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Dutch/ plant farm 75 gallon (and other projects)

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green greco is actually a nice plant for a crypt; well i think it is but others might disagree. I have a few of them in my low-tech tank; might have one buried in my hi-tech tank but if so i can't remember where and it is buried beneath a ton of stuff. Still I think it is one of those 'plain' but vastly under-rated crypts.

A plant you might like is myriopyllum roraima; this plant is incredibly easy to grow and the colour is a nice contrast.

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On 12/17/2022 at 3:58 PM, anewbie said:

green greco is actually a nice plant for a crypt; well i think it is but others might disagree. I have a few of them in my low-tech tank; might have one buried in my hi-tech tank but if so i can't remember where and it is buried beneath a ton of stuff. Still I think it is one of those 'plain' but vastly under-rated crypts.

A plant you might like is myriopyllum roraima; this plant is incredibly easy to grow and the colour is a nice contrast.

I've had Myriophyllum Roraima before and it is a nice plant, but it was tough to manage with how fast it grows. I also didn't necessarily want two Myriophyllum species in the same tank. I love crypts and I'm thinking of turning the cube tank with emersed plants into a crypt garden.

One thing I've noticed is that the Myriophyllum mattogrossense 'Golden' is a lot prettier when you don't plant it as densely. The tips get an almost pinkish hue.



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Are there different variance of M.  MATOGROSSENSE; some seem to be sold as red and others as golden? As to having two species - i actually like how rormaia mixes with green; though they are both fast growing plants; also green handles being chopped better than roraima; that is it is more predictable. I'm replacing my 40B with a 72x18 tank in may and figure I would line the back with Myriophyllum; remove the pso and then the front will be mostly crypts and smaller colourful swords. The one thing i do like about myriophyllum over other stem plants is i can whack the top and don't have to worry about the bottom stem rotting. I find with ludwigia for example you have to replant it now and then as eventually the bottoms will give way. Just starting to play with mermaid weed but it turns green quickly if shaded.

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On 12/17/2022 at 5:22 PM, anewbie said:

Are there different variance of M.  MATOGROSSENSE; some seem to be sold as red and others as golden? As to having two species - i actually like how rormaia mixes with green; though they are both fast growing plants; also green handles being chopped better than roraima; that is it is more predictable. I'm replacing my 40B with a 72x18 tank in may and figure I would line the back with Myriophyllum; remove the pso and then the front will be mostly crypts and smaller colourful swords. The one thing i do like about myriophyllum over other stem plants is i can whack the top and don't have to worry about the bottom stem rotting. I find with ludwigia for example you have to replant it now and then as eventually the bottoms will give way. Just starting to play with mermaid weed but it turns green quickly if shaded.

This is the only mattogrossense variety I've grown is the golden one. I haven't seen a really red variety, only green with a reddish growth point. I know Myriophyllum tuberculatum has a very nice red color.

I look forward to seeing what you do with a six foot tank! I'm sure it will look great with a back wall of different myrios.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Due to holiday circumstances I went about 3 weeks without a water change. The golden Myriophyllum stunted, as did the Ludwigia natans. The Nymphaea micrantha dropped all its leaves after being moved but has recovered. 

The biggest issue was lack of ferts. I finally doses macros again last week (after 2 weeks without) and again during the water change last night. I also popped in some root tabs. Overall I might need to either switch to more frequent dosing (currently at once a week) or just increase ferts. I am going to give it a couple weeks of regular water changes to see if things improve first.


Otherwise the colors and layout are coming along fairly well. The right hand side still needs work but I do like the addition of the moss in the center-right hand side there.

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I did more rearranging to better accommodate the plants I got at the auction on Tuesday. Excuse the cloudy water, this is pre-water change.PXL_20230114_064632504_MP.jpg.148e52b1a3ef0b94c5d017115d749904.jpg

My fav I picked up is this beautiful Cryptocoryne Jacobsenii 'Pink' PXL_20230114_065019415.jpg.a237f388697a3f664882461e8d918c0d.jpg

The crypt nurii 'Luminous Green' is also looking pretty good these daysPXL_20230114_065040764.jpg.63d721742d551f5aaee72fe8a49b4882.jpg

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They're fine. I use the tank water to water my plants then top it off with dechlorinated tap water ever two weeks. I replace evaporated water with RO if it starts to get low. The shrimp are doing well, no breeding that I've seen but the small fish in there also might be eating any babies

On 1/17/2023 at 12:43 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

How are they doing? How do you handle water changes in that tank? (Asking for a friend! 🙂 )

They're fine. I use the tank water to water my plants then top it off with dechlorinated tap water ever two weeks. I replace evaporated water with RO if it starts to get low. The shrimp are doing well, no breeding that I've seen but the small fish in there also might be eating any babies

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Fun tidbit, someone from the Greater Seattle Aquarium Society (Bentley Pascoe, you may know him from YouTube) bought some of my Pogostemon erectus from the last auction and a rainbowfish egg hatched from it. I'm curious if it's the Rhadinocentrus ornatus or the Melanotaenia trifasciata. Probably the rhads since they're so easy to breed.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/17/2023 at 7:51 PM, gjcarew said:

Fun tidbit, someone from the Greater Seattle Aquarium Society (Bentley Pascoe, you may know him from YouTube) bought some of my Pogostemon erectus from the last auction and a rainbowfish egg hatched from it. I'm curious if it's the Rhadinocentrus ornatus or the Melanotaenia trifasciata. Probably the rhads since they're so easy to breed.

Ever considered doing a video showing your tanks and process with Bentley?



On 1/27/2023 at 10:19 PM, gjcarew said:


The plants on the left look like a mix of a few species?  Is that the case or are my eyes just messing with me?

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On 1/17/2023 at 7:51 PM, gjcarew said:

Fun tidbit, someone from the Greater Seattle Aquarium Society (Bentley Pascoe, you may know him from YouTube) bought some of my Pogostemon erectus from the last auction and a rainbowfish egg hatched from it. I'm curious if it's the Rhadinocentrus ornatus or the Melanotaenia trifasciata. Probably the rhads since they're so easy to breed.

I know your membership number now lol

What is his channel on YouTube?

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On 1/28/2023 at 8:41 AM, Schuyler said:

I know your membership number now lol

What is his channel on YouTube?

I don't know why GSAS doesn't just have a directory of member numbers.

Just search for Bentley Pascoe on YouTube, I think that's his channel name.


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