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Fluval Flex series anyone?

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On 7/7/2021 at 10:34 PM, KAYLON.NICHOLS said:

I have a flex 15 that i like very much don't know how to put pics up yet sorry

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On 7/8/2021 at 12:03 AM, James Black said:

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Thank you ,I had to log in on my phone to upload the pics useful and fun cool I can just do that Thanks again  

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Yes for the most part I have only had to clean the pump one time the flow slow way down. But the pump stayed quiet That took like 6 months to happen. I add that black bio filter foam to the left the intake side and I cut two small pieces to put in the inlet that catches any thing that is big. I also added a sponge filter with air pump just above the return pump  and i have a 100g bag of clearmax in the center 

and thank you 


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On 7/7/2021 at 9:13 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

Hi, looking at the Flex 9 and wondering if anyone would give their opinion on it or the series itself. Looking to swap out my 3 for it, but I don't want to go too big. 10g or less. 

I have 3 of the Fluval Flex 9 gallons running, one with guppies, second with plecos, and third with soon to be multis. I love them so much, such a great layout and the fish and lighting is great. Only two suggestions

Be prepared for the remote battery to stop working after a few years, it lasts for a while but sometimes they break. Some I read about lasted 15 yrs, but be prepared. 


Second, I would replace the sponge in the middle chamber by stuffing the middle chamber with just polyfil, or any sort of filtration media but that sponge that comes with it can causes ammonia spikes.

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On 7/8/2021 at 10:51 AM, BriannesFishFam said:

Second, I would replace the sponge in the middle chamber by stuffing the middle chamber with just polyfil, or any sort of filtration media but that sponge that comes with it can causes ammonia spikes

So is it what the sponge is made of  ?

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On 7/8/2021 at 4:16 PM, KAYLON.NICHOLS said:

So is it what the sponge is made of  ?

I cleaned the sponges tons of times and the fish waste doesn't seem to come out of the fine sponge. even if i leave the sponge sitting and drying for a month it still holds ammonia. I think it's just how it was designed

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I have the Flex 9 that’s been running for just 3 weeks. It was intended for my betta’s upgrade from his 3 gal. I like the size and depth. Stock filter is strong and does not have an adjustment for flow. Needs baffling for a betta. It’s very quiet tho. I also like the dual output that can adjust in any direction.  I don’t like the lid/hood and light. It’s a little too shady for plants in the back. I saw a mod video using waterproof LED strip lights that I might try down the road. The storm and moon modes are gimmicky. The lightning is strobe light bright and hurts my eyes. I bought lid props but I keep bumping them when servicing the tank and the lid crashes down, so I just set the lid off to the side. Overall it’s a nice nano tank. 


Edited by Stef
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I have a flex 15. I originally had blue eyed red neon rainbows in it. Then added Neocaridina and had to baffle the output. Now the neons are in a 20 g long and it’s Neocaridina only - golden backs. Modified it to cause the last chamber to overflow over the top rather then the bottom so I put fine filter floss  in the last chamber along with a cuttle bone to buffer the water a little. I have coarse, medium and fine sponges along with a bag of biohome in the first chamber. The second has the sponge that it came with along with 2 bags of the Fluval biomedia. I have the light on 75ish% with the green bulbs going and plants do very well. 





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On 7/7/2021 at 7:13 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

Hi, looking at the Flex 9 and wondering if anyone would give their opinion on it or the series itself. Looking to swap out my 3 for it, but I don't want to go too big. 10g or less. 

I had the flex 9 before.


That black honeycomb marking stuff on the top inch or so of the glass to obscure the waterline

The foam sheet for the base of the tank to cushion the base and give a little safety margin

The ability to hotrod the filter chambers a bit with whatever you want. I added my heater to the last chamber with the pump to keep the tank at an acceptable temperature and cut additional coarse foam to fit the first chamber. I used the provided foam filter to hold any chemical filtrstion to bind up and remove meds when needed.

The inlet at the top functions as a skimmer


Didnt like

The lighting didnt have the ability to set a timer for on off and requires the remote to adjust them on or off. The lighting remote vanished a few times under couches or cushions making the lights on off with the plug only. 

The feeding port on the cover is just an open area i added sponge to prevent jumpers

The output flow can be pretty significant I believe I turned the pump down to low and angled the output up to limit the flow. 

I wasnt a huge fan of the rimless vertical bowfront. 


That 9 is rimless and is basically 100lbs full so the surface needs to be fairly level and flat to avoid it leaking or cracking even with the foam underneath. Overall I view it as a nice clean look tank if you have a space for it. 

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I have the fluval flex 9. I never used stock filter, upgraded that to a sicce silent, just had to cut tubing to make it fit. I did have to buy small marina intake sponges to baffle the outputs since there is a betta in there. All I did was cut a slot in the side and slide it on. I have read that plenty of people thought the feeding hole was too big, but I haven't had a jumper in the year I have the tank and mine has never been blocked. I run a nano sponge filter in the third chamber for emergency use. I did have to use my warranty to replace the lights shortly after I got the tank, but my new lights are fine and are sufficient for anubis and jungle val.

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@SheWhoConquers @mountaintoppufferkeeper @Beardedbillygoat1975 @Stef @KAYLON.NICHOLS @James Black @BriannesFishFam I really appreciate everyones replies. I've seen some of the complaints about it online and some of you have echoed those. It's funny we have to think about so much with a simple all in one that in theory is supposed to eliminate all that guess work. 

Any further thoughts would be appreciated with my plan if I move ahead:

LIGHTING: I prefer slow growers anyway so I plan to stock Anubias, Java and Subwassertang. Some drift wood. The light I think would be sufficient for them and low light enough for my Betta who would probably prefer lights a bit on the mellower side. I also already have a timer so the timer thing is not an issue. 

FLOW: I've seen that the flow on the 9g is rather intense for a Betta with no option to turn it down, so I figure I'll see what it's like initially- Wondering if I could grab some driftwood that might help baffle it a bit. OR I have my 3 gallon GloBetta tank that I plan to put out of commission- IT has a pump that is currently on its very lowest setting. I figured I could pull that pump and use it instead- "worse" case scenario it would run turned all the way up. I saw a youtube where someone did do that (buy a pump that had a flow option) and though it was smaller and didn't reach the bottom there was no issue and it fit the tube fine. 

DESIGN "FLAWS": So I did see complaints about the feeding hole, the vent size (small fish or invertebrates easily get through), and the lid. I found a solution for all 3 online from a seller (Etsy) and will likely order the set they offer I'll attach a pic. I don't mind taking lids off so propping it up would probably only happen when I'm working with my Betta Spark during feeding times. 

FILTRATION: I will absolutely keep the bagged filtration it comes with and I have some sponge, fine and course I could potentially cut and put in one or both available chambers. Anyone have any further tips here?

I do have questions about the visuals: are your fish/occupants distorted or is there a pretty crisp view? I've never had a bow front tank, the closest I come is the rounded glass corners of the 3 gallon I was goiing to replace and there is quite a bit of distortion but they are only corners. Also are there any cleaning issues to be aware of? I should have plenty of algae cleaners I plan to stock a Nerite that's already with my Betta, some of my baby Otos and possibly some Rasboras. 


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1 more thing.
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On 7/9/2021 at 7:32 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

@SheWhoConquers @mountaintoppufferkeeper @Beardedbillygoat1975 @Stef @KAYLON.NICHOLS @James Black @BriannesFishFam I really appreciate everyones replies. I've seen some of the complaints about it online and some of you have echoed those. It's funny we have to think about so much with a simple all in one that in theory is supposed to eliminate all that guess work. 

Any further thoughts would be appreciated with my plan if I move ahead:

LIGHTING: I prefer slow growers anyway so I plan to stock Anubias, Java and Subwassertang. Some drift wood. The light I think would be sufficient for them and low light enough for my Betta who would probably prefer lights a bit on the mellower side. 

FLOW: I've seen that the flow on the 9g is rather intense for a Betta with no option to turn it down, so I figure I'll see what it's like initially- Wondering if I could grab some driftwood that might help baffle it a bit. OR I have my 3 gallon GloBetta tank that I plan to put out of commission- IT has a pump that is currently on its very lowest setting. I figured I could pull that pump and use it instead- "worse" case scenario it would run turned all the way up. I saw a youtube where someone did do that (buy a pump that had a flow option) and though it was smaller and didn't reach the bottom there was no issue and it fit the tube fine. 

DESIGN "FLAWS": So I did see complaints about the feeding hole, the vent size (small fish or invertebrates easily get through), and the lid. I found a solution for all 3 online from a seller (Etsy) and will likely order the set they offer I'll attach a pic. I don't mind taking lids off so propping it up would probably only happen when I'm working with my Betta Spark during feeding times. 

FILTRATION: I will absolutely keep the bagged filtration it comes with and I have some sponge, fine and course I could potentially cut and put in one or both available chambers. Anyone have any further tips here?

I do have questions about the visuals: are your fish/occupants distorted or is there a pretty crisp view? I've never had a bow front tank, the closest I come is the rounded glass corners of the 3 gallon I was goiing to replace and there is quite a bit of distortion but they are only corners. Also are there any cleaning issues to be aware of? I should have plenty of algae cleaners I plan to stock a Nerite that's already with my Betta, some of my baby Otos and possibly some Rasboras. 


I haven't had issues with my guppies, snails, shrimp, or plecos getting out yet. But it is better to be safer than sorry especially if you have rarer or more treasured fish in there. I think the kit is nice. I put my own spin on it. I stuff the removable intake (domes) from teh top and bottom and stuffed them with polyfil and put them back on, essentially working as an extra filtration, then of course I stuff the middle with polyfil and I even found that added course sponge or poly fiber pad around the pump in the third chamber prevents it from being clogged, that was one issue I ran into. I wasn't getting enough flow so there was also a second ammonia spike, because the pump in the third chamber got clogged! So stuffing the intake domes with polyfil makes it so you don't need those intake covers and I never found a situation where I need lid props, I always swing the lid to sit shining in teh right or left side of the tank, or I just slid it halfway off. The feed hole cover is smart, however you can use an alternative like plastic wrap with a small hole in it if you want. Again I never ran into an issue with the fish jumping out, not even corycats. I had an auto feeder on for the longest time so made that helped. All in all I think the kit is really smart and well thought out to make the tank's appearance a whole lot better, but for me I just used what I had. I just wanted to give you some alternatives incase you didn't want to purchase the kit. Best of luck!

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@BriannesFishFam Oh I agree, actually I was going to use some black cross stitching grid I had from another project tank that would work fine for the intake, and I did see that several people just utilized the chamber and stuffed sponge in there and that essentially blocks off the intake passages too. The feeding hole I wasn't terribly concerned about but I thought it was clever enough to warrant a buy- and keep the snails in and cat paws out not that I've had an issue there but there's always an invisible YET somewhere. The props I thought were clever but I can always just set the lid aside. The shop actually offers all those things separately. I'll have to keep an eye on blocked pumps! Thanks for the heads up!

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On 7/9/2021 at 7:48 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

@BriannesFishFam Oh I agree, actually I was going to use some black cross stitching grid I had from another project tank that would work fine for the intake, and I did see that several people just utilized the chamber and stuffed sponge in there and that essentially blocks off the intake passages too. The feeding hole I wasn't terribly concerned about but I thought it was clever enough to warrant a buy- and keep the snails in and cat paws out not that I've had an issue there but there's always an invisible YET somewhere. The props I thought were clever but I can always just set the lid aside. The shop actually offers all those things separately. I'll have to keep an eye on blocked pumps! Thanks for the heads up!

Very nice!

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On the outputs I’ve just wrapped them in coarse black foam to baffle the outflow and it works great. For a shrimp setup it’s awesome as a source of biofilm for them to feed on. 
ive also seen where people actually hot rod the tube from the pump to the outflow nozzle either with a flow limiter or some folks have poked holes in it to reduce the flow. I just stuff a lot of media (filter floss) around the pump and it helps. 
I think you’ll enjoy it. 

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On 7/9/2021 at 8:32 AM, Stef said:

I have the Flex 9 that’s been running for just 3 weeks. It was intended for my betta’s upgrade from his 3 gal. I like the size and depth. Stock filter is strong and does not have an adjustment for flow. Needs baffling for a betta. It’s very quiet tho. I also like the dual output that can adjust in any direction.  I don’t like the lid/hood and light. It’s a little too shady for plants in the back. I saw a mod video using waterproof LED strip lights that I might try down the road. The storm and moon modes are gimmicky. The lightning is strobe light bright and hurts my eyes. I bought lid props but I keep bumping them when servicing the tank and the lid crashes down, so I just set the lid off to the side. Overall it’s a nice nano tank. 


Ooooooh I love that mesh shade stuff on your tank I soooo need that for my 36 gal tank. What is it and where did you get it. Your tank is simple yet elegant. 

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