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Had a crazy, scary moment tonight!

Goldie Blue

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I had a terrifying moment tonight! After losing almost half my tank in Nov, I decided to take the plunge and add a couple fish to the 55g today. I brought 4 Oto's home, and thought that I had them all out of the net. I set the net from the Oto transfer on a towel on the floor. I have 3 tanks, and while the 55g was filling up, I spent upwards of 35 minutes doing the cleaning out of my axolotl tank. There was something weird I could not vacuum up in the axolotl tank, so I grabbed the net...and holy macaroni one of those little Oto's was in there and still alive!!!!!

I was shocked and didn't even know how to react, quickly had my husband lift the lid to place him in the 55g. He seems perfectly fine. I have NO idea how I missed getting him out of there and I swear I saw all 4 go into the tank. My heart is heavy and I have been worrying about him all night. He honestly seems unfazed by it. Had I not needed that net for the other tank, I would have just tossed it in a bucket at the end and the poor guy would have perished. 😩

What are the odds this fish will live? 

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glad he was ok  and you found him ,,

i was cleaning tank and removed a rock before removing them i look for snails  i thought i got them all off i remove it to clean and had it setting out for 10-20 minutes ,, and when i went to clean it saw a snail crawling on my counter ,, i just pop him right back in the tank he was fine 

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I don’t know if you caught my post about the leaking 10 G, near catastrophe, but those cories were laying on their sides on wet sponge for an unknown time frame and seem absolutely none the worse for wear.  At least your little guy was completely surrounded by moisture in the net.  Just keep close watch.  My bet is he’ll do fine.

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On 4/1/2022 at 1:02 AM, Goldie Blue said:

I had a terrifying moment tonight! After losing almost half my tank in Nov, I decided to take the plunge and add a couple fish to the 55g today. I brought 4 Oto's home, and thought that I had them all out of the net. I set the net from the Oto transfer on a towel on the floor. I have 3 tanks, and while the 55g was filling up, I spent upwards of 35 minutes doing the cleaning out of my axolotl tank. There was something weird I could not vacuum up in the axolotl tank, so I grabbed the net...and holy macaroni one of those little Oto's was in there and still alive!!!!!

I was shocked and didn't even know how to react, quickly had my husband lift the lid to place him in the 55g. He seems perfectly fine. I have NO idea how I missed getting him out of there and I swear I saw all 4 go into the tank. My heart is heavy and I have been worrying about him all night. He honestly seems unfazed by it. Had I not needed that net for the other tank, I would have just tossed it in a bucket at the end and the poor guy would have perished. 😩

What are the odds this fish will live? 

The odds are very high.

I have autoimmune issues, and frequently am wiped out for a few days to a week after plant trimming or a water change.

I posted last night about the 8 *fry* I found in the plant trimmings that had been sitting in a plastic bucket for the past 2 weeks... no air, no filter, and barely a couple inches of water. No clue how they survived the two weeks except fry are hardier than we give them credit for, and plants grow microfauna and are the world's original filters.

I'm glad you needed your net!

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got a few khuli loaches just yesterday, poured the bag into a container through a net took the net and dumped the loaches into their new tank. I put the net back into a container that had a bit of of water and went to open the next bag, went to get the net again and realized there was still a loach wiggling in the net. Not as dramatic as the rest of your stories, gut the situation is relatable.

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On 4/1/2022 at 9:30 PM, Torrey said:

I posted last night about the 8 *fry* I found in the plant trimmings that had been sitting in a plastic bucket for the past 2 weeks... no air, no filter, and barely a couple inches of water.

OH MY GOSH! That is insane. Glad you discovered them though! Yeah I am glad I needed my net as well. He has been super active and seemingly fine. 

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On 4/1/2022 at 10:40 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

I'd probably hover like mother goose if I were in your shoes so I get it. 

YES, this exactly lol! I checked in there to make sure all 4 were alive at least a dozen times today! It was super stressful. 

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