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I purchased two baby red shoulder severums at the same time/place about 4 months ago. One of them was bullying the other one so after a few days of getting them I removed the bully into my peaceful 75 gallon planted tank until I could get him his own home. The severum that was the bullied one never really came out from hiding and died shortly after. I would say it lived about one month from the time I purchased him. So now it has been about 4 months and they bully severum has not grown at all. For awhile I thought he was going to die because he looked pale with his stripes barley showing and hid and never ate. In the last two months he has gotten his colors back his black stripes look great he comes out all the time now. He seems interested in food and try's to get some but spits it back out. I feed him in his own space to help encourage him to eat. I assume he is getting something because he is still alive, but he has not grown at all since the day I brought him home. You can see in the photo that he is out at feeding time. All of the other fish in this tank are in perfect health. He is still only about 1 inch in size, I don't know why he wont grow. Any suggestions? 



Edited by Brenda
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I feed a couple different things in a weeks time. twice they get frozen brine shrimp. Extreme flakes (I just started to offer), tiny hikari vibra bites. sometimes I also give tiny dried shrimp, I offer zucchini to my plecos, I just got some community repashy also. its a community tank with lots of fish that can eat different sizes and things. he has looked at all of this and don't have any interest in any of it. 

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