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Filling aquarium with 1 schooling fish

Gail Kali

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Cardinal Tetras are some of the coolest schooling fish, in my humble opinion.   Although I might do green or regular neons in a 20g for more numbers. 

If you're looking for sheer numbers, chili rasboras are great too, you could do quite a few in a 20g. 

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Harlequin rasboras are a good pick. For purely schooling ability, my pick would be the rummy nose tetra. They're very skittish so that keeps them schooling together, even after they get comfy in their aquarium. My harlequins schooled initially, and still would on occasion, but after a while they just swam around. Whereas my rummies still school pretty tightly. But they were a pain to get here, they didn't travel via the postal system well at all. Are you getting a 20 gallon long? 

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I would say it depends on whether it will be a 20 gallon long or standard 20 gallon,  maintenance schedule and whether it will be heavily planted/ have riparian plants. 

A 20 long would handle a larger school given the larger footprint and the larger the plant mass and growth the more nutrient export you will have.

Harlequin rasboras do get a good size as well like @xXInkedPhoenixX mentioned. Espei or lambchop rasboras look similar to harlequins but stay smaller which may be a good option for this tank. 

Personally I would stick to a school of 15 Harlequin Rasboras or 20 Espei rasboras in a 20 long. More could be done but I like to keep my aquariums low maintenance. 


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Yes. I have a 20 gallon long with 13 harlequins and 1 rummy nose that snuck in. Just like yours mine schooled at first but no more. I wonder if I should just add some rummy nose. I love it when they all zoom together!

On 1/8/2022 at 5:02 PM, Ambush0908 said:

My Rummy Nose are never not schooling.  Of all the schooling fish I have had they are by far the most consistent schoolers.   I like your idea. 


On 1/8/2022 at 10:48 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

My Harlequins (10) in a 20 gallon tall are ALWAYS together. I don't think I would put in more because now that they're grown up they seem "huge" to me and cover the space nicely. I love my Harlequins, they're a great fish. 

this is such good advice. My Harlequins are small. I was thinking of moving them to a 10 gallon tank but now I’m going to let them grow with the plants. 

also I am not sure I’m using the forum correctly but I want to add everyone has been really helpful. Thank you 

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