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I love my snail


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We are having a little algae issue in my 5-gallon tank, so, as part of the solution, I got a tiger nerite snail.  And now I'm kind of obsessed with the little guy (gal?).  He's basically a little tank cow, eating green stuff all day and pooping, but I love watching him munch his way along the glass or gravel.  And my betta is fascinated -- she can tell there's something new in her tank, but since he kind of blends in with the gravel, she can't quite figure it out.  I have no idea if he can make a real dent in the algae, but he's certainly giving it the old college try!  (My daughter named him Allegro.)  Anyone else irrationally love their snails?  Any tips for keeping him happy, besides an ample supply of algae?

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Want to talk obsessed? I wanted more horned Nerites to add to my collection (I have 3 in one tank). I went to the LFS and they didn't have any (and of course the bigboxes don't carry them- at least I've never seen them there). So I ridiculously ordered a 5 pack online (ridiculous because the shipping cost more than the snails). Silly me!

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