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Bettas compatibility

Chiclid addict

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I think itll be tough to put the angelfish and betta in the same aqaurium. I would be scared that the angelfish would nip at the bettas long flowy fins, angelfish can be aggressive to new tank mates in my experiance.

What size of tank is he in now? Do you have any other aquariums that you could put him in? How long till you get this filter?

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On 1/21/2022 at 11:02 AM, FrozenFins said:

I think itll be tough to put the angelfish and betta in the same aqaurium. I would be scared that the angelfish would nip at the bettas long flowy fins, angelfish can be aggressive to new tank mates in my experiance.

What size of tank is he in now? Do you have any other aquariums that you could put him in? How long till you get this filter?

I don’t really know I think I would take 4-5 days because usps is a mess in my experience rn I had packages sit in one spot for a week or go back to places they’ve already been instead of coming closer he’s in a .5 gallon I think but it’s more of how it’s set up it’s got a supper weak filter with perma allege and no decorations I the only other tanks I have right now due to a discus plague breakout are a convict chiclid witch would eat him in no time and and axolotl in a 40b but I think it would be too cold as his tank is in the mid 60s

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On 1/21/2022 at 5:51 PM, sudofish said:

I would put the Betta in the 10 gallon and just do without a filter until one gets delivered. Do daily water changes and use something like Prime. Or if you have any floating plants throw a bunch of those in. My Betta tank has a tiny sponge filter but the duckweed does most of the work keeping things in check.

I would agree with this as a temporary solution before even considering putting him with an Angel. Since he is in bad shape you are also exposing your Angel to any bacterial infections he has developed. 

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On 1/21/2022 at 3:43 PM, Guppysnail said:

I would agree with this as a temporary solution before even considering putting him with an Angel. Since he is in bad shape you are also exposing your Angel to any bacterial infections he has developed. 

Yeah completely agree, for when he is cleared and i know he is healthy what are some good tank mates I know i already want some shrimp but what else would be a good tank mate?

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Every betta is different. Some are indifferent to tank mates some intolerant and some companionable. I kept one with shrimp mystery snails and neon tetras. They were fine. I would start with one mystery snail to determine if he will nip tentacles bully ignore etc. nerites are great as well but not in a new tank. They don’t take easily to supplemental feeding they need algae etc. shrimp also fair better in an established tank for the same reason of needing the bacteria biofilm etc. mystery snails on the other hand eat blanched veggies wafers etc. if the snail goes well add your shrimp. If that goes well go for small short finned. Nothing he could see like a guppy with a flowing tail etc as a rival. 

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