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Continuous Ammonia Spike in 5 Gal Betta Tank!! Out of Ideas!!

Evan Ganser

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My girlfriend's tank was covered in algae and without asking me she did a full tank cleaning.... filter, gravel cleaning, new water, everything. This caused the nitrogen cycle to basically have to restart which has been incredibly frustrating. A few days after she cleaned her tank I did my usual weekly water test and noticed a really bad ammonia spike (like around 4.0 ppm, I'm not sure how her betta even survived). So I immediately removed her betta and placed him in my hospital tank while I tried to reestablish the bacteria in her tank.

The day I noticed the ammonia spike I did a 50% water change and replaced her sponge filter with a sponge filter I had in my already established betta tank. And every day since I have been doing a 20%-25% water change and redosing with nitrifying bacteria to try and kick start the cycle.

It has now been over 2 weeks since I removed her betta. The first week I noticed the ammonia levels dropping, but every day for the past week the ammonia levels have stayed consistent at around 0.75 ppm. I use RO water from a local fish store (tested to show 0 ppm ammonia), there isn't any fish or other living creature in the tank that could cause an ammonia build up, and I'm not putting any food or other source of organic material into the tank. So I am very confused as to why the ammonia levels are still so high and why the water changes seem to be doing virtually nothing.

Additional Info: It is a planted tank with java fern and some crypts. The nitrites have consistently tested as 0 ppm (which indicates there isn't nitrifying bacteria present), but the nitrates show results anywhere from 5ppm-20ppm (indicating there is a source for nitrates somewhere... I don't suspect it to be from decaying plant materials cause her plants look great and there isn't any other organism or organic material in the tank, so the nitrates have to be produced from the nitrites?? which also doesn't make sense because over the last 2 weeks the nitrites have consistently tested at 0 ppm).

I am out of ideas on how to get rid of the ammonia because daily water changes is not cutting it and a seeded filter media also didn't help with establishing the bacteria. So any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Also I added a picture of her tank as reference.

Haley's Tank.jpg

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I see white spots on the wood. Is there maybe a dead nerite snail in the tank? It could also be organic matter in the substrate that is breaking down and causing the ammonia to rise. Since you already have the betta in your established hospital tank, my advice would be to leave it alone for a week or so and don't do any water changes. Maybe take a sponge or something from an established tank and squeeze it into this tank for a bacteria dump, and then leave it alone. Check back after a week and see if the parameters have stabilized. 

Another option would be to add some fast-growing plants or floating plants to help suck up the nutrients quicker.

Maybe other people have some better ideas, but that's what I would do.

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@Zenzo Good eye! She did have nerite snails in her tank at one point, but they ended up dying and have since been removed, so she hasn't had a nerite snail in her tank for probably 5 or 6 months at this point. She didn't know a lot about aquarium keeping in the beginning, so it has been problem after problem with this tank lol.

Also it could be something in the substrate. But when I planted the crypts (about a month ago), I did a very thorough gravel cleaning and then added root tabs, so I figured if something was under the substrate I would have gotten it. But it is sand, so maybe there is something really packed down in there?

But okay I'm going to try and do a bacteria dump and just leave it alone and see if the tank can self-correct itself. I am very ADHD and very hands on, so the hardest part about this hobby is just taking a step back and letting the tank do its thing.

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@NanoNano Are you asking if she used cleaning products when she did the full tank cleaning? If so, then no she did not use any cleaning solutions. Just a sponge, that I exclusively use for tank maintenance, and tap water to rinse off the algae... which I wasn't too thrilled about but thought if the filter and heater were sufficiently dried then it wouldn't really matter that she used tap water to clean her tank equipment. It should be noted that she did not add any tap water to the tank or used tap water to clean the actual insides of the tank.

Edited by Evan Ganser
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Good...Two other dumb thoughts:

* Have you tried a second ammonia test kit to see if you get similar readings?   Testing chemicals can get contaminated, go bad, etc.   Long shot,  but not out of the relm of possibility that it's the test that's gone bad not the tank.

* Would you tell us a little more about your substrate?   Could be that it absorbed a lot of ammonia at some point and it is now leeching it back into the water column.

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On 9/2/2021 at 12:34 PM, NanoNano said:

Good...Two other dumb thoughts:

* Have you tried a second ammonia test kit to see if you get similar readings?   Testing chemicals can get contaminated, go bad, etc.   Long shot,  but not out of the relm of possibility that it's the test that's gone bad not the tank.

* Would you tell us a little more about your substrate?   Could be that it absorbed a lot of ammonia at some point and it is now leeching it back into the water column.

Hey no dumb questions when it comes to trying to solve aquarium problems!

I haven't tried a second ammonia test kit only because I use the same test kit with my other tanks. Additionally I was worried about the test kit being the issue so I tested the RO water that I purchase from my local fish store and it came back as 0ppm, so it doesn't appear to be the test kit itself.

And for the substrate I am pretty sure we used imagitarium black aquatic substrate (I included a picture of what she bought). It is sand, so it is very fine.

Aquarium Sand.png

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On 9/2/2021 at 1:30 PM, Patrick_G said:

Maybe @Zenzo’s onto something when he suggested some decomposing organic material in the substrate. Heck it could even be the old bacteria that had colonized the substrate. 

I'm wondering that too because I don't know where else the ammonia could be coming from. I was going to do one last water change today, so I'll make sure to clean the substrate really well also, and then I'll let the tank set for a week. Hopefully testing throughout the week will show that the ammonia is going away and the new beneficial bacteria is growing and doing its job.

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I’m guessing the nitrates you’re seeing are from the root tabs.

Is there a chance your bacteria starter has gone bad or mostly bad? If all the bacteria in the bottle have died, it could cause it to be full of ammonia. Then when you add it each time after you do a water change, not only are you not getting the beneficial bacteria, but you’re also adding ammonia. Just for fun, dilute a bit of bacteria starter in RO water and see if it tests positive for ammonia.

I’m with Zenzo in terms of strategy here—squeeze in some mulm from an established filter and let it sit. It could take 2-4 weeks for the cycle to fully establish even if you’re doing everything perfectly. (I’m sure you know that—just trying to give you some encouragement. 😄)

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On 9/3/2021 at 10:17 PM, mommygourami said:

Did she out any fertilizers in her tank?  I just watched a video from Irene (Girl Talks Fish) where she accidentally poisoned her betta tank from some hardcore free root tabs she got from someone on etsy.  She ended up having to completely change out her substrate.

I added root tabs when I added crypts to her tank a month ago. Just the regular root tabs that API makes, so I don't think that would be the case. But at this point I am not sure, so I'll look into anything lol

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On 9/3/2021 at 10:24 PM, Hobbit said:

I’m guessing the nitrates you’re seeing are from the root tabs.

Is there a chance your bacteria starter has gone bad or mostly bad? If all the bacteria in the bottle have died, it could cause it to be full of ammonia. Then when you add it each time after you do a water change, not only are you not getting the beneficial bacteria, but you’re also adding ammonia. Just for fun, dilute a bit of bacteria starter in RO water and see if it tests positive for ammonia.

I’m with Zenzo in terms of strategy here—squeeze in some mulm from an established filter and let it sit. It could take 2-4 weeks for the cycle to fully establish even if you’re doing everything perfectly. (I’m sure you know that—just trying to give you some encouragement. 😄)

That actually occurred to me early today! I was at work all day so I wasn't able to try and test the bacteria. It struck me while I was at work, "like crap... what if the bacteria are dead and I'm just adding ammonia to the tank and doing the exact opposite of what I am trying to do." The bacteria have been kept in the fridge, which I heard doubles their shelf-life. But upon doing some research, it seems like there isn't a lot of trusted bottled bacteria and I am pretty sure it's just the basic imagitarium nitrifying bacteria. So I am going to try what you said and dilute some bacteria into my RO water and give y'all an update.

Edit** well I am delighted and equally frustrated to say it's not the bacteria. I diluted some into a 1/2 gal of RO water at the same ratio that I've been dosing her tank with and the test came back as 0ppm. So it's good that I'm not damaging my tanks with this stuff, but it doesn't solve the mystery haha. But yep I am in the waiting game now, I added some mulm and now I... do...... nothing 😅 not easy for me but ever since I got my first fish tank people have been telling me I am a more patient person 😂

Edited by Evan Ganser
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I once had a new 10 gallon with a single betta doing a fish in cycle. The tank had serious off the charts ammonia. I was using ammo lock and giant water changes endlessly. I had a very large piece of mopani driftwood in there that started looking really funky and filmy. The wood got so disgusting looking I took it out. Once it was gone, everything stabilized. I’m convinced it was the wood. Your piece isn’t large, but if you’ve tried everything else, might be worth a shot. My old mopani wood is now decorating my outdoor garden. 

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When I setup my 20 gallon beta cube a few months back I wanted to do a fish-less cycle so I added ammonia to the tank …needless to say I spiked that sucker to over 5ppm. Not what I’m was intending but there it was.  I added fritz 7 as per the instructions and then added more every other day and just left it alone…no water changes nothing.  
for the first week it did nothing…I mean nothing. No nitrites …Nothing.  Man did I want to do something but again I forced myself to leave it alone…kept dosing Fritz every other day. End of week 2 ammonia had dropped to 2-3 and nitrites were on the rise. 
I kept dosing the fritz every other day and at the end of week 3 ammonia was .25 to .5 nitrites were on the decline.  
End of week 4 I was zero across the board.  I never showed any nitrates and I think because it is such a heavily planted tank the plants were doing their job.  Sometimes you just gotta let things be and let nature ,and fritz, take its course.

here is the pic of the tank on day one!255FE31A-B24F-4DF0-B2B3-0BF8F3C02EC9.jpeg.b4a1b45fc8b6c563aad4a528140fd01d.jpeg

I have since added some floating hornwort that grows at least an inch per day. I never show any nitrates in this tank and I dose easy green once a week.  
I am sure your will level out, just gonna take some time. 
keep us informed!

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On 9/4/2021 at 11:23 AM, mommygourami said:

This user reported an ammonia spike with the api root tabs (see last post).  Your root tabs were probably fine when they were buried, but the thorough cleaning probably unearthed the nutrients into the water column.   This is just my guess though...

Quite possibly correct.  The tank just needs some time for the bacteria to reestablish, grow and then it with the plants will take care of the problem. If they can find some hornwort or other really fast growing plant that helps a lot.

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On 9/4/2021 at 11:19 AM, ARMYVET said:

Quite possibly correct.  The tank just needs some time for the bacteria to reestablish, grow and then it with the plants will take care of the problem. If they can find some hornwort or other really fast growing plant that helps a lot.

And floaters!   Water spangles, frogbit, etc.   They'll grow quick and eat up those nutrients. 

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@ARMYVET @GameCzar @mommygourami Hey thanks everybody!! This forum really is a life saver and I appreciate everyone's input. A friend from work was actually saying he had some floaters that were taking up too much space in his community tank, so how perfect! But yeah as badly as I want to do something I just can't, so I am waiting and letting nature do it's thing. The tank looks really clear, which is really mean and deceiving btw haha, and I am waiting to see those ammonia levels drop... 3 days in to recycling the tank... so nothing happening yet lol 😅

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