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I’m finding conflicting information in my planted tank journey so I’m curious what planted tank owners have to say. What should nitrates be at in a moderately planted tank? I’ve heard “keep at 5-10ppm no matter what” and I’ve heard “anywhere from 20-50ppm.” Which is it!? Mine hover around 10-20 mostly, maybe slightly higher if I’ve just added ferts or root tabs. My tank is…I’m not sure, I guess lightly to moderately planted?DD67FAD7-9093-4916-8919-E38F23A6FD9B.jpeg.7f2c9b5c4e36ef962a77cd88cac2bfc8.jpeg

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Your tank looks great.

I have a lot of plants in planters and attached to rocks/wood (nothing planted in the substrate) I have 13 angels, one electric blue acara, 7 cories, 5 catfish, and 4 plecos in a 120-gallon tank, That is much more heavily stocked than yours. My nitrates range from 30 ppm to 80 ppm. I do not think that is harmful to the fish. See aquariumscience,org articles regarding nitrates.

As for the plants, I assume that more nitrates is good.



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