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Assassin Snails. Now what?


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I went to the pet store. Made a rookie mistake and didn’t do enough research. They sold me, “Rabbit Snails”. However, I’m pretty sure they are assassin snails. I have them in with an apple snail, a nerite snail, and shrimp. I’m pretty sure I’m going to take them out. But before I do. Am I correct that they are not rabbit snails? Also, will they kill the other snails and shrimp? What benefits do they have? Thanks in advance… 


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The benefit to assassin snails is that they keep other snail populations in check. I finally got two to deal with my Malaysian trumpet snail infestation and they’ve been a big help!

If you want to keep your apple and nerite snails though, I’d definitely take the assassin out. It shouldn’t bother the shrimp.

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I have assassins snail in three of my tanks and I have nerite snails in the same tank they do not bother the bigger snails they did a great job on the bladder snails I have no more in my tanks assassins snail will eat bloodworms and flakes that fall to the bottom I think one snail should be fine in the tank 

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Craah covered it.

Assassin's are the slowest hunter I have ever seen. I have filmed the assassin in my tank losing the pseudopod race to ramshorns and bladder snails. They bury themselves in the substrate, and wait for something even slower than them to crawl across them, and they hunt from below.

Mine came to me pregnant, apparently, as I found a couple of babies during my last water change (they are true whelks, so they have separate genders and do not reproduce asexually).

I only find empty snail shells of the ramshorns and bladder snails, I do have 2 nerites, and I have pond snails. The assassins prefer snails their size or smaller. 

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