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My angelfish fry by Brandon P

Brandon p

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I have 6 breeding pairs of angelfish. Right now 2 have fry, 2 have eggs, one is clean a spot to lay and the last nothing. One pair is a double black, platinum pearl scale, platinum, marble, and one that I don’t remember. 
Platinum community 

PH: 6.8



ammonia:0 ( hopefully that will come up some I fertilized)


GH:300+ (test kit doesn’t go higher)



Fry even though it looks like algae


this is the pair I don’t know what they are they were sold as blue blushers.

E741E66E-258E-410F-B67A-24AAA7DC484B.jpeg.cdd51dd39e8659707cd23b847a4bdf5d.jpegbest parents 

2994E7D2-8432-43C9-8402-69311D4B6E13.jpeg.c6828df27d6f8a29750adef6fd57458a.jpeg fry tank for the double black 24322604-552E-45C9-B1C7-4D8F9A7837ED.jpeg.0daa37590c243124594f44198a5fca1e.jpeg


Edited by Brandon p
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On 8/2/2022 at 12:15 PM, Brandon p said:

I have 6 breeding pairs of angelfish. Right now 2 have fry, 2 have eggs, one is clean a spot to lay and the last nothing. One pair is a double black, platinum pearl scale, platinum, marble, and one that I don’t remember. 
All tanks

PH: 6-6.2



ammonia:0 ( hopefully that will come up some I fertilized)


GH:300+ (test kit doesn’t go higher)



Fry even though it looks like algae


this is the pair I don’t know what they are they were sold as blue blushers.

E741E66E-258E-410F-B67A-24AAA7DC484B.jpeg.cdd51dd39e8659707cd23b847a4bdf5d.jpegbest parents 

2994E7D2-8432-43C9-8402-69311D4B6E13.jpeg.c6828df27d6f8a29750adef6fd57458a.jpeg fry tank for the double black 24322604-552E-45C9-B1C7-4D8F9A7837ED.jpeg.0daa37590c243124594f44198a5fca1e.jpeg


Fish fry are the cutest things on Earth! 

On 8/3/2022 at 9:38 AM, Brandon p said:

What is going on here. She just laid and I when back by and she is eating them


That's weird. Is there any way you could get a better view? 

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I had to remove the fry from the platinum parents. I fell asleep about 7ish. And woke 9ish and when to check on things. The power is out so I’m in there with the the head lamp. The power being out is an everyday thing with the afternoon storms. A pole or transformer is bound to get hit. Most of the time it’s out 1-2 mins sometimes 15min but it was out at 5 and is just coming back on. So the very first tank I check is the the platinum tank. 
PANIC there is a dead fish. But all the fry are fine. I can see none of the fish look happy. And it shouldn’t be the power out. I just tested the tanks yesterday and everything was fine. So tested in the dark and the zeros of yesterday are gone. The nitrate and nitrites are very high. So emergency water change. Wait not power and I’m on a well. So I hade to 5 gallon jugs of water for the water machine. So did 10 gallons of a 75g but the fish look better and they are going to have to wait until the morning. I’m going to have to do a second water change tomorrow. So since I took the fry out I was going to take the makeshift divider down. No! The parents flat out attack the other two angels in there. So I m going to put one pair in a bin tomorrow that has guppies in it. So now I’ll be down to 2 angelfish in the 75. As soon as I finish the the lights come on. Now once the water heater gets some hot water I’m going to shower and lay back down. It was bad because it was one of those sleeps that you fall asleep for a few hours and wake up and think it’s morning. I think I know why thought. I ordered some food like I alllways do and they sent a new product to try. I feed some in that tank because it has some other fish that would probably eat it. I didn’t put much in but I noticed that there was still some pellets left. That’s the only hing I can think of. 

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On 8/6/2022 at 4:58 PM, Flumpweesel said:

Those double blacks be are a good looking fish. Nice to see them being so productive

The best thing is I don’t have to worry about the fry. They don’t eat the fry and keep them close. I’m so happy to have a pair this good. 

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On 8/6/2022 at 6:04 PM, Patrick_G said:

Sorry about your crappy Tuesday! I'm sorry you lost a fish but I'm glad your fry all survived. It got me thinking about getting a more robust battery backup solution. 

I have a good one on that tank. If failed Tuesday. It’s a few years old and since the power goes off an on almost everyday from may to September is hard on the backup. I think it worked for a few minutes when it should have lasted 30mins. And since I only have the one air pump for the whole fish room is should last longer than the 30mins. I do have a battery powered air pump but that would be very cost to have one for every tank. Most battery backups I have seen and I’m no expert, have be short run times basically giving you time to shut down computers and like devices. The less wats you use the long the run. If I only had a few I think I would invest in one of the usb charged air pumps. I think I’m going to buy one this month along with some heaters to test how it works and see if it is better than the old bait air pump I use now. The food and no air I think was the cause. I really blame the food because they have been with out air before. 

Edited by Brandon p
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I removed the fry from the double black breeding tank. The group was slowly getting smaller so I removed about 20 to the fry tank


Side note: my L-333 King tiger plecos are in the same tank and I final saw the male blocking  the female in the cave.  This is good because the female has been off on her own lately.

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Well I guess I have seven pairs now. I removed the platinum pair that laid in the 75 gal community and there was two angelfish left but they neve seemed like they would pair up they sort of didn’t like each other. I was in the room 20 mins ago and nothing. Now eggs on the heater. This is the 3rd time the angelfish have laid on this type of heater. This I the first time this pair has breed so we will see how it goes. I had to rig a Barrier like last time with the lid. It worked well last time . Time will tell.C2D880B3-C9AE-4A1C-9DAA-5055C5EF933E.jpeg.276072fbef70fd0e4df50646e27563cd.jpeg076849ED-D8CE-4F15-9878-4A18E1585FB6.jpeg.37b5f53de4a14b60bfdfcacfbe9ce51b.jpeg

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I baffled! I posted a few days ago and there where eggs. Next day gone. Now wriggler are there after a few days. After the egg were missing to took down the make-shift barrier, because I thought the eggs were eaten by the parents. I was surprised when I when to feed tonight2C9A9BE5-E8DA-4DFB-A7FF-DE6F734F6757.jpeg.b181bc67c10840a39faa6bc1c5415dde.jpegNow this is a different a pair but in the same community tank that the Platnums came from. I moved those to a breeding tank and these are the only angels left in this tank. I’m not sure the fry will make it. This is the first clutch for this pair and they are not as interested or aggressive went getting close as the others. I with probably move these out much faster than with the double black or the other pairs. Here are the parameters in this Community tank.

PH: 6.8







This is how I keep track when they breed I test. These is not from the tank we are discussing here but it was the most convenient to take a photo. It the numbers are 0 I tend to leave the blank.image.jpg.e24d506cbf246d552f2e7ac975c6045b.jpg

That is for the double back tank which after removing the fry a few days ago they are preparing thank you lay again. 
to translate the parameters







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On 8/12/2022 at 12:57 AM, Brandon p said:

baffled! I posted a few days ago and there where eggs. Next day gone. Now wriggler are there after a few days.

I’m curious. I have never kept angels so don’t know much about them. Do they ever move eggs? Or do you think the fry were hiding somewhere?  

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On 8/12/2022 at 5:47 AM, Guppysnail said:

I’m curious. I have never kept angels so don’t know much about them. Do they ever move eggs? Or do you think the fry were hiding somewhere?  

Yes they do I had never seen it before and would have answered this question differently a few days ago when it happened. Since then another pair of angels laid eggs on a pice of driftwood. The next day I saw them moving the eggs to the slate .B4D5954B-DEA1-49AA-8A25-A5218585B6C4.jpeg.cfc480161b80e26b23bb695171e4ce2b.jpegE1CE2455-F9FC-43DC-8D7C-864A1E8A5EEF.jpeg.f29bcf1d087b820c32ba52a8d6f5228a.jpeg


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