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Java Moss Growing In sponge Filter:(

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When it comes to moss, once it grows somewhere and it's 'infected' something you won't get rid of it without removing whatever it's attached to and/or sterilizing the tank/hardware. I have this issue with Taiwan moss and Christmas moss. I just wait till it gets enough size to be a pad of moss and then pluck it off.

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Moss is tough stuff. I had it on several manzanita pieces that it grew on without my wanting it to.  I redid the tank and the wood sat dry in a drawer for months. I added the wood to a few tanks this fall.  The moss has grown back despite my having zero moss in any of my tanks. 😝

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On 5/9/2022 at 1:11 PM, Guppysnail said:

Moss is tough stuff. I had it on several manzanita pieces that it grew on without my wanting it to.  I redid the tank and the wood sat dry in a drawer for months. I added the wood to a few tanks this fall.  The moss has grown back despite my having zero moss in any of my tanks. 😝

Once you let wood dry, take a clean (non soap based) scrubbing pad to it. It should remove the spores from the surface. I've even tried boiling wood with moss that has been dry, that stuff is so resilient it still came back. It's why I no longer bring in Javamoss. It's bad enough I have christmas moss and taiwan moss everywhere I don't want it, haha.

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On 5/9/2022 at 1:25 PM, Tihshho said:

Once you let wood dry, take a clean (non soap based) scrubbing pad to it. It should remove the spores from the surface. I've even tried boiling wood with moss that has been dry, that stuff is so resilient it still came back. It's why I no longer bring in Javamoss. It's bad enough I have christmas moss and taiwan moss everywhere I don't want it, haha.

I caved. I hate moss my shrimp love moss. Sparse moss on wood is worse than moss filled wood so I bought more Java and added susswassertang into the ugly mix 🤣

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On 5/9/2022 at 1:34 PM, Guppysnail said:

I caved. I hate moss my shrimp love moss. Sparse moss on wood is worse than moss filled wood so I bought more Java and added susswassertang into the ugly mix 🤣

Start a new tank with suswassertang and you'll be so happy you did!

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On 5/9/2022 at 1:54 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

You can dip the filter in some H2o2 2-3 parts to 10 parts most likely that would kill it or you could do isopropyl alcohol, let it dry out in the sun then put it back in. 

@ZacDepending on the tank moss is very useful, is the issue it's unsightly or it attracts algae?

Idk it’s not me who has the problem with the moss lol

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On 5/9/2022 at 11:38 AM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

All this talk and I can't keep moss alive 😄 I guess I should be grateful!

I'm reading through asking "moss growing is unwanted???"

Moss is a filter plant, @Linda4fish as long as you have flow I don't think the moss will decrease water quality by growing on the sponge filter

I could be wrong, but many of my sponge filters have plants growing on them. It's kind of a win-win, and increases the attractiveness of the filter imo

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I will NEVER add moss again to an aquarium unless its used in place as a substrate in a goldfish tank.... I have it climbing the wall at the back of my aquarium. How it got there, I don't know!! 🤷‍♂️🤣

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