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On 11/5/2022 at 2:00 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Mmm Snello!



You reminded me: the snail eggs from my LFS have hatched and I currently have half a ton of snailets on my hands, and they're magenta. I'll try and post a couple of pics...quite tempted to keep a couple for fun in my 65 gal. Would Mystery Snails be OK with an Angelfish?


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On 11/5/2022 at 9:39 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

You reminded me: the snail eggs from my LFS have hatched and I currently have half a ton of snailets on my hands, and they're magenta. I'll try and post a couple of pics...quite tempted to keep a couple for fun in my 65 gal. Would Mystery Snails be OK with an Angelfish?


I’m not sure. I wouldn’t put them in while they are “bite size” though. Pretty tank!

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On 11/5/2022 at 2:48 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Pretty tank!

Thanks! It's been playing up for over a year (algae, ich, bust sealing), but finally settled down a month ago and looks amazing compared to before! When I set it up I was just interested in the amount of fish species I could fit in...I've since learned that 30+ neons is nicer than 5 of each tetra at my equivalent of PetSmart!

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On 11/5/2022 at 9:39 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

You reminded me: the snail eggs from my LFS have hatched and I currently have half a ton of snailets on my hands, and they're magenta. I'll try and post a couple of pics...quite tempted to keep a couple for fun in my 65 gal. Would Mystery Snails be OK with an Angelfish?


I have never kept angelfish. But angelfish love larger worms. Snail antennas look like large long worms. They will eventually learn to keep their antenna in but that’s forcing them to go against what they normally do which is fly those long antennas everywhere. But once they’re too big to fit in the mouths of angels you can try it and watch but if you see them not moving during the day it means they’re eating at night if you see them not moving around a lot at all it means they’re stressed. I hope that helps

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On 11/5/2022 at 3:13 PM, Guppysnail said:

I have never kept angelfish. But angelfish love larger worms. Snail antennas look like large long worms. They will eventually learn to keep their antenna in but that’s forcing them to go against what they normally do which is fly those long antennas everywhere. But once they’re too big to fit in the mouths of angels you can try it and watch but if you see them not moving during the day it means they’re eating at night if you see them not moving around a lot at all it means they’re stressed. I hope that helps

I'll probably test one to see what happens...my angelfish is a bit of a wimp anyway though😂.

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I did not get back to the store to get the King Koopa nerite. I don’t have any other errands to run for today and well, I don’t want to get out of my pajamas. Soooo… I will look for him another day. Maybe Monday when I’m out and about again. For now, I’m just enjoying the day off work and getting to know my new friend Geppetto (see my journal thread for story). Here’s his picture. 



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On 11/6/2022 at 7:27 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Is there anything that snails don't eat???

I should use them against duckweed! 🙃

I tried to start duckweed once and they kept going up, grabbing a piece, and then “parasnailing” down to the bottom with it. 😆

My snails eat pretty much everything I’ve offered, except spinach. And I believe only one of the snails liked the asparagus, so I don’t feed that anymore. I also don’t think they like lettuce that much, but they LOVE cabbage!



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On 11/6/2022 at 1:33 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

I tried to start duckweed once and they kept going up, grabbing a piece, and then “parasnailing” down to the bottom with it. 😆

In that case I'll keep all my snailets until my duckweed is no more; it's such a pain when it blocks the sink as soon as I try to wash my hands after tank maintenance!

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First time feeding green bell pepper. Do they like it? Let’s see.



Somewhere in this photo is a snail with a green pepper.


And look at the little curl in Woodstock’s feeler! How adorable!!





I then had to leave home to do adulting so I’m not sure if the shrimp like the green pepper or not.

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On 11/7/2022 at 4:57 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

An update from Erin. She boiled some pumpkin and offered it to Goldie and Gumdrop. Gumdrop zzz but Goldie was ready for breakfast. 🙂


I'm constantly being surprised by the actual speed of these things. My little magenta snailets are 2-3 times faster than my bladder snails, who are currently starving to death 😈. I've started to throw pieces of carrot in for them. Any recommendations?

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On 11/7/2022 at 11:05 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

I'm constantly being surprised by the actual speed of these things. My little magenta snailets are 2-3 times faster than my bladder snails, who are currently starving to death 😈. I've started to throw pieces of carrot in for them. Any recommendations?

@Guppysnail is the one to ask about bladder snails.

For baby mysteries you can swirl in Repashy powder or even some fry food. Just be careful not to overfeed or you will have ammonia. When mysteries are new they are not going to be interested in vegetables. They will go mainly for algae or biofilm. One great thing you can do also is get a small chunk of driftwood and throw it in there. It will create a lot of slimy biofilm and the snails love that. (I boil it first to kill any bacteria or remove any dust that might be on the wood)- also it may float but you can use a rock to weigh it down. 
Baby mysteries love moss as well. They like to attach to it and eat stuff off of it.

Calcium is important as well. You may want to put a wondershell in there. When they start accepting commercial foods you can give them banquet block or crab cuisine.

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C-3PO likes the catappa. Look at the edge. This was a perfect leaf yesterday.



This morning I noticed a shrimp that was WAY FATTER than the others. But it didn’t look like there are eggs, that I can tell. The shrimp was busy picking at algae and seems happy. (?)

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@TheSwissAquarist bladder snails reproduce to the amount of food available to them. They self regulate and die off quick with lack of food so that some may have enough to eat to continue the species in their ecosystem. Fry food works best for baby new hatch mystery snails so they don’t expend excess energy finding food and mine live fry food. It will also help keep your bladder population well. Not to much of the bladders overpopulate and starve out the mystery babies. It’s a learned balance you will get there. 

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