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The 2022 Wish list Fish Betta

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Hi Everyone! 

Hope everyone is having a GREAT holiday season so far! 

When I started this hobby, I wanted a Betta. What I ended up with was a community tank (ehem.. "tanks") 🙂. Although always adding to my community tanks, I still REALLY want to have a Betta! I would prefer a short fin variety.  

My neighbor gave me a 20G (high) because they upgraded their tank. Could I potentially set this tank up as a Betta tank? Would it be too deep? Too  large?

I am sure there are some "Betta" folks here.. so I would love to hear your input. I don't even mind to purchase another tank and use the 20G for something else LOL

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@lefty o and @GameCzar Will it be too deep is my concern? I know they go to the surface. If I get a Plakat (or any short fin type) I think they will be ok. 

I am WAY to scare to start a sorority.. but potentially adding some other fish with it is an option. I have EVERYTHING I need to get started.. I am a fish equipment hoarder.. (seriously) .. Just need to find another place to put a tank..LOL

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I have a Plakat Betta in both of my community tanks and they're doing extremely well. My tanks are heavily planted and it's so awesome to see them exploring amongst the rocks, wood and plants. One tank is a Fluval Edge 12g (tall, modified) and the other is the 32g Fluval Flex (modified). It's very gratifying to watch a Betta in a larger tank with tankmates. Good luck and have fun!

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I had my betta (crowntail) in a 20H for over a year.  He was totally happy in there.  He had to move to a 5 (also seems happy in there) recently to make room for another setup in the 20, but I don't think a 20H is too big by any means.  You can always try out some corys or shrimp or something too if you want--mine did well with both of those as tankmates, but I know every betta is different.


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