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Why do I have baby snails?

Melissa G

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Immaculate conception? 

I found these 2 littles recently in my tank. I have some Cory cats, tetras, gourami, and 2 mystery snails. 

I didn’t think they could have babies in freshwater? 

has anyone else seen this before? Should I feed them anything special or just let them be? 

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Can you share a picture in the thread? I'm only seeing one as the thumbnail. When I made my screen zoomed in it looked like you may have ramshorn snails, not baby mysteries, but it was still a small photo and hard to tell. If it is ramshorns they could have come in either as eggs or tiny babies on live plants if you have any.

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On 7/20/2022 at 1:30 PM, Katherine said:

Can you share a picture in the thread? I'm only seeing one as the thumbnail. When I made my screen zoomed in it looked like you may have ramshorn snails, not baby mysteries, but it was still a small photo and hard to tell. If it is ramshorns they could have come in either as eggs or tiny babies on live plants if you have any.



On 7/20/2022 at 4:28 PM, Melissa G said:





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On 7/20/2022 at 6:28 PM, Melissa G said:



The first pic looks like a mini or micro ramshorns, Planorbis planorbis.  We just had a recent discussion about them.  I had a few “magically” appear in my angelfish tank but they seem to be gone already.  I’ve heard of people occassionally getting over run with them but I think it’s pretty uncommon.  Below is a link to that thread.

The second pic looks like regular ramshorns, Planorbella duryi or Planorbarius corneus.  These guys are a bit more likely to become “pests” if you are overfeeding.  Personally, I like them and have them in nearly every tank with no issues of becoming pests.  In new tanks, I do sometimes have to take steps to control them until I find the right balance for the tank.


Edited by Odd Duck
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I they are not mystery snails. If you don’t want lots of snails pick them out. If you don’t mind you don’t have to do anything. They probably came on plants or fish water if you just dump it in the tank from store. @Odd Duckis right on. I have ramshorn in all my tanks except one in which I have 6 clown loaches treat them like fine dining. Once you have them it’s almost impossible to get rid of them. The do a lot of good and clean extra food a little algae and don’t eat plants. You will see them on plants and might even see them eating a little but the cells tin that part of the plant are dead. The can get over whelming if you over feed. 

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On 7/20/2022 at 6:35 PM, Odd Duck said:

The second pic looks like regular ramshorns,

The 2nd pic doesn't look like ramshorn to me at all. The spiral comes out in the pic and in a ramshorn it does not. That doesn't mean I have a confident suggestion on what it is tho. My closest guess would be a trapdoor snail. It's shape is exactly like my baby JTS but the coloring is not. 

Here's some of my baby JTS for comparison 





Vs the flat spiral of a ramshorn. 




My best guess is it is either a different color JTS than mine or a Chinese trapdoor snail. 

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On 7/20/2022 at 11:53 PM, Cinnebuns said:

The 2nd pic doesn't look like ramshorn to me at all. The spiral comes out in the pic and in a ramshorn it does not. That doesn't mean I have a confident suggestion on what it is tho. My closest guess would be a trapdoor snail. It's shape is exactly like my baby JTS but the coloring is not. 

Here's some of my baby JTS for comparison 





Vs the flat spiral of a ramshorn. 




My best guess is it is either a different color JTS than mine or a Chinese trapdoor snail. 

You’re right, I missed that.  I guess we’ll have to wait and see what species once they get a bit bigger if OP decides to keep them.

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On 7/20/2022 at 11:53 PM, Cinnebuns said:

The 2nd pic doesn't look like ramshorn to me at all. The spiral comes out in the pic and in a ramshorn it does not.

I was thinking that might be an optical illusion since they're facing different directions but both appear to have the spiral coming toward us.

Edited by Katherine
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