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Would you put corys in this scape?


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So setting up this new tank.  My plan WAS going to be put my 7 sterbai corys in here along with 6 - 9 cardinal tetras.   The substrate is UNS extra fine controsoil.   I know lots of people insist corydoras need to be on sand, whereas others say their corys do fine on aquasoil.   My other concern is that the corys will just tear up all of the stem plants.  The larger ones in the back are all weighted down with lead plant weights, but the ones in front seem like they could get uprooted pretty easily.  Is it a recipe for disaster putting corys in here?  I am also setting up a 20 gallon shrimp tank that I could put the corys in.   I didn't particularly want to use sand in that one, but it's a blank slate for now so I could do sand and epithyte only plants in that one (no stems).   Thoughts?   


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On 1/16/2022 at 2:51 PM, Intuos said:

Yes, Cory's will do fine in your tank which looks fantastic BTW. 

Thanks!   Hoping they do fine AND my plants survive!  LOL.  I'm not moving them from their current tank for another 2 months or so.  Maybe they will take strong root by then.  

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On 1/16/2022 at 3:53 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

@mrsjoannh13whats the footprint of the tank? That would help me figure out how big a group. Most likely sterbai would be quite happy. They can get chunky but not very long. 

Also when you get your Corys you’ll need to come by the Panda Cory Appreciation Society and show them off!!

It's a standard(?) 20 gallon = 23" x 14" x 14".  I have the sterbais now - have had them for a year.  Just moving from one tank to another and converting the old tank into a shrimp only aquarium.  I think the corys I have are pretty well full grown by now.  They are 1 1/2" - 2" each at most.  I just want them to continue doing well.  They have been on sand so hoping the transition to soil is okay for them.   Also, this new tank is a lot more heavily planted than their current home.  I am not sure if they will like the additional plant cover or if they generally prefer more 'open swim' room?   

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I think you buried the lead on this post. It should have been something about how beautiful the tank is! 😄 Is that a UNS 60s and ONF light?

I’d definitely put Corydoras on aquasoil. I have them on Eco Complete, a rougher substrate,  and see no sign of barbel damage after about 14 months. 

Edited by Patrick_G
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On 1/16/2022 at 6:02 PM, Patrick_G said:

I think you buried the lead on this post. It should have been something about how beautiful the tank is! 😄 Is that a UNS 60s? 

I’d definitely put Corydoras on aquasoil. I have them on Eco Complete, a rougher substrate,  and see no sign of barbel damage after about 14 months. 

Thanks for the compliment!  It's my 2nd planted tank and I spent a lot of time researching what I wanted to do and dropped a small fortune on plants.  Hoping they all survive!

Yes, this is a UNS 60 and the matching UNS wood stand.  I waited almost a year to get that stand!   I have 2 of them side by side now and they look amazing.  I've got them in my home office.  I'm about to set up the 2nd one as a betta only tank.  He will be the luckiest betta fish alive, LOL.  All by his lonesome in a warm, planted 20 gallon tank.  

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I’ve had corys on sand, aquasoil, and several kinds of gravel. They’ve done well on all of them and haven’t uprooted any of my plants in sand or aquasoil. They bred constantly while on the gravel substrate. I think they’d particularly love the large rocks in your scape. Plus, they’ll look so cool hanging out on them!

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On 1/17/2022 at 1:36 AM, PedroPete said:

I love the scape! Is that Hakkai stone? I love it!

@PedroPeteYes it's all Hakkai stone with the exception of the one smooth river rock bottom right.  It had these red mineral deposit markings on it and I'm obsessed with that stone so I threw it in there even though it's not hakkai stone like the rest.  

I went with hakkai as it's a smooth stone and I originally planned to put my betta in there with my corys.  They have been in the same tank for about a year now and peacefully coexist but I'm actually setting up a 2nd tank now just for my betta.  I'll post pics of that one soon. I got the most AMAZING piece of manzanita wood from a ranch in California.  It's jaw droppingly beautiful.  Can't wait to get that one scaped and show it off.  

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