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Pleco Behavior


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Today I found my clown pleco just laying on his back like he got tired of latching onto the driftwood. I tested the water and Ammonia is 0, nitrite 0, and nitrate about 20-30 (water change day is tomorrow). I’m not super worried at the moment because he zoomed off when I opened the lid to the tank and he’s active regularly. Has anyone else seen this? He is looking a little chunky so maybe that’s it? I feed him usually half an algae wafer every other day and sometimes a whole one. I’m probably going to fast him for a few days because me thought is that he’s just sluggish from too much food. What are your guys’ thoughts?


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I   don't think you need to fast him if your just feeding him algae wafers or half of one every other day I don't think he's getting enough variety in his diet I would feed him some cucumber blanched lettuce or some zucchini and some frozen blood worms every now and then for some protein I feed my bristlenose every day with a variety of food I have never had any health issues with them and they breed let me rabbits

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On 11/20/2021 at 7:38 PM, Colu said:

I   don't think you need to fast him if your just feeding him algae wafers or half of one every other day I don't think he's getting enough variety in his diet I would feed him some cucumber blanched lettuce or some zucchini and some frozen blood worms every now and then for some protein I feed my bristlenose every day with a variety of food I have never had any health issues with them and they breed let me rabbits

He probably gets some flakes that fall to the ground from normal feeding time. How should I put the cucumber in the tank so it doesn’t rot 

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I have seen this behavior in bristlenose plecos many times when they are comfortable with their tank mates and surroundings or kept alone with appropriate hides and caves. They just seem to fall asleep and let go of their surface. I have never seen it as a sign of distress. Once something startles them or swims by, they right themselves pretty quick. Cute little plec you have there.

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