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On 10/21/2022 at 10:42 PM, rockfisher said:

I know I’m late here but mystery snails can change sex in their life time. Is not contradicting any thing said just extra info.

Rockfisher hey! How are the home repairs coming along? Have you heard from your friends on Pine Island?

Mystery snails changing sex is a common myth and here’s why. A female snail can mate (say, in a pet store) and hold the fertilized eggs for many MONTHS.  Then she can produce viable clutches for the aquarist who only bought one snail (guess who that was). Lol

On 10/22/2022 at 1:36 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

I dream (ha!) of the day when my little nano cube is full of Bloody Mary shrimp…. there’s only 3 so far😏.


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On 10/22/2022 at 10:36 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Rockfisher hey! How are the home repairs coming along? Have you heard from your friends on Pine Island?

Mystery snails changing sex is a common myth and here’s why. A female snail can mate (say, in a pet store) and hold the fertilized eggs for many MONTHS.  Then she can produce viable clutches for the aquarist who only bought one snail (guess who that was). Lol


Thoon thou thall thee tha thot thof thrimp  😜!!!

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On 10/22/2022 at 12:44 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Good morning! It’s been a busy morning in the shrimp/snail tank! Everybody has found a little job to do, and everybody is swimming the length of the tank too!

Tiny nibbles even had a shell cleaning today. A nice way to start the day, with a clean shell.






Also these 2 snails are riding the seesaw.



I think I might attempt to make a seesaw… it’s such a fun concept!

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Grab your favorite hot beverage; this is gonna be a long one!

Today is a couch potato day for @Chick-In-Of-TheSea. It’s been such a busy week, and yesterday’s schedule had me out of the house from morning til night.

I started the day by meeting up with my friend Erin to go to a craft fair. I totally NERM out at Erin’s place. She is the friend that adopted “Goldie”, a snail baby from my last hatch. So I took a bunch of photos so you guys can NERM out with me.

This is Quex; her axolotl. He lives in cold temperatures; hence the insulating material around his tank. Quex ate 4 full earthworms while I was there. They weren’t even cut. He’s a lot bigger than he looks, at a whopping 9”. He should reach about a foot. He’s standing on some almond leaves; they are really good for him, as most fish meds are unsafe for axolotls.


Erin raises the earthworms in this tub. They eat compost like coffee grounds, wet cardboard, banana peels, vegetable scraps, etc. I should have taken a pic of the worms too but we were on a little time crunch to get to the craft fair. I saw that the worms had reproduced though, and there were adult and baby earthworms in the tub, very active. Quex’s avatar is on the side of the tub. Lol


Here’s Goldie. My, has she grown! Erin quarantined Goldie for > 1 month. I suggested she didn’t need to, but this is how she rolls. Goldie has a friend named Spike; he’s a horned nerite. Quite a little guy. We couldn’t find him because he was somewhere in the cave.


Introducing Goldie to the display tank did not come without its challenges because:



So betta did not play nice with Goldie. Goldie was moved back to quarantine until a divider arrived and now this is the setup.


(Betta was not thrilled with this idea, but he’ll get over it.)

And here’s the part where I have to make a confession to @Guppysnail
because she sent me several beautiful magentas. Well, ever since the snails were in transit and I shared a photo with Erin, Erin got ULTRA excited, and the first thing out of her mouth was, “I want a magenta snail!”  And so, these magentas were not up for adoption or anything, but this girl was looking at me grinning ear to ear, what could I do? And when the shipment arrived, I told her everyone arrived safely, and she said “Yay! Our snails are here!” (Mind you, I had not agreed to anything…LOL)  Anyway, this is how Gumdrop has come to live with mama Erin, and Erin will be spoiling her with veggies, calcium, and all the snail goodies that she could ever want. So Gumdrop was safely delivered and into the quarantine tank she went (really an observation tank, because no meds are in there or anything). Here’s photos after acclimation. Gumdrop didn’t seem to be bothered by the transport and immediately started snailing around. Also she was delivered with a small piece of boiled squash, because that’s what was on my kids’ menu for the day, and I know she likes it. The squash was gone by the time we got back from the craft fair. So I hope @Guppysnail can forgive me for this one. I didn’t take the decision lightly, and I trust Erin, my dear friend with multiple tank syndrome, 100%.



Well, hopefully you guys aren’t too bored by now, because there’s more! Lol

This is Lucy! Erin’s turtle. Lucy is celebrating her 13th birthday this year. Lucy also likes to eat the earthworms that Erin is raising. She was a little bit shy today. 


Also Erin recently went to Maine and brought me this souvenir. Of course it’s a lobster but seeing how it’s little and in a shotglass, it sure does remind me of the shrimp I just adopted. 😀


And just as she weasled her way with the magenta, I weasled her into giving me some massive almond leaves for the shrimp. 😊


and then off we headed to the festival.


Now, if you’re still tuned in at this point, we are now at Sunday morning at @Chick-In-Of-TheSea house.

Yesterday’s menu was squash and crab cuisine, and today’s is Repashy Snello (although Snoopy has been stealing bites of it. He thinks I don’t notice) which is made with Soilent Green and calcium carbonate.


These 2 are gossiping about their neighbors. Shhhhhh!



Also, something is going on with the feeding ring I made for the black neon. Bon Bon decided it’s hers for today.



And then she realized she knocked the flake to the bottom and parasnailed down for it.



Lastly, I’ll just throw this in here. I’ve been finding pathetic clutches in the 29. Not sure who’s laying them but they are so minuscule and then the edge, instead of being a full egg, it just kind of “trails off”. Not sure what’s up with that. It’s not every time though. Some clutches are very nicely formed. I wonder if they just need to quickly offload a few eggs but aren’t really in the mood for laying. Just like we half-@ss our chores sometimes. (?)

If you read all this and didn’t fall asleep then ️!  Thanks for tuning in! Happy Sunday, folks!


Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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On 10/23/2022 at 2:18 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

didn’t fall asleep then ️!  Thanks for tuning in! Happy Sunday, folks!

I'm currently stuck at the back of my bedroom listening to my teacher ramble on about the Middle Ages. If anyone can make me sleep, he can.

Love the look of the Axolotl! Tell Erin that she makes me want to get one!

Turtle looks good too!

I have an announcement to make: I got my first Mystery Snail(s)! My LFS store manager found a clutch stuck behind a light above a tank and told me that if I get it out I could keep it. Ever the good employee (and the opportunist!) I spent 15 min on a stepladder with my debit card and my library card getting the damn thing out (grumble). I have no idea whatsoever about the colours and have decided to let myself be surprised! 

Have a nice Sunday too!

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On 10/23/2022 at 8:54 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

I have an announcement to make: I got my first Mystery Snail(s)! My LFS store manager found a clutch stuck behind a light above a tank and told me that if I get it out I could keep it. Ever the good employee (and the opportunist!) I spent 15 min on a stepladder with my debit card and my library card getting the damn thing out (grumble). I have no idea whatsoever about the colours and have decided to let myself be surprised! 

Congratulations!  What an epic freebie! Make sure you go back to the beginning of the journal to see what to do. For now you’ll have the clutch in a Tupperware floating in your tank, and there should be holes (small, like from a pushpin) in the lid of the Tupperware. Layer from bottom to top : damp (tank water) paper towel, dry paper towel, clutch, lid.

The most important thing is water quality so make sure you have a tank that is 100% cycled for them. As babies they are sensitive to parameters.

Let me know if you have any questions. 

On 10/23/2022 at 9:53 AM, redfish said:

We have thought about getting an axolotl but don’t have a good way to keep the tank cool year round right now

They have a lot of requirements- for the most part they only eat live food, they can’t do fish meds. Need cold water, large tank, no tankmates, no substrate, TONS of filtration. And they look small on videos but that’s super temporary. They grow.. A LOT (think common pleco). She supplements with a carnivore Repashy but they really need worms and feeder fish all the time. And every feeder fish needs to be quarantined for a month because you can’t take the chance of the axolotl getting ill. Also if they get ill they have to be taken to an exotic pets veterinarian.

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On 10/23/2022 at 8:54 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

15 min on a stepladder

I used a razor on my first one. Now I’m an expert clutch remover 😂 since York has laid more than 23 and the magentas are laying too. Gently grab on the sides, turn (like a knob, as if you’re turning up the radio), and it pops right off. But if you remove it on the first day it’s laid you might squish some. The trick is to wait 24 hrs  (I mean, if you ever find one in your home tank.)  I know you were in the LFS for this one. They will be firm enough on the second day that there should be no damage.

Another easy way I’ve found is to take a test kit card and use that because they are flexy enough and work great.

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On 10/23/2022 at 4:18 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

beginning of the journal to see what to do.

Already have!

On 10/23/2022 at 4:18 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Let me know if you have any questions. 

On 10/23/2022 at 3:53 PM, redfish said:

Will do 🫡.

think they’re magenta or gold, because the tanks (3) underneath the light only have gold or magenta. Time will tell!

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Awww🥰🤗 I am so happy you were able to share one of the magentas with your friend. A big portion of the enjoyment I get from my hobby is sharing my babies with friends. I don’t sell fish but give away tons. To me that is what the hobby is. When I was a kid the neighbor kids and a few friends from school got into catching and keeping fish. Some even purchased fish at stores. We would trade babies or fish we were “bored” with for whatever someone else had that we had not tried yet. Kind of like baseball cards 🤣


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On 10/24/2022 at 2:08 PM, Guppysnail said:

Awww🥰🤗 I am so happy you were able to share one of the magentas with your friend. A big portion of the enjoyment I get from my hobby is sharing my babies with friends. I don’t sell fish but give away tons. To me that is what the hobby is. When I was a kid the neighbor kids and a few friends from school got into catching and keeping fish. Some even purchased fish at stores. We would trade babies or fish we were “bored” with for whatever someone else had that we had not tried yet. Kind of like baseball cards 🤣


Once got scolded for bringing a clump of Java moss into class😏, teacher thought it was a illegal substance😂. I’d never do that though!

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On 10/24/2022 at 8:08 AM, Guppysnail said:

Awww🥰🤗 I am so happy you were able to share one of the magentas with your friend. A big portion of the enjoyment I get from my hobby is sharing my babies with friends. I don’t sell fish but give away tons. To me that is what the hobby is. When I was a kid the neighbor kids and a few friends from school got into catching and keeping fish. Some even purchased fish at stores. We would trade babies or fish we were “bored” with for whatever someone else had that we had not tried yet. Kind of like baseball cards 🤣


Yay, I'm glad!  I was worried you'd be disappointed that I adopted one out.  


On 10/24/2022 at 9:26 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Once got scolded for bringing a clump of Java moss into class😏, teacher thought it was a illegal substance😂. I’d never do that though!

Haha!  That's funny.  You were wheelin and dealin.


On 10/24/2022 at 12:27 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

When I was a kid the neighbor kids and a few friends from school got into catching and keeping fish.

I remember catching minnows in the creek and putting them in my tank.  They were hardier than the fish I actually bought at the store.

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On 10/24/2022 at 12:48 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Do you mean, in nature conditions vary quite a bit?

They actually do fluctuate quite a bit. Heavy rains seasonal etc. My fish I simulate four seasons a year where their tank temperature changes I’ll let the tank temps fall for a little bit during the evening and bring them back up during the day I think fluctuation builds healthy more tolerant Fish. Nothing fast as long as it’s slow because everything in nature happens on a slower scale. Just like in fall massive amounts of leaves put tannins into lakes and rivers and then summer massive amounts of algae bloom. I think keeping fish with zero fluctuations ever make for very weak fish  that are sensitive to everything. I even fluctuate how much light they get during each season. 

Edited by Guppysnail
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On 10/22/2022 at 4:36 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Rockfisher hey! How are the home repairs coming along? Have you heard from your friends on Pine Island?

Mystery snails changing sex is a common myth and here’s why. A female snail can mate (say, in a pet store) and hold the fertilized eggs for many MONTHS.  Then she can produce viable clutches for the aquarist who only bought one snail (guess who that was). Lol


First, I do have to Apologize for my incorrect information. Mystery snail don’t change sex. I got some of my snails mixed up. You are correct.now that’s done. Repairs are slow due to insurance being very slow. FEMA has been out but most claims from FEMA are being denied, so I except that it will be denied as well. I have talked to my friends. They are ok. For one it was very difficult and ended up riding out the storm on there boat after their house was wash away. They were ok but had minor injuries a broken leg and arm. 

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On 10/24/2022 at 3:19 PM, rockfisher said:

most claims from FEMA are being denied, so I except that it will be denied as well

Fingers crossed it goes through for you. 

On 10/24/2022 at 3:19 PM, rockfisher said:

I have talked to my friends. They are ok. For one it was very difficult and ended up riding out the storm on there boat after their house was wash away

I am so glad they survived. How horrible that must have been to endure on a boat. I’ve been on a boat in rough seas before and it was unpleasant. I can’t imagine what it would be like during a hurricane. Dangerous and nauseating.

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So I have a snail… that fell asleep on a snail. And he’s been asleep for quite some time now. 🙄🤣


I did my first water change since getting the shrimp. Only 10% as someone suggested. I usually do 25 and vac more, but this is fine. They did just fine, and I was careful with temperature. I was worried about sponge filter maintenance too but they were on plants today, so I got both filters cleaned.

Here’s 2 after the water change. I adore their deep blue coloration. Kept today’s meal nice & simple with some algae wafers. They don’t seem to come to the dish. I think there’s lots of yummy stuff on the plants and even in the sand. The snails are happy to clean the dish for me though.



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