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At my wits end :(


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Please help me ! I can not figure out what I’m dealing with illness wise. I had to euthanize two very sick fish with clove oil (one had what looked like a yeast infection all over its fins and body. He was also turning white. He lost complete motor control over his body and looked to be seizing hard every 2 min. while breathing rapidly. He also seemed to be losing scales in back of his head/top back.) the other fish (had white fungus all on its lips and down its throat). I have another fish (female) who is clamping her tail and is hiding/listless. A little bit of redness on gills. She’s also staying by the heater a lot of the time. She is only interested in eating. 

I have 7 fish who were exposed to whatever this is in a 55 g. And 3 exposed to this in a 10 g.

the only one at this time who’s showing real signs of illness is the female in the 10g with two friends.

Both tanks: ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 0, 7 ph, hard water

temp is about 81-82 degrees 

I think I’m dealing with a very slow slow slow killing columnaris but I could be very wrong.

right now I’m using kanaplex and jungle fungle clear which has furan in it (unfortunately furan2 is no longer available)

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With the symptoms your describing it could be a bacterial infection with secondary fungal infection  if you think it Columnaris and you can't get hole of furan2 I would treat with kanaplex and aquatics foods premium flake containing nitrofurazone


Edited by Colu
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You can also turn the heat down a bit if you think it is Columnaris.

One question: I noticed your nitrate is 0. Unless it is heavily planted, that can be an indication of it undergoing a cycle, or a brand new tank. Perhaps ammonia or nitrite has been present as well....just not at the time of your test. This can certainly cause problems.

I am assuming you use some form of dechlorinator as well.

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I use de chlorinator and I do water changes weekly. I have cycled sponges in all of them (multiple in each tank) which keeps ammonia and nitrite at bay. I got pre seeded sponges from Angels Plus. When I didn’t have seeded sponges  in, everything would spike. But, when I put them in, it all went to zero and now I never ever see nitrate. Does anyone know what that’s all about?

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On 11/6/2021 at 10:50 PM, LCRYAN said:

I use de chlorinator and I do water changes weekly. I have cycled sponges in all of them (multiple in each tank) which keeps ammonia and nitrite at bay. I got pre seeded sponges from Angels Plus. When I didn’t have seeded sponges  in, everything would spike. But, when I put them in, it all went to zero and now I never ever see nitrate. Does anyone know what that’s all about?

sounds like the seeded sponges provided the needed bacteria colony.

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My tanks have been running for over 3 months. They have no real plants but are extremely low stocked. I have 7 mollies in a 55g. 5 neons and a snail in a 20. And two mollies in a 10g. 

I do also have 2 fry in a 5 g for safety 

All of my tanks are cleaned weekly and they all have one of two pre seeded sponges from Angels Plus that have kept ammonia and nitrite at 0.

I just lost the girl today 😞 she def had dropsy. Their is something horribly wrong in my 55g and 10g and I’m really freaking out.

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