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Tannins does it matter where they come from


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So I have my first bettas and from reading around in here it seems that tannins make a big difference to their well-being so what is the best source and does it really make a difference.

Rooibos tea is certainly a lot cheaper than IAL and native leaves (oak) cheaper still but I've probably missed them till autumn now.

Also if using tea bags so I need to be careful about how strong the tank tea gets?

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I have no science to back this but I feel the decaying dried leaves add something very beneficial to tanks versus making tea for visual affect. All my fish love Indian almond whether to play in them lay eggs in them or snack on them. My eggs never fungus in tanks.  My shrimp fish shrimp and snails also seem to spawn a lot more. If you buy almond leaves in bulk they are not as uniform in shape size and neatly flattened but they become much cheaper up to 1/4 of the price. 

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I use Indian almond leaves and easy-life catappa x the catappa extract doesn't stain the water brown if you don't like the brown water look and it's Better value for your money as you only have to 10ml for 25gallon 


Edited by Colu
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hi i now a thing or two about tannins and experenced with them first almost any dry leave will have tannis i have a natural 17 gallon betta pond and the leaves from my back yard fall and the water gets tanned and its sav for fish but if it is in an aquarium use cattapa leaves

yes tea migth tann but not be as beneficial as  cattapa as @Guppy snail said

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Several members here use Rooibos with good effect if you search the forum for rooibos you can get their opinions and brands they use. While IAL *might* be the best of tannins for aquariums, most similar tannins like with Rooibos is going to have benefits- so if it's all you can afford and you want to go that direction I wouldn't discourage it!

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If you want therapeutic effects, then yes it matters where the tannins come from. 

If you are trying for a specific look, and have incredibly healthy fish that rarely have any health issues, rooibos tea will work. 

There is research showing the therapeutic potential for IAL, white birch also has had some research and I believe alder?

The research on IAL is  the most consistent, regardless of study funding. I have not seen the same replication for other tannins.

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