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New aquarist, new fry!


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Just got home to see this new dude in my tank! Super excited to see this. Guess my Norman lampeye killis were comfy enough to breed in the java moss. This is my first community tank and it's only had everyone in it for 2 months or so. Tried to catch the fry and put into a breeder box only to realize the small grating on the sides wasn't small enough to hold this guy. So I guess I'll buy a new one and maybe some fry food. The only question I have is if anyone knows how many fry I might expect to have hatched? So far ive only seen 2 at a time but they're kinda hard to spot so I might assume there are more. Hopefully I can round them up before they get eaten or something. Gonna run to aquarium coop today for some of their fry food I think!


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Congratulations! I’ve never spawned that species. Hard to say if adults will eat the fry or leave it alone. I use a DIY flow-through tray to separate fry from adults while preserving a common water chemistry.

Some fry will take to fine powder fry food (e.g. Sera Micron). Others really need live foods (vinegar eels, baby brine shrimp, etc.)

I feed some eels here to newly hatched African killis…

It’s possible this one has been alive awhile in the tank, and learned how to finds its own food already 🤷‍♂️


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On 6/3/2022 at 4:40 PM, Fish Folk said:

Congratulations! I’ve never spawned that species. Hard to say if adults will eat the fry or leave it alone. I use a DIY flow-through tray to separate fry from adults while preserving a common water chemistry.

Some fry will take to fine powder fry food (e.g. Sera Micron). Others really need live foods (vinegar eels, baby brine shrimp, etc.)

I feed some eels here to newly hatched African killis…

It’s possible this one has been alive awhile in the tank, and learned how to finds its own food already 🤷‍♂️


Thanks for the advice. I'll keep that in mind when I get the food later!

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