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Why Does My Plant Have Holes In It?

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When I was setting up my tank I got a bunch of random plants from Petco and PetSmart to start my first planted aquarium. So I have no idea what kind of plants I have because I just didn’t pay attention. But this red one I got grew a lot then kind of stopped and now starting to develop holes in its leaf’s. I have Ottos and snails to help to keep the algae off but they haven’t been helping recently. I was wondering if you guys can help me identify the plant and why it’s leaf’s are starting to develop holes in them. I’d assume it would be from the fish if they were trying to keep the algae off but as you can see they don’t. 


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On 8/2/2022 at 11:51 AM, Shmowgen said:

@Mmiller2001Sorry! I didn't complete the full sentence haha. I was researching potassium dosing and saw the SeaChem Flourish and was curious if that's the same as Easy Green or if there is something you prefer. Thanks for the response!

It's not the same. Flourish is a supplement. It's made up of mostly micros and an insignificant amount of NPK.

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On 8/2/2022 at 12:12 PM, Shmowgen said:

@Mmiller2001 is this the equivalent of Easy Green from Aquarium Coop? Or does Seachem provide something that doesnt have.

I am running into the same situation with my new plants. Have been dosing with Easy Green twice a week.

Easy Green has some potassium, but I don't know off the top of my head how much.  You may need to add extra iron.  It's my understanding that the type of iron in Easy Green works well for plants in low pH water, but in high pH the plants can't utilize it.

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@JettsPapaThis is super helpful. Glad I ordered the Seachem to compare. I actually have Aquarium Coop's Iron as well but never knew what to use it for so I will start dosing with that to see if there is any improvement. Additionally, I also have a higher ph water in my tank (really weird because my tap isnt). Thanks!

On 7/20/2022 at 7:57 AM, Mmiller2001 said:

I dose potassium between 15 to 30ppm. I'm currently dosing 25 to 28ppm K.

@Mmiller2001 Just curious, what do you use to dose with potassium?

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