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Would a Canister filter be overkill for a 20 long?


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Currently running 2 filters in my 20 Long Shell Dweller tank. I am considering switching to a canister filter because I'd like to:

1. Decrease visual clutter. I really enjoy the look of a tank with no visible filtration. 

2. Increase Biological Filtration. I'd really like for the fish to have the best environment possible. 

Here are the 2 filters I'm currently running and what i think the pros/cons are:

  • Marineland 125 Pro: 
    • Pros: large media basket, relatively quiet
    • Cons: there is a slight hum, hopefully it doesn't get worse over time
  • Sicce Shark ADV 400:
    • Pros: Completely Silent; Extremely easily to clean; highly customizable filter basket.
    • Cons: Very high flow, almost too much; looks very ugly in such a shallow tank; Shell Dweller fry will definitely get sucked up and there's no way to prevent it.
      • (I mainly use it for water polishing which I have now realized may be overkill in itself because there is no way to lower the flow).

Would a SunSun 602 be good enough to meet my needs? Ive heard that while not the best, they are great value for the price. The flow is substantially higher than both my current filters combined as it is rated for 75 gallons. Im sure that i can baffle the flow with the use of a spray bar anyways.

I'm most concerned about adequate surface area for beneficial bacteria. I know you can never have enough beneficial bacteria.

I know many will point out that maintenance is easier on hang on backs but the ability to have the filter completely apart from the tank is a plus for me.

Are canister filters in general near silent? I'd prefer almost no hum since its in my bedroom. Since id be storing it in a cabinet im sure sound dampening would help. 

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I’m not familiar with that canister. I do run canisters on 3 - 20Ltanks. I use fluval 07 series with fully adjustable flow which makes them nice. They are easy to deal with and super quiet. I use 107/207/307 on the 20L depending on stock levels. If you look at those and have questions I would be happy to help as I also have 2 more on other tanks. 

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On 4/7/2022 at 1:17 PM, Guppysnail said:

I’m not familiar with that canister. I do run canisters on 3 - 20Ltanks. I use fluval 07 series with fully adjustable flow which makes them nice. They are easy to deal with and super quiet. I use 107/207/307 on the 20L depending on stock levels. If you look at those and have questions I would be happy to help as I also have 2 more on other tanks. 

The filter I’m looking at is about 250 gallons per hour. Do spray bars usually reduce flow by quite a bit? 

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Mine made it seem like a pressure washer. I had to drill more holes and make the existing ones larger even set on low flow. I’ve seen them look like nice waterfalls but not mine. If I forgot to lower the flow before water change it sprayed clear out of the tank in my face. Could have been operator error but I removed the two I had. 

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I’ve never owned a SunSun. You see different things about them. This is an interesting canister because the pump is on the outside. Not sure it’ll be whisper quiet with it located outside the filter. 
In terms of small canisters I’ve had the Eheim 2211,13,15 and 17 and they are very quiet and reliable. What’s nice with the Eheim and you can do this with any canister is at the quick disconnect there’s a flow shut off - you can close this partially on the outtake to the spray bar and adjust it that way to lower and reduce flow. 
I’ve set up a Fluval 107 and it was nice good quality of plastic and the baskets and parts all seemed very well done. Friend still has it running and likes it in her 36 g bow. 
Odyssea CFS 130 Hang on Aquarium Canister Filter External https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00UZG8B2I/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_V6MJG674Q4YBW2TMS1RW?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

Not sure why I like this one but I’ve nearly bought it multiple times. Solid reviews.

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On 4/7/2022 at 11:43 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

I’ve never owned a SunSun. You see different things about them. This is an interesting canister because the pump is on the outside. Not sure it’ll be whisper quiet with it located outside the filter. 
In terms of small canisters I’ve had the Eheim 2211,13,15 and 17 and they are very quiet and reliable. What’s nice with the Eheim and you can do this with any canister is at the quick disconnect there’s a flow shut off - you can close this partially on the outtake to the spray bar and adjust it that way to lower and reduce flow. 
I’ve set up a Fluval 107 and it was nice good quality of plastic and the baskets and parts all seemed very well done. Friend still has it running and likes it in her 36 g bow. 
Odyssea CFS 130 Hang on Aquarium Canister Filter External https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00UZG8B2I/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_V6MJG674Q4YBW2TMS1RW?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

Not sure why I like this one but I’ve nearly bought it multiple times. Solid reviews.

I made the mistake of citing the wrong filter model in my initial post! It’s a sun sun 302, with the pump mounted inside. 

so flow turned out to be slightly too much so I went and ordered a ball valve to put on the outflow and drilled extra holes in the spray bar as well! It’s working great so far! 

my main purpose in buying a canister was for noise and aesthetic purposes. I built a diy stand which has doors that way I can hide the filter underneath and it’s done a great job of keeping ten tank near silent.

here’s a picture of the ball valve installed:




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On 4/15/2022 at 4:53 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

I like what you did there. Yeah that sun sun has got a lot of gph for that size tank so all the things you did make sense. 

Would love to see a whole tank pic and see that cabinet you made. Have fun!

The shell is an ikea cabinet, but I reinforced it with 2x4’s and a plywood sheet for the tank to sit on. It’s a little less rigid than I would prefer. I’m moving out within a year or two so it should hold until then. 


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