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Cold water set up


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Anyone have a cold water set up.

im cycling a new set up and was gonna go with betta, rasboras and BN pleco.


I am no considering the bn pleco and a paradise fish and a temperate set up.

the thank is in my living room that ranges from 68-72 degrees.


I was even thinking keeping the heater in there but on like 70.


Is 70 too high of a temp!? I am thinking just right

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Just want to make sure I'm reading this correctly - you're saying you're no longer considering the Betta and rasboras if you go with the colder set up, right? A Betta would absolutely suffer in temps that cold.

I have a cold tank with Japanese rice fish neocaridina shrimp. I do keep a heater in there set to 70. I find keeping a heater in the tank keeps temps more stable and prevents big fluctuations...and my room temp is usually in the low 60s in the winter and I felt that that was just too cold for my plants. I think a lot of folks do cold water set ups without heaters though.

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Yes sorry definitely a typo and it should have said no longer*


I haven’t purchased fish yet so idea is betta Rasbora pleco with heat or cold water with paradise fish and BN pleco.


I kinda was thinking same. Keep a heater in there set to 68-70 just in case the room gets cold. 

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I don't have one yet BUT I want to do a cold water river tank in the future so some ideas I researched:

- White cloud mountain minnows (along with other similar minnow species)

- Ricefish 

- Danios (like celestial Pearl Danios, zebra Dannios, etc)

- I think salt & pepper corys are good with cooler temperatures but not 100% on this yet

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On 4/20/2022 at 2:42 PM, Silhouette said:

I don't have one yet BUT I want to do a cold water river tank in the future so some ideas I researched:

- White cloud mountain minnows (along with other similar minnow species)

- Ricefish 

- Danios (like celestial Pearl Danios, zebra Dannios, etc)

- I think salt & pepper corys are good with cooler temperatures but not 100% on this yet

I think your right some Corys can have the cold and some not. Same with pleco some can and some can’t.


I really want that one center piece fish and for me that is the paradise fish. It was one of first fish people kept bc they don’t need a heater. Not a lot of information out there on tank mates tho.


before I spend big bucks ordering fish I wanted to toss in some minnows or danios but I’m afraid the paradise fish may eat them



your tank idea sounds cool

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Check out the member "Fish Folk" on the forum, they do some cool-cool water native fish.

also check out this blog post for ideas: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/coldwater-fish

At the end of this blog there is a mention about paradise fish (it took me a while to find it but I remembered I saw a post about paradise fish somewhere), Just remember that a good rule for many fish is, "if it fits (in my mouth) than I eats". https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/top-5-gouramis

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On 4/20/2022 at 8:38 AM, JessLynne7 said:

im cycling a new set up and was gonna go with betta, rasboras and BN pleco.

Depending which ones, the rasboras may not like being that cold.

Betta I think also won't work. Especially because most "high flow" species tend to be the ones that stay in that range.

I posted a list in another thread, but here's what I'd recommend looking into.



1. Loaches (zebra, yo-yo, dwarf chain, kuhli, etc.)
2. Hillstream / Borneo loaches.
3. Mountain/River fish, Minnows
4. Endlers
5. Barbs
6. Panda Corys
7. Plecos
8. Danios
9. Ricefish


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On 4/20/2022 at 6:40 PM, Dancing Matt said:

Check out the member "Fish Folk" on the forum, they do some cool-cool water native fish.

also check out this blog post for ideas: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/coldwater-fish

At the end of this blog there is a mention about paradise fish (it took me a while to find it but I remembered I saw a post about paradise fish somewhere), Just remember that a good rule for many fish is, "if it fits (in my mouth) than I eats". https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/top-5-gouramis

Thank you

che king it out now

On 4/20/2022 at 9:07 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Depending which ones, the rasboras may not like being that cold.

Betta I think also won't work. Especially because most "high flow" species tend to be the ones that stay in that range.

I posted a list in another thread, but here's what I'd recommend looking into.



Thank you

Looking into it now. Leaning towards zebra danios or minnows

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On 4/20/2022 at 9:26 PM, JessLynne7 said:

Thank you

che king it out now

Thank you

Looking into it now. Leaning towards zebra danios or minnows

So I know I’m gonna do a bn pleco and a paradise fish. Both can be in temperate waters and both known to get along.

I wanted to get a very small school of minnows or danios but I’m afraid the paradise fish will eat them.

I may need to get a larger cold water fish like gold bath or giant danios.

my local fish store has gold Barb and minnows but no danios. Except glow fish 😞

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On 4/21/2022 at 12:10 PM, Flumpweesel said:

I kept a heater in my cold water (set around 21C /70F) tank to it more stable from the low temps at night as I don't heat my house at night.

This then allowed me to keep a to few corys and danios with the goldfish. 

I thought about that too and sitting it to 68-70 just to be sure my tank doesn’t drop while I’m sleeping 

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On 4/21/2022 at 5:29 PM, Streetwise said:

I have been running without heaters for a while now. My last one was for a betta. My fish and shrimp are doing fine. My species are in my journal.

I accidentally didn’t have a heater for my first betta and she lived 1.5 years



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On 4/22/2022 at 1:03 PM, drewzero1 said:

I really like my white cloud minnowss in my unheated tank. They do fine down to at least 50°F, which is the temp in my basement for most of the winter. 🥶

I almost got the white clouds but I plan on getting a paradise fish and I did not want the minnows to get eaten.


minnows are cool tho - good pick

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In my personal experience. Zebra Danios, White Clouds, Bluefin Killifish, Wild Guppies, and Golden topminnows get along with Paradise Fish, but I have heard of success with Gold Barbs. I've also noticed that Paradise Fish don't seem to be as aggressive as most people say they are, but that could just be the line I've worked with.

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On 4/23/2022 at 1:03 PM, L_goodei200 said:

In my personal experience. Zebra Danios, White Clouds, Bluefin Killifish, Wild Guppies, and Golden topminnows get along with Paradise Fish, but I have heard of success with Gold Barbs. I've also noticed that Paradise Fish don't seem to be as aggressive as most people say they are, but that could just be the line I've worked with.

I researched and researched and I was afraid they may eat the minnows ( which were available in my area). I wanted the zebra danios but could not find them in my area. I did not realize about killi fish but I have not seen those in my area either. I researched the barbs a lot and they seem like they will hold their own. They get big enough at 3inches and like the cold water.

I talked to someone else who keeps paraffins he and they also recommended barbs and danios.



thank you for the advice not many people keep paradise fish and I don’t understand why!?


I am ordering one and it should be here around may 11th. I’m so excited 

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Paradise Fish are cool! My brother and I have been working on a line of dark blue, long-finned, crowntail Paradise Fish for a couple of years now. 

The only thing I might caution about with the barbs, is that they might fin nip. But I've never personally kept them, so I can't say for sure.

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On 4/23/2022 at 1:19 PM, L_goodei200 said:

Paradise Fish are cool! My brother and I have been working on a line of dark blue, long-finned, crowntail Paradise Fish for a couple of years now. 

The only thing I might caution about with the barbs, is that they might fin nip. But I've never personally kept them, so I can't say for sure.

From what I researched about the barbs some like Tigard nip more than the others. The cherry barn seem to be the calmest of the bunch but are a little smaller. The gold had mixed opinions on nipping. The golds also like the cooler waters more than some barbs.


your fish sound cool. Do you sell them or have pictures 

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On 4/23/2022 at 2:02 PM, L_goodei200 said:

Unfortunately we don't currently have the ability to ship them, so we really only sell to the local pet shops, but here's a mediocre picture of of one of the shorter finned males.


Sorry auto correct. Tiger barb ** cherry barb not barn***


very cool looking fish. You all are doing a great job!!!


my local fish shop doesn’t have anything that cool

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