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Recommend a carpet or base plant?


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I think I have my algae problem under control.  I’ve added 4 Amano shrimp, 3 ottos, 5 Pygmy Cory’s and 2 sparking gourami to my tank. 

I would like to fill out the plants a bit more. Maybe carpet, maybe even mid or upper. 

any good idea for this low tech tank?





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Hey @Clovis,

I like the look of your tank as it is, personally.  I will say I've had some very good results with Dwarf Sagitarius, which has sent runners and carpeted all of my tanks well.  In one of my newer tanks, I'm playing around with some baby tears to see how they do.  If they work, I think they'll be great in that tank, but I know they like Co2 diffusers, which I don't have, so I'll have to see how they do.  All in all, you could try the dwarf sag, but I think your tank is looking great as is.

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On 10/17/2021 at 9:19 AM, ADMWNDSR83 said:

Hey @Clovis,

I like the look of your tank as it is, personally.  I will say I've had some very good results with Dwarf Sagitarius, which has sent runners and carpeted all of my tanks well.  In one of my newer tanks, I'm playing around with some baby tears to see how they do.  If they work, I think they'll be great in that tank, but I know they like Co2 diffusers, which I don't have, so I'll have to see how they do.  All in all, you could try the dwarf sag, but I think your tank is looking great as is.

Thanks. It’s possible I may be succumbing to “want to tinker” syndrome! 😁

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I have dwarf sagittaria and regular vallisneria (not jungle) in the same tank. The val does better than the sag, but the sag does grow and spread.

I'm thinking that means they can live in the same conditions, and you appear to have val. If I'm right that you have val, it's an encouraging indication that dwarf sag would at least live instead of melt away.

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On 10/17/2021 at 12:35 PM, Mmiller2001 said:

I would push all those plants to the back if you want to try a carpet. Without CO2, I would use Pearl Weed and mow it often to simulate a carpet effect.

I just started pearl weed in my low light tank and it is doing beautifully! Very easy to propagate. I got mine from the Coop and it came very robust and ready to grow fast. I never thought it could make a low growing carpet, but it is great at it.

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I actually have had good luck with Microsword in a lower light environment in my three gallon. It might look great planted in between the plants you already have. It propagates with runners and it’s very satisfying to see it spread. 
In a higher light tank I’ve had trouble with black beard algae growing on it, but the stuff I’ve planted in the shade are doing great. It’s not going to look like a golf course lawn, but more like a grassy meadow. 

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