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Next puffer colony project Tetraodon miurus from wild caught fry


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 vinm123 read my mind when they were suggested on the wednesday stream. These guys were already being prepped for shipment.

Tetraodon miurus 5 wildcaught adolescents 1-1.5" added yesterday to a 26x18x12 (+/- 20 gallon) colony growout tank with blasting media substrate. The tank is an overflow sump system with their 20 gallon and three 26x18x15 (+/-28 gallon) tanks. 

Based of the palustris fry growth rates my guess is these are 1 or 2 months old.  The color variation and ability to change color to communicate or camouflage is pretty cool to see.

2 larger solid colored seem to stay together. The tank is 73-76 degrees fahrenheit 7.0 ph 300tds. Daphnia, pond snails, ramshorn, blackworms, scuds, all in their tank to start. Whiteworms and smaller earthworms added to welcome them. They are very active and have eaten earthworms and scuds to this point.


The three smaller of the group remain darker toned. 



This is the above congo puffer camouflaged into the substrate (blasting media)


The more orange toned congo really wants to go play with the dogs in the snow



Whatever happens this should be fun to raise them to adults and learn their group dynamics vs the Pao species I am working with .


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