmares about fish tanks?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had a doozy of a nightmare last night! We've been sick with some kind of upper respiratory crud for two weeks or so, and my son came down with it as we were getting better. He had white veins and spots on his throat, which oddly enough he does not have strep. I kept checking his throat with a flashlight each day to make sure he wasn't getting any worse.

I recently had the pleasure of my mystery snails laying fertile eggs, a few of the clutches hatched and we have been watching them grow in the tank.

Cue the nightmare. I had a VERY realistic dream that I was looking in my sons throat with flashlight, and his tonsils and throat were covered with mystery snail eggs. I yelled for my husband to come look, and by the time he got there they were hatching and teeny baby mystery snails were crawling around in his throat and mouth.

Literally one of THE most disturbing and disgusting dreams I have ever had in my life. 

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On 5/12/2023 at 12:46 PM, Goldie Blue said:

I had a doozy of a nightmare last night! We've been sick with some kind of upper respiratory crud for two weeks or so, and my son came down with it as we were getting better. He had white veins and spots on his throat, which oddly enough he does not have strep. I kept checking his throat with a flashlight each day to make sure he wasn't getting any worse.

I recently had the pleasure of my mystery snails laying fertile eggs, a few of the clutches hatched and we have been watching them grow in the tank.

Cue the nightmare. I had a VERY realistic dream that I was looking in my sons throat with flashlight, and his tonsils and throat were covered with mystery snail eggs. I yelled for my husband to come look, and by the time he got there they were hatching and teeny baby mystery snails were crawling around in his throat and mouth.

Literally one of THE most disturbing and disgusting dreams I have ever had in my life. 

just another reason to get rid of pest snails!!😜

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That is one disgusting nightmare. Yucks!

On 5/13/2023 at 1:46 AM, Goldie Blue said:

I had a doozy of a nightmare last night! We've been sick with some kind of upper respiratory crud for two weeks or so, and my son came down with it as we were getting better. He had white veins and spots on his throat, which oddly enough he does not have strep. I kept checking his throat with a flashlight each day to make sure he wasn't getting any worse.

I recently had the pleasure of my mystery snails laying fertile eggs, a few of the clutches hatched and we have been watching them grow in the tank.

Cue the nightmare. I had a VERY realistic dream that I was looking in my sons throat with flashlight, and his tonsils and throat were covered with mystery snail eggs. I yelled for my husband to come look, and by the time he got there they were hatching and teeny baby mystery snails were crawling around in his throat and mouth.

Literally one of THE most disturbing and disgusting dreams I have ever had in my life. 


On 4/28/2023 at 12:30 AM, Sweet Fish O Mine said:

I once had a dream I was swimming with my fish! It was really cool and even though we were the same size all my fish were very nice to me. When I woke up I was soaked and my bedroom tank was a wreck. 

Bedroom tank burst? Must have been a horrible mess to clean up.


On 4/28/2023 at 12:30 AM, Sweet Fish O Mine said:

I once had a dream I was swimming with my fish! It was really cool and even though we were the same size all my fish were very nice to me. When I woke up I was soaked and my bedroom tank was a wreck. 


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On 5/14/2023 at 4:46 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Wow @Goldie Blue. Hope you guys feel better soon.

Also congrats on the fertile clutch!

Thankfully we are all on the mend now, and thankfully we didn't have snails in our throats 🤣

I've hatched about 7 clutches so far, the first babies are getting SO big, it has been a really fun experience to watch!

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I had a dream I somehow took my entire tank with all inhabitants to visit my family in TX (flying from WA). Once I was getting ready to go back I became super stressed trying to figure out how to get it back. I even remember at some point thinking "I just need to do whatever I did to get it here" but I couldn't remember how I did it.

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On 5/15/2023 at 5:01 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

I love when they all parasnail down at once. The tank rains snails. It’s adorable. What color are yours?

I am not entirely sure what they will end up looking like, right now kind of brown and gold maybe? Here is a pic of the babies so far, and not sure if this is the mom or dad but they both have the same colorings. I love the shrimp choo-choo train lol. The parasnailing is something I was not prepared for, they are honestly so smart and fast, they know when I put veggies and food in and the parents will BOOK IT to the spot by parasnailing down. 




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Last night I dreamt that I opened my dark closet and on the top shelf I found a biorb with 5 adult angelfish in it.  And on a coffee table in the living room a 3 gallon cylindrical plastic tank with 3 goldfish. 2 NERMS from the forum came over and I explained that these fish I adopted because someone couldn’t care for them, and these tanks are temporary until I take them to LFS soon. I had also a big FLOOR tank with a divider and too many huge oscars in it. And then a few more tanks that were “normal”.

The NERMs (idk who they even were, they just said “we’re here to see the tanks", and came in) wanted to help me do all the water changes, and they said the fastest way to do water changes was with a shop vac. They put a large coarse PFS on the end of the shop vac and we changed water with it on all the tanks, even the small ones (?), and it was crazy fast. Then somehow we did a water change on a water cooler for human drinking water, and that water was the filthiest. The fish tank water wasn’t filthy at all, and I was shocked because all day I had been drinking from that water cooler.

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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  • 2 weeks later...
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On 7/26/2023 at 10:21 AM, Schuyler said:

I had a dream last night that I found tanks in my closet which i thought we empty but really they were full of fish I never remembered buying and I had no idea how long they had been in there

Wow. That sounds so familiar.

On 5/18/2023 at 5:36 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Last night I dreamt that I opened my dark closet and on the top shelf I found a biorb with 5 adult angelfish in it.


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I have nightmares about my fish tanks leaking all the time, way too often!  I also have interesting dreams of my fish floating out of the tanks and flying around in air like it's a natural thing for them to do. Other times I'll dream about finding beautiful fish in puddles outside and taking 1 or 2 for my tanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a dream that I had so much hornwort. It was always getting tangled and caught on the decor that it made it hard to do maintenance, so I decided to put it into the small, mesh laundry bags with the zippers that people use to wash their delicates. I filled 4 of those bags with hornwort, and I placed them in the tank.  After awhile one of the fish was pale and sluggish, and I didn't know why. Also I saw a mystery snail had somehow gotten inside one of the bags.  I opened the bag to get the mystery snail out, and then I decided to empty the bags to check for any more snails.  I found 4 or 5 empty mystery snail shells in the bags, 😭 and an empty rabbit snail shell 😭 and then I found a shoe (it was not my shoe).  Continuing to check the bags and dig through the hornwort, I found 2 more shoes. None of the shoes matched the other ones, and they didn't belong to me. I also found what looked like a giant river rock in one of the bags, but it was made of rubber or something - it definitely wasn't an actual rock - and the rubber had started to erode away.

Then I did a water change and added carbon and the fish did better after that. It seemed the shoes had created a toxin in the water.  I figured I would discontinue using the mesh laundry bags after that.

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On 8/3/2023 at 1:35 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

I had a dream that I had so much hornwort. It was always getting tangled and caught on the decor that it made it hard to do maintenance, so I decided to put it into the small, mesh laundry bags with the zippers that people use to wash their delicates. I filled 4 of those bags with hornwort, and I placed them in the tank.  After awhile one of the fish was pale and sluggish, and I didn't know why. Also I saw a mystery snail had somehow gotten inside one of the bags.  I opened the bag to get the mystery snail out, and then I decided to empty the bags to check for any more snails.  I found 4 or 5 empty mystery snail shells in the bags, 😭 and an empty rabbit snail shell 😭 and then I found a shoe (it was not my shoe).  Continuing to check the bags and dig through the hornwort, I found 2 more shoes. None of the shoes matched the other ones, and they didn't belong to me. I also found what looked like a giant river rock in one of the bags, but it was made of rubber or something - it definitely wasn't an actual rock - and the rubber had started to erode away.

Then I did a water change and added carbon and the fish did better after that. It seemed the shoes had created a toxin in the water.  I figured I would discontinue using the mesh laundry bags after that.

I think your subconscious is trying to tell you to clean out the closet🤔

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