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Panda corydoras eggs? How to take care?


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Hello, 3 days ago I noticed 10 eggs from my Panda corydoras on the glass. They should be around breeding age and was not really planning on breeding them. However that night I also lost two Pandas. They got stuck between the outlet pipe and I could not see it in time because my tank is heavy planted. So now I have to few for them to be happy. So I decided to give it a shot and put the eggs in a container, because I've read they could eat their own young/eggs. And I have a beta and tétras in there who would like potentially nible on them as well. I change the water every day in that little container. But as far on what to do I'm new. Are the eggs even fertilized? The first picture was from the first 10 eggs 3 days ago and this morning I found a new batch. I don't even know what triggered them to spawn as I did not do a water change that week. (cleaning is every Sunday) and they always swim away when they see me. I do feed blood worms now and then for variation in their diet. Second picture is the batch from this morning. If anybody can have some tips and can tell if they are fertilized? If successfully hatched is frozen baby brine shrimp OK? Any tips will help. Thank you very much! 



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I have never removed my Cory eggs of any species from the tank but I know you need an anti fungal.ie….methelyne blue, malachite green, paragaurd, ich-x and you need a bubbler to keep the flow of water going.  They sell easy bubbling Hatcher’s and those products on amazon and coop very cheap but I’m not sure if it will arrive to you in time. Google diy hatcheries they are not hard to throw together. Best of luck keep us posted and new fry pics. 

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Thank you, I'll go to my local fish shop today to look for that anti fungal stuff and will buy an air stone to put in there. Not sure they will have baby b shrimp hatcheries but I'll keep an eye out for those. I will also check for a good hatchery. Thanks for the advice and will update as soon as I learn more! 

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You can also feed fry Sera micron hikari Frist bites  interpets liquifry no1 for egg laying fish and start an infusion culture by adding tank water in to a jar and adding a piece of lettuce or potato and leaveing it in direct sun till it goes cloudy you can uses a small dropper or turkey baster to add small amount for your fry to eat

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On 8/1/2021 at 1:15 PM, Guppysnail said:

I have never removed my Cory eggs of any species from the tank but I know you need an anti fungal.ie….methelyne blue, malachite green, paragaurd, ich-x and you need a bubbler to keep the flow of water going.  They sell easy bubbling Hatcher’s and those products on amazon and coop very cheap but I’m not sure if it will arrive to you in time. Google diy hatcheries they are not hard to throw together. Best of luck keep us posted and new fry pics. 

First two have hatched today! 


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  • 1 month later...
On 8/1/2021 at 1:15 PM, Guppysnail said:

I have never removed my Cory eggs of any species from the tank but I know you need an anti fungal.ie….methelyne blue, malachite green, paragaurd, ich-x and you need a bubbler to keep the flow of water going.  They sell easy bubbling Hatcher’s and those products on amazon and coop very cheap but I’m not sure if it will arrive to you in time. Google diy hatcheries they are not hard to throw together. Best of luck keep us posted and new fry pics. 

So it has been a few weeks and 1 lot have happened between them. My panda Cory's keep breeding so I stopped pulling them out of my aquarium. I think in total I had 12 eggs pulled out. Sadly only 8 of them thrived. To make sure they would eat I made a large storage Tupper with a heater and a bubbler. I also added some pond snails and floaters and changed my water every day with my aquarium water. Soon enough I also started seeing baby's in my aquarium itself. Not a lot but they where there. They ate first bites very well and since two weeks I started to give frozen nano food. I don't know what happened but today 4/8 just died on me. They were growing so well and started to look like mini Pandas. Almost big enough to go in my aquarium. I don't know what I did wrong but I decided to put the surviving members back into the aquarium so they can search for food. I know this is probably part of nature but still I am sad, because I thought it was going so well. Just an update 🙂

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On 9/9/2021 at 7:37 AM, Gigi said:

So it has been a few weeks and 1 lot have happened between them. My panda Cory's keep breeding so I stopped pulling them out of my aquarium. I think in total I had 12 eggs pulled out. Sadly only 8 of them thrived. To make sure they would eat I made a large storage Tupper with a heater and a bubbler. I also added some pond snails and floaters and changed my water every day with my aquarium water. Soon enough I also started seeing baby's in my aquarium itself. Not a lot but they where there. They ate first bites very well and since two weeks I started to give frozen nano food. I don't know what happened but today 4/8 just died on me. They were growing so well and started to look like mini Pandas. Almost big enough to go in my aquarium. I don't know what I did wrong but I decided to put the surviving members back into the aquarium so they can search for food. I know this is probably part of nature but still I am sad, because I thought it was going so well. Just an update 🙂

Sometimes it not anything we do don’t blame yourself.  I’m sorry this happened to you. But I am glad some are doing well.  I thought of this post yesterday when I found a lone panda Cory egg. I rescued it from my guppies and hung it in a specimen container with air and meth blue to see if I can hatch outside of the aquarium. I’ve never done it in a spec container so hopefully 

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On 9/9/2021 at 2:05 PM, Guppysnail said:

Sometimes it not anything we do don’t blame yourself.  I’m sorry this happened to you. But I am glad some are doing well.  I thought of this post yesterday when I found a lone panda Cory egg. I rescued it from my guppies and hung it in a specimen container with air and meth blue to see if I can hatch outside of the aquarium. I’ve never done it in a spec container so hopefully 

I hope it goes well for you! To be fair the spec container was easy to keep an eye out for your fry, do they eat well and all. Only downside is cleaning. They are so small the first week. I found that Cory eggs are very durable. I did not use any meth blue and they developed fine(with use of air stone and daily water changes) do keep an update on how it goes! 

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On 9/9/2021 at 2:28 PM, RyanU said:

Sorry to hear about the Cory's. I too myself have about thirty that I scraped off my tank and hatched in a breeder box. Tonight I am going to take some tank water out and put them in their own grow out tank. Keep us posted on how everything goes

Wow 30! Grats! I surely will and would love to see your egg story 🙂

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On 9/9/2021 at 2:28 PM, RyanU said:

Sorry to hear about the Cory's. I too myself have about thirty that I scraped off my tank and hatched in a breeder box. Tonight I am going to take some tank water out and put them in their own grow out tank. Keep us posted on how everything goes

Here are some baby's enjoying eating dinner with their parents. I counted about 10 of them(that I could see) all from various ages from August. The last pic is even one from a week old ago! 




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