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When is carbon called for? Do you use crushed coral?


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I was always taught that we never used carbon in our filters unless you wanted to take medications out of the tank ~ carbon can take out good things ~  I always set my carbon aside ~ I use sponges and bio beads right now and filter floss to get my tank clearer.

Do you use carbon all the time in your filters? Also when do you use crushed coral and why?

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I don't use carbon but have it in case I need to remove meds. My tank is planted and I don't want it removing nutrients from the water column. Crushed coral is used when you need to increase the gh and kh of your water. You might use it because your water is extremely soft or you want to keep a species that like hard water. 

I don't use crushed coral because my water is very hard. 

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There are some folks on well water or bad city water that might want to use carbon. It is very good at removing the undesirables from water, but unfortunately it’s so good it often takes the desired chemicals too.

I use crushed coral and wondershell for my snail friends (I have a love/hate relationship with). My water in the PNW is lacking in minerals specifically calcium, which they need for their shells.

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I have a bag of crushed coral sitting in my supplies just in case I need it. My tanks all have pretty hard water though so I've never needed it. My GH and KH are always over 14°. Coral is great way to keep a tank stable though. Especially for live-bearers. The higher your tank pH is, the slower the coral dissolves.

I have carbon taking up space in my supplies as well. Just in case I need it. I also have bags of spent carbon from my 407 just resting on the bottom of my fry grow out tank. Housing BB and mulm for the tiny fry.

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On 7/6/2022 at 7:16 AM, Biotope Biologist said:

There are some folks on well water or bad city water that might want to use carbon. It is very good at removing the undesirables from water, but unfortunately it’s so good it often takes the desired chemicals too.


I have two tanks in the house. One will be under my care and one will less-so be under my care. They both have plants and stuff.  The one under my care has stem plants and more difficult plants while the community tank has anubias on wood.  The plan is to run carbon on the community tank just for the sake of giving the fish a more consistent environment and making it very easy for newer keepers to care for the animals.  I have no issues running carbon in a planted tank when I am "dealing with an issue" and need to make sure the fish have a good environment. There is many ways to provide this and carbon is a tool in the fishkeeper's toolbox.

Crushed coral I do have, have not had success with it easily due to the HoB I use.

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