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  • 2 months later...

Has been quite a while since an update for this tank. It’s been just doing it’s thing while I was getting the new tank all set up and going. Did the occasional filter squeeze and top off of water. Trimmed back some of the Amazon sword that’s taking up a third of the tank. The Java moss tree is just growing out of control. No idea of the population of cherry shrimp hiding out in there. 

I have been thinking of changing it up a bit. Would like to remove the pile of rocks and plants on the left side. Open it up a bit more. Give more space for the fish to roam. 

added a Sera treat to the glass. The Endlers enjoyed it but the Amano shrimp was wanting to take it for itself!


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Did a sponge squeeze and cleaned off the Ziss air stones in each sponge. Algae builds up on them and reduces the flow. Also did some trimming of plants and rearranged the hard scape. Gives the tank a new look and seems to open it up quite a bit. Not sure if I want to go for stems or Val in front of the filter. 

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  • 3 months later...

The nice part about this tank is it takes care of itself. I do squeeze the fine sponge regularly and scrape the front glass. Add some Easy Green weekly along with clipping dying leaves and scooping of duckweed. Still have 3 male Endlers, 2 Cory cats, a bajillion red cherry shrimp and down to two Nerite snails. One died after being a devoted algae cleaner for 2+ years. 
It’s not the prettiest tank but it’s an active ecosystem and the inhabitants are doing well. No need to do any major things. One thing I do love, the crypts are doing amazing! So large and vibrant. 

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 11/3/2023 at 8:32 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Those shrimp on the moss look so cool.  Really loving that tank shot.

Thank you!! I want to trim the moss back a bit but the shrimp seem to love hanging out in it. Same for the course sponge filter. Last time I pulled it out to give it a squeeze so many shrimplets came out that I just put it back in without squeezing it. I’m sure it’s not full of debris anyway. The shrimp sit on it and are grazing all day. 

On 11/3/2023 at 10:26 PM, Schuyler said:

You're shrimp! They're so red!

They really pop against that green moss

Thank you!! It’s hard to tell for me how red they are. I’m red/green colorblind. When the two colors are together they don’t look the same. 

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On 11/9/2023 at 5:19 AM, jasper5150 said:

Thank you!! I want to trim the moss back a bit but the shrimp seem to love hanging out in it. Same for the course sponge filter. Last time I pulled it out to give it a squeeze so many shrimplets came out that I just put it back in without squeezing it. I’m sure it’s not full of debris anyway. The shrimp sit on it and are grazing all day. 

Go for it!  On that left side of the tank, you take some zip ties, suction cups, and some grid material (acrylic white or black) and you could have an awesome little moss wall. 🙂

I started one in mine, hoping to cover the back panel and the right sidewall.



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Thought I would add a couple photos of the 6 gallon cube I have had going for a couple years. There’s a lone guppy, 3 Pygmy cories and a whole lotta shrimp and ramshorn snails. Did a top off of the water and cut the Anubias barteri in half. It was growing out of the water. Put the cut half in one of the garage tanks to keep growing. Pulled some tufts of black beard algae from some leaves. Scooped out a whole bunch of duckweed and moved most of the water lettuce to a couple of the garage tanks as well. This stuff grows like crazy in here. Will probably split the rhizomes on a couple of the other Anubias in here.  They are growing really wellIMG_4354.jpeg.186c30ff37f63f261f870a8259475877.jpeg


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  • 2 months later...

The 6 gallon just keeps growing plants like crazy. The barteri has a couple new leaves already and have removed loads of water lettuce a couple times since. This tank takes care of itself. So nice!


The 20 gallon just keeps doing its thing, too. Churning out cherry shrimp like crazy. Loads of Java moss and duckweed coming out of here. The Cory’s are still doing good. Lost one Endler male. Still have three in here. The lone cherry barb is doing good. Really need to get this girl some mates! I really like the glow coming through the layer of duckweed in this tank. 

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Did a squeeze of the smaller sponge filter yesterday. That thing was filthy!! Pulled out some dead leaves and stray moss strands as well. Able to get some shots of the shrimp cleaning the sponge filter

Here’s the cherry barb, one of the Amano shrimp and Julii Cory 


Two if my hobbies. Fish-keeping and watching Formula 1 racing. Poster of all the champions up to 2020. Moved the light to the front of the tank in this shot


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  • 5 months later...

After doing a sponge squeeze and water change, I took a huge amount of moss out since it was getting out of control. Also moved a rock back a bit to create more visual space in the front. The albino corys were hanging out behind all the hardscape but are now more in the front since the move. 

About 6 weeks ago, I found one of the corys had laid some eggs on the glass. I quickly ordered the Fluval breeder box and set it up before they could eat all the eggs. I was able to get about a dozen. Out of those collected 2 have made it to juvenile status. They are now big enough to roam around the tank with all the other fish. Has been a pretty cool process from the beginning to see. I'm hoping to have more in the future. 

A before and after of the moss trimming












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